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Ouija Board Horror Story


(Sounds of mother crying overlay main working at home desk prior to P.O.V. narration)

My mother who suffers from dementia has been living with me for the last several years. Her
cognitive condition has declined to the point that most nursing homes are reluctant to take her in, or
will charge an arm and a leg I can’t afford to lose just to give her the care she needs. Besides, I wouldn’t
want to shove her into one of those awful places.

In a different time, she would have ended up in a mental asylum a while ago. Due to the severity
of her dementia, she’s prone to violent outbursts and can’t function in public. Having to be her de facto
caretaker has gotten in the way of my ability to focus while working from home, however, I’m afraid to
think what would happen if I still had to leave the house to go to the office for hours every day.

As it is, she already thinks I’m dead half the time. Well, most of the time, really. She usually
refuses to acknowledge my existence in the physical realm. She doesn’t watch TV or listen to music, and
she doesn’t have any hobbies. The only stimulation she gets is from that cursed Ouija board of hers.

When she started going off the deep end, the thing just showed up one day, but she always
claimed it was a family heirloom from generations ago. That was when she still talked to me. These days,
it’s like her eyes are shut to everything in the real world and her hands are bound to the planchette of
that Ouija board. She’s always sitting at table talking to it, sliding the planchette all over the place at a
mile a minute, like she’s taking down the entire life’s story whatever ghost she thinks she’s
communicating with.

And if I so much as have the nerve to walk in from the grocery store or come out of my bedroom
and interrupt her focus by just moving around, she won’t realize it’s me, but she’ll think something’s
wrong, which will make her flip out and start wailing like a banshee, screaming out some weird esoteric
name and asking it why it killed me…

SON!!!?? WHY!?”

(Main looks on in emotional anguish from around the corner, entering a traumatic flashback)

I don’t understand it. It’s almost no use trying to reach the real person trapped in there
anymore, and definitely not when she’s like that. I’ve tried everything I could think of, but it’s like I’m a
ghost to her, too…

(In flashback, a similar scene) “Mom! Why are you crying? I’m right here! Listen to me! Look at
me! I’m right here! Please don’t forget about me!”
At this point, I don’t even try anymore. I feel guilty about it, but even if I could afford to get her
help, or even if I had any idea how to help people with her condition, I seriously doubt it would do any
good. It’s far too late to stem the tide, as they say.

(Main backs away slowly, retreats into room and slowly closes door over face as mother
continues to wail in the distance)

The most I can do is just let her be…

(Door shuts and ends introductory sequence, mother’s wailing cutting off with echo)

But recently, I swear it’s more like she’s possessed. I know her brain is deteriorating, but I worry
about her soul, too. Sometimes, I think she’d be better off with a priest and an exorcism than a doctor
and medication. Especially at night…

She never sleeps as far as I can tell, and quite often the noise she makes keep me up for hours,
and when it doesn’t, I can still hear it in the nightmares it gives me.

Tonight, it was especially disturbing. I thought I was used to it, but some of the things I heard
gave me chills. At some point, even though I didn’t want to risk making things worse, I was really in need
of a glass of water.

Reluctantly and trying not to make any noise, I opened my door and stepped out of my room,
then tiptoed down the stairs. I could hear my mother scraping the planchette as frantically as always,
pausing to have bouts of wailing, just to go back to asking more questions she doesn’t want the answer

About halfway down the steps, she came into view at the table, and I stopped. All the lights in
the house were off, so it was pitch darkness except for the little bit of light bleeding in through the
windows from the streetlights outside. I didn’t want to change that, though. Just the thought of startling
her with even the slightest bit of stimulus was downright terrifying to me.

Luckily, she was facing away from me, so if I could just get the glass of water and get back to my
room without making too much noise, I wouldn’t set her off any worse. I made my way down the rest of
the stairs, then crept into the kitchen and picked up one of the glasses that was sitting out on the

Being very careful not to knock it into anything, I put it under the tap and braced myself. Turning
on the water was the only thing that made noise I couldn’t avoid, but I had no choice. My mom was
crying softly in the other room, so I figured she wouldn’t hear it over her own voice. I turned it on at
quiet level and waited…

(Water pours slowly into the glass as the mother continues to cry in the background)

When I turned off the tap, I noticed my mother had stopped crying… I went completely still, my
heart pounding from fear. I could see my mother in the other room out of the corner of my eye. It felt
like we were both frozen there for eternity…

Then she snapped her head around and screamed!

(Demonic) “WHY DID YOU TAKE MY SON!!?”

I flinched at the sound of her voice and dropped the glass of water on the tile! She snarled at me
and for the first time in years, she jumped from the table and ran, charging straight for me!

When I turned to run away, I slipped…

(Main slips on broken glass of water, screams as mother gets to him—this is viewed from the
nanny cam as the screams glitch out)

(Capping off)

The man planned to use the camera he purchased in order to keep better watch of his mother
and make sure she was safe whenever he had to leave the house. There was no way for him to know
that he was the one in danger, and that such an unassuming nanny cam would end up recording his

With the murder committed in plain view, the mother was taken into custody and deemed
clinically insane. However, even the doctors who reviewed her case admit that she had the strangest
manifestation of dementia they had ever seen, so perhaps that Ouija board had more to do with the
motive of this crime than we could ever know.

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