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1 Warm-up

What is your favourite drink? What is your least favourite drink?

Now list as many drinks as you can with a partner.

2 Drinks containers

Match the words to the pictures.

a barrel a cafetiere a carton a decanter

a jug a mug a tea pot a thermos flask

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

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3 A drinks recipe

Serves: 10 Preparation time: 6 mins Total time: 30 mins
Ingredients :
3 cups of water
1 and a half cups of sugar
2 cups of lemon juice (about 8 to 10 lemons)
1 punnet of strawberries
1 litre of sparkling water
Lemon slices and mint (optional)
Put the verbs into the gaps in the lemonade recipe.

stir combine strain bring blend simmer garnish dissolve

1 2
In a saucepan, the water and sugar to a boil. Then reduce the heat and
the mixture. Stir it occasionally to the sugar. After you have removed the mixture from
the heat, in the lemon juice. Let it cool. Put the strawberries in a blender with half a cup
of the lemonade mixture.
5 6
the mixture until it becomes a purée. this through a sieve to remove the
strawberry seeds. Add the purée to the remaining lemonade mixture and stir it well to .
Refrigerate the lemonade until you are ready to serve it. Stir in the sparkling water, then pour the
lemonade over some ice. To finish the drink, it with lemon and mint.

Match the nouns from the recipe to their definitions.

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1. a punnet a. a herb with a fresh, strong smell

2. mint b. a kitchen tool that has a wire or plastic net to push substances
3. a blender c. a metal tool used for cooking, deep with straight sides and a
4. a purée d. an electronic machine used to make smooth liquids

5. a sieve e. a small rectangular box to put fruit in

6. a saucepan f. a smooth, thick sauce which is made from crushed fruit or


Now, discuss with a partner a drink that you have made. Think about the ingredients and the process.

4 Describing drinking actions

Put the words that describe how you drink something into the gaps to complete the sentences. Use
the correct form.

down gulp sample sip slurp

1. He his juice. I find this disgusting.

2. This tea is very hot. I can only it at the moment.
3. Christina always her milkshake. It’s a very unpleasant sound.
4. Paul quickly the glass of water. It took him less than five seconds.
5. During the wine tasting event, Frederica lots of different varieties of
wine. She liked a few of them very much.

5 Collocations

Match the verbs on the left to the nouns on the right to make collocations.

1. drink a. in moderation

2. raise b. the aroma

3. enhance c. the flavour

4. smell d. your glass

5. quench e. your thirst

Now make up your own sentences using the collocations.

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6 Idioms

In pairs, study the underlined idioms below. Match them to the correct definitions.

1. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. I can’t change the fact that I failed my driving test.
2. Serena sees the glass half full. Even though she lost her job, she knows she can find a better one.
3. Hubert drinks like a fish. If he doesn’t stop soon, his health will suffer.
4. We have finished decorating the house. Now we want to start a family. But that’s a different kettle
of fish!
5. Tennis is not my cup of tea. I prefer football.
6. Wake up and smell the coffee, Alessandro! That girl is never going to go out with you!

a. completely separate from a subject that was just being talked about
b. is optimistic
c. not useful to be upset about events in the past that cannot be changed
d. realise the truth about a situation
e. regularly drinks a lot of alcohol
f. something you don’t enjoy

7 Talking Point

In pairs, discuss any of the questions below.

1. What unusual drinks are popular in your country?

2. Have you ever created your own drinks?
3. Are there any drinks that you would like to try but haven’t?

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