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Art Photography Animals Funny Travel Illustratio

50 Posts From The “Wait

This Is Wholesome”
Facebook Group To Restore
Your Faith In Humanity
Adelaide Ross and
Ilona Baliūnaitė

Everyone needs a little wholesome content in their life.

(Or maybe a lot, we don't judge!) Whether you know it
or not, some adorable photos of cats and stories of the
sweetest parents on this planet will do your soul some
good. So allow us to introduce you to the “Wait This Is
Wholesome” Facebook group. With over 33k members,
this group is becoming one of the warmest places on
the internet.

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Although the group was created less than a year ago, it

has quickly grown in popularity due to the uplifting
nature of its content. We’ve compiled a list of some of
our favorite posts from the group, so you can take a
break from your hectic schedule and enjoy a few
minutes of positive stories. Then, if you want to
continue the celebration of sweetness after reading
these posts, you can check out another wholesome
Bored Panda list right here.

This post may include a2liate links.


Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

Damn onion ninjas
183 Reply

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While many of us experience wholesome moments in

our every day lives, we often don’t think to share them
online. Maybe we smile to ourselves in the moment
and tell our roommates when we get home, but it’s
easy for the joy of an unexpected sweet moment to be
Qeeting. “Ah, that was nice,” we think. Then two
minutes later we're back to being stressed and yelling
at other drivers while stuck in traRc. But making an
effort to actually share the good things that happen to
us can help elongate the joyful feelings and spread
them along to others.

Aside from the initial warm feeling we get from reading

uplifting stories, consuming positive news can actually
be good for our health. According to child psychiatrist
Dr. Jonathan Nehrer, the simple act of smiling can lead
to more positive thinking and act as a coping
mechanism for whatever issues we’re battling at the


"People were clowning this man because he had a

pizza and Qowers for his lady, riding on the subway.
Calling him lame because he couldn’t afford
something better... Half of you dudes wouldn’t even go
this far for your lady, effort is way more valuable than
the price of material things. Salute to him, and | bet you
he has a very happy woman at home"

Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Okiedokie 21 hours ago

You come to my door with Qowers & a pizza instead of a
night out at a loud a$$ club or a fancy schmancy
restaurant & you’re a keeper.
257 Reply

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While many of us know the negative effects of

consuming too much disheartening media and getting
stuck in the cycle of “doomscrolling”, we can easily
shift our mindsets into more positive places by
consuming happier content. In fact, mainstream media
outlets are getting on board with the desire for
positivity by introducing “good news” sections. These
can be found on the Daily Mirror, Today, the HuRngton
Post, The Washington Post, the BBC and more. Dr. Tal
Ben-Shahar, author of Happier, told The Washington
Post, “While I don’t recommend burying our heads in
the sand and ignoring what is going on around us, we
should certainly limit our consumption of bad news
and expose ourselves to uplifting content.”


Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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June’s Very Own 20 hours ago

Who’s crying? Not me? Your crying!
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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

I’m not crying… you are …
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The Washington Post even features an experiment on

their website where readers can turn on their
computers’ cameras and watch a series of “positive
and neutral videos” while the camera tracks their facial
expressions. They call it the “joy-o-meter” and its goal
is to measure viewers’ happiness through emotional
recognition technology. “For the positive videos, the
average viewer expressed happiness throughout 39%
of the video,” the website states. And in one video
featuring a “camera-ready dog, participants smiled
throughout 80% of the video”. You can try the joy-o-
meter for yourself right here if you’re interested.

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Mrs S 20 hours ago

That's how we take care of each other
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M. A. McKnight 21 hours ago

Doggo has a very good hooman!!
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In terms of what makes people smile the most, the joy-

o-meter found that pet videos yielded the most
positive reactions. But light-hearted memes and sweet
videos aren’t the only resources online that can be
benefcial. Exposure to constructive journalism can
also be helpful for inspiring readers, compared to most
news which tends to discourage audiences. Jodie
Jackson, author of You Are What You Read, told The
Washington Post that constructive journalism “makes
us feel more empowered because it gives us three key
psychological ingredients: optimism, hope and self-
advocacy”. “It helps build resilience,” she went on to


Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Spaghetti 21 hours ago

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SoMe Carmine 19 hours ago

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KariLovesHerKat 21 hours ago

This is very sweet
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If you’re looking for a book to read to help convince

you of the impacts positive media can have on your
life, I recommend checking out The Power of Good
News: Feeding Your Mind with What’s Good for Your
Heart by Hal Urban. The book likens how we nourish
our minds to how we nourish our bodies:

The future is magnetic


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“Urban explains why, due to neuroscience as much as

economics, the media—left, right, and center—focuses
mostly on negative stories. And he describes the
psychological toll this takes on our mental health. But
he’s not suggesting we ignore these stories, just that
we vary our diets…We can fnd countless signs of
progress and acts of kindness all around the world if
we know where to look. And there are positive aspects
in our own lives—family, friends, beauty, generosity, and
progress—that we take for granted. Offering
techniques he road tested as a teacher for thirty-six
years, Urban helps readers become a conscious
consumer of information, balancing sources like food


Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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June’s Very Own 20 hours ago

He’s a keeper for sure:)
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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Mrs S 20 hours ago

Very wholesome indeed
65 Reply

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BootstrapCook Report

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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

Wow! It was so considerate of the hotel.
95 Reply

KariLovesHerKat 21 hours ago

That's really good of them. Very considerate
22 Reply

M. A. McKnight 21 hours ago

14 Reply

Rachknits 18 hours ago

I didn't know Jack Monroe is in recovery, I respected her
already, now I think she is awesome
12 Reply

rumade 12 hours ago

Yeah I didn't know they had alcohol issues either. I'm
glad they shared, there's so much shame about it
6 Reply

Milli Blue 17 hours ago

Great, that you were asking!!!
9 Reply

Nothing Wrong Being Different 20 hours ago

Very thoughtful of the hotel
9 Reply

Michał Głazik 13 hours ago

It should look always like that
4 Reply

Lisa Valen 4 hours ago

Recovering alcoholic. This hotel knows how to take care
of guests.
1 Reply

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While the internet is an amazing resource for just

about everything, when we’re looking to boost our feel-
good hormones in ways that don’t involve screens,
Henry Ford Health has got us covered. First, let’s break
down the four key "happiness-boosting hormones”:
dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin.
Dopamine is the “happy hormone”, which provides the
high feeling we get from falling in love, being praised
for a job well done, and countless other pleasurable
experiences. Serotonin, aka the “feel-good hormone” is
needed to ward off anxiety and depression. Easy ways
to boost serotonin are getting a good night’s sleep or
enjoying the great outdoors. Endorphins are famous
for providing that great feeling we experience after
working out, and they act as a natural painkiller. Lastly,
oxytocin, or the “love hormone”, is known for creating
bonding and attachment and spikes when we
experience intimate touches like cuddling or kissing.

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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Laura Emmer 20 hours ago

I was told by a dog trainer that some dogs take your
socks or shoes because they smell like you. For them this
is the most valuable thing in the world, so it must be
valuable for you as well. :-)
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CosmicWolf1031 20 hours ago

That’s cute and sad
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Spaghetti 21 hours ago

Born camera-ready!
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There are plenty of easy ways to get a spike in these

hormones, including exercising, going for a hike or
swimming in nature, and experimenting with
aromatherapy. If you’re looking for more relaxing
options, try taking a nap, getting a massage,
meditating or listening to music you really love. As Dr.
Farvah Fatima of Henry Ford Health shares, “There's no
right way to boost any of these feel-good hormones.
Instead, the key is to tune into your body and notice
how different activities make you feel, both in the
moment and in the hours afterward.”


Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Audra Sisler 19 hours ago

Not dumb at all! Incredibly awesome!!
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MissMePhoenix 19 hours ago

Omg that face-dive is killing me!
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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

Omg so adorable
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During recent years, largely due to the pandemic, many

of us have become acutely aware of how constant
exposure to bad news can negatively impact our
mental health. However, one famous actor realized this
issue and decided to use his massive platform to
spread some positivity. On March 29th, 2020, John
Krasinski, famous for playing the role of Jim on The
O2ce, launched a web series called Some Good News.
The premise of the series was “a news show dedicated
entirely to good news”, and it featured Krasinski at
home during the pandemic, inviting various celebrity
guests to join in on the conversations.


ughHugs Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

Must. Boop. Nose!
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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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KariLovesHerKat 21 hours ago

Isn't this just the sweetest post?
104 Reply

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AriYarwood Report


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Becklass 21 hours ago

I’m fve foot tall and people have very kindly done this to
me a couple of times. It’s a small gesture but so
91 Reply

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Some Good News ran for 9 episodes, featuring a long

list of celebrities including Brad Pitt, Oprah Winfrey,
George Clooney and Malala Yousafzai. Krasinski also
used the show to raise over $2 million for various
charities including Direct Relief, Boys & Girls Clubs of
America, Trauma Free World, World Central Kitchen,
the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Toys
for Tots and the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund.
Despite being produced for and uploaded to Youtube,
Some Good News received over 72 million views and
2.58 million subscribers during its frst eight weeks.


theDalaiMamaa Report


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g90814 21 hours ago

Especially when they are baby goats.
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Spaghetti 21 hours ago

Thank you.
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June’s Very Own 20 hours ago

Oooo she so photogenic
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We tend to associate fnding sources of positivity with

something to do in our personal lives, but why not
incorporate it into the workplace as well? Paola
Cecchi-Dimeglio, CEO and founder of
People.Culture.Drive. Consulting Group, wrote a piece
for MITSloan Management Review sharing tips for how
employers can boost employee morale through
sharing good news. She mentions that employees tend
to imitate the behavior of their supervisors, so it’s
important to set positive examples and encourage
sharing uplifting news. Paola also mentions the value
of regular social bonding opportunities to help
employees enjoy their work environment. Lastly, she
shares that guiding workers towards mental health
resources can help reduce anxiety, and helping
employees develop start-and-stop rituals at work can
make it easier for them to fnd a healthy balance
between work and personal life.


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June’s Very Own 20 hours ago

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Becklass 21 hours ago

This is absolutely true
67 Reply

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See Also on Bored Panda

50 Rare Photos That Reveal The Unseen

Side Of Things (New Pics)
The Opposite Of Design Fails: 50 Of The
Most Brilliant Design Ideas That People
Have Ever Shared In This Online Group
(New Pics)


Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Ryan Burns 21 hours ago

Good neighbors!
80 Reply

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Wholesome content is infnite; it just takes a little

effort to fnd sometimes. Thankfully we have
resources like “Wait This Is Wholesome” to help us fnd
positivity online, so be sure to join the Facebook group
if you’d like to add a little more joy into your feed. Enjoy
the rest of this uplifting list, and don’t forget to upvote
all of your favorite posts. Then let us know in the
comments what heartwarming encounters you’ve
experienced recently; spread that positivity with your
fellow pandas!


Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago (edited)

I don’t get it, can someone please explain? (Edit: i am
from korea so i was unfamiliar with scooby doo, sorry i
learnt things like pororo )
28 Reply

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wordlikes Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

That smile!
57 Reply

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daisandconfused Report


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Colin Allcars 21 hours ago

I should put my cats in a locket!
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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

Sleepy cat!
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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

So cute
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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

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KariLovesHerKat 21 hours ago

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Becklass 20 hours ago

I’m loving it
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mattg12699 Report


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June’s Very Own 20 hours ago

Ok, there went from onion ninjas to a whole onion army
58 Reply

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Examples Of 'Urban Hell' That Look
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betsycoitus Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Jane Doe 21 hours ago

One banana, two banana, three banana, four…
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"I thought you guys would appreciate that when I got

married instead of doing the garter belt/bouquet toss
we decided to have everyone (regardless of gender
identity and marital status,) try to catch a Pusheen to
see who would be next to adopt a cat"

Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Colin Allcars 21 hours ago

I love this
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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Michelle Meh Glee 20 hours ago

Representation matters!
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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

Round doggo
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BritMartinez Report


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KariLovesHerKat 21 hours ago

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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Nothing Wrong Being Different 20 hours ago

Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more!
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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Danish Dynomummy 20 hours ago

Ok where can I get those?
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JeffGoins Report


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Luna Crow 18 hours ago

This may be one of the more succinctly profound takes
I've read about the arts
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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

Happy corgi! Made my day
33 Reply

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World, And These 50 Photos Are Here
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Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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Theo Lee 21 hours ago

Ah yes, the rare white-eared gat
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nikkiquartz Report


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June’s Very Own 20 hours ago

High-four my kitty!
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"I can't believe I sent my dad a picture of me at Santa

Monica Pier and his response was his GTA character
at the same place.. "

Wait This Is Wholesome Report


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June’s Very Own 20 hours ago

Lmao your dad has a good sense of humour
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steviaplath Report


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Himory TheDreamer 20 hours ago

Tbh it's been around 10 years that I dream with a
unidentifed dessert I ate back in a school trip. Relatable.
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Note: this post originally had 65 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50
images based on user votes.

Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing!

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199 points

Adelaide Ross Follow

Writer, BoredPanda staff

elaide Ross is a writer at Bored Panda. She is

ginally from Texas and has a Bachelor of Fine
s Degree in Acting from Oklahoma City
versity. In the years since her graduation, she
lived in Los Angeles, Sweden, England and now
huania. In her free time, Adelaide enjoys
veling, experimenting with new vegan recipes,
ng long walks in parks (wearing plenty of SPF!)
d crafting the perfect glass of cold brew.
d more »

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Kate 20 hours ago

Can I add one more? Three days ago, I had to put one of
my cats down. She was 21, had been sick for some time,
but it was still hard. I was ugly-crying the whole day
afterwards. Today I got a sympathy card from her vet,
signed by everyone at the oRce. And yes, I'm crying
43 Reply

Brendan Roberts 19 hours ago

I'm sorry to hear that. That must have been
heartbreaking. I'm glad that the vets cared so much
about your dear old cat.
12 Reply
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Brendan Roberts 19 hours ago

Last night, I thought I had lost my wife. I started to
prepare how I'd tell our kids she had passed away. But, at
5:30 this morning, she walked through the front door. As
soon as I heard the key turn, I ran down the stairs and
held her in my arms. I had never been so happy to see her
in all my life. She's in bed now, fast asleep, and I'm so
relieved that she's home.
18 Reply

Hamad Naveed 16 hours ago

Omg thank god she got home What happened?
7 Reply
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KariLovesHerKat 20 hours ago

A brilliant post. We need more of the same. Gorgeous
pictures and messages
10 Reply

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