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ESTIPONA MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL | Laguinbanwa, Mandaon, Masbate


1. What is the atomic number of an element that has 6 protons?

a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7

2. Which of the following elements is a noble gas?

a. Nitrogen b. Oxygen c. Helium d. Hydrogen

3. The element with the highest electronegativity is:

a. Fluorine b. Chlorine c. Bromine d. Iodine

4. Which of the following statements about isotopes is true?

a. Isotopes have different numbers of protons.
b. Isotopes have different atomic numbers.
c. Isotopes of an element have different chemical properties.
d. Isotopes have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

5. The periodic trend in atomic radius as you move down a group is generally:
a. Decreasing b. Increasing c. Constant d. Unpredictable

6. An ion with a +2 charge has:

a. Lost two protons. b. Gained two protons c. Lost two electrons d. Gained two electrons

7. The element in Period 3 with the smallest atomic radius is:

a. Sodium b. Aluminum c. Sulfur d. Argon

8. What is the common characteristic of elements in Group 2A of the periodic table?

a. They are noble gases.
b. They are alkali metals.
c. They are alkaline earth metals.
d. They are halogens.

9. Which of the following elements is a metalloid?

a. Boron b. Carbon c. Nitrogen d. Oxygen

10. The ionization energy of elements generally:

a. Increases across a period and decreases down a group.
b. Decreases across a period and increases down a group.
c. Increases across a period and increases down a group.
d. Decreases across a period and decreases down a group.

11. Which of the following elements has the highest first ionization energy?
a. Lithium b. Beryllium c. Boron d. Carbon

12. What is the electron configuration of a Calcium (Ca. ion with a +2 charge?
a. [Ar] 4s^2 b. [Ne] 3s^2 3p^6 c. [Ar] d. [Ne]

13. Which element has the electronic configuration [Ne] 3s^2 3p^4?
a. Sulfur b. Chlorine c. Argon d. Silicon

14. The element that is in the same period as phosphorus and the same group as fluorine is:
a. Nitrogen b. Oxygen c. Chlorine d. Bromine

15. What is the correct order of electronegativity values (from highest to lowest) for C, N, O, and
a. C < N < O < F b. F < O < N < C c. N < O < F < C d. O < N < C < F

16. What is the correct order of atomic radius (from smallest to largest) for Li, Be, B, and C?
a. C < B < Be < Li b. Li < Be < B < C c. Be < B < C < Li d. B < Be < C < Li

17. The ability of an atom to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical bond is known as:
a. Electron affinity b. Electronegativity c. Ionization energy d. Atomic radius

18. Which of the following elements is most likely to form a +1 cation?

a. Mg b. Al c. Si d. Na

19. In which of the following pairs of ions are both ions isoelectronic with neon?
a. Na+ and Mg2+ b. F- and O2- c. Li+ and Be2+ d. K+ and Ca2+

20. The element that forms an anion with a -2 charge and is in the same period as sodium is:
a. Oxygen b. Sulfur c. Selenium d. Tellurium

21. Which group in the periodic table is known for having the most reactive metals?
a. Group 1A (Alkali Metals)
b. Group 2A (Alkaline Earth Metals)
c. Group 7A (Halogens)
d. Group 8A (Noble Gases)

22. What is the general trend in metallic character as you move across a period from left to right?
a. It increases. b. It decreases. c. It remains constant. d. It varies irregularly.

23. Which of the following transitions in the periodic table generally results in a decrease in atomic
a. From left to right across a period
b. From top to bottom in a group
c. From right to left across a period
d. From bottom to top in a group

24. The element with the highest electron affinity is typically found in:
a. Group 1A b. Group 2A c. Group 6A d. Group 7A

25. The least electronegative element is usually found in:

a. Group 1A b. Group 2A c. Group 7A d. Group 8A

26. Which element has a larger atomic radius, magnesium (Mg) or calcium (Ca)?
a. Magnesium (Mg)b. Calcium (Ca)
c. They have the same atomic radius
d. Cannot be determined

27. A transition metal with a partially filled d orbital is:

a. Scandium (Sc. b. Zinc (Zn) c. Copper (Cu) d. Silver (Ag)

28. Which of the following elements has the highest melting point?
a. Carbon b. Silicon c. Germanium d. Tin

29. The element with electronic configuration [Ar] 4s^1 is:

a. Potassium (K) b. Calcium (Ca) c. Scandium (Sc. d. Titanium (Ti)

30. Which of the following elements is a lanthanide?

a. Thorium (Th) b. Uranium (U) c. Cerium (Ce) d. Plutonium (Pu

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