Definition of Research PR

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Definition of Research the applicability of research Validity of the

research instrument can be defined as the

suitability of the research instrument to the
The systematic investigation into and study of research problem or how accurately the
materials and sources in order to establish facts instrument measures the problem.
and reach new conclusions.
• Accuracy is also the degree to which each
Verb research process, instrument and tool is related
to each other. Accuracy also measures whether
Investigate systematically. research tools have been selected in best
What is Research? possible manner and research procedures suits
the research problem or not.
• Research is finding out what you don't know.
No one knows everything, but everybody knows • Credibility comes with the use of best source
something. However, to complicate matters, of information and best procedures in research.
often what you know, or think you know, is If you are using second-hand information in
incorrect. your research due to any reason your research
might complete in less time but its credibility
• There are two basic purposes for research: to will be at stake because secondary data has
learn something, or to gather evidence. been manipulated by human beings and is
• What you've learned is the source of the therefore not very valid to use in research.
background information you use to
communicate with others. In any conversation • Generalizability is the extent to which a
you talk about the things you know, the things research findings can be applied to larger
you've learned. If you know nothing about the population. When a researcher conducts a study
subject under discussion, you can neither he/she chooses a target population and from
contribute nor understand it. this population he takes a small sample to
When reading a study, one seeks the knowledge conduct the research. This sample is
that allows us to learn something new about the representative of the whole population so the
topic we're interested in. Some studies are findings should also be. If research findings can
conducted purely for the purpose of gaining be applied to any sample from the population,
knowledge, but others aim to apply it in the real the results of the research are said to be
world. generalizable.

Characteristics of Research • Empirical nature of research means that the

research has been conducted following rigorous
• Reliability is a subjective term which can not scientific methods and procedures. Each step in
be measured precisely but today there are the research has been tested for accuracy and is
instruments which can estimate the reliability of based on real life experiences.
any research. Reliability is the repeatability of
any research, research instrument, tool or • Systematic approach is the only approach for
procedure. research. No research can be conducted
haphazardly. Each step must follow other.
• Validity is the strength with which we can call
a research conclusions, assumptions or • Controlled - in real life experience there are
propositions true or false. Validity determines many factors that effect an outcome. A single
event is often result of several factors. When
similar event is tested in research, due to the
broader nature of factors that effect that event,
some factors are taken as controlled factors
while others are tested for possible effect.

Different Types of Research


The research which is done for knowledge

enhancement, the research which does not
have immediate commercial potential. The
research which is done for human welfare,
animal welfare and plant kingdom welfare. It is
called basic, pure, fundamental research.


Applied research is designed to solve practical

problem of the modern world, rather than to
acquire knowledge for knowledge's sake. The
goal of applied research is to improve the
human condition. It focus on analysis and
solving social and real life problems. This
research is generally conducted on large scale
basis, it is expensive.

Ctto: Andrea N. Cielo

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