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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz
Ongol Ilaya, Dumarao, Capiz

Integration of Gym with Cafeteria Business to Promote Healthy Lifestyles

Submitted by:
Grade 11 – ABM

Agustin, Jassen Keith

Desucatan, Divine Grace
Hadcan, James
Soquena, Sharmelle
Valenzuela, Fritz Gerald

Date of Submission
I. Introduction & Background of the Study
Gym with cafeteria business is a unique concept that combines fitness and healthy eating in one
place. It offers a space for people to work out and exercise, while also providing nutritious meals
and snacks to support fitness goals. It is designed to work in synergy, encouraging customers to
pursue an active lifestyle while also maintain a balanced diet. The purpose of this proposal is to
assess the violability and market potential to a gym and restaurant business concept. It aims to
identify the factors that contribute to success of such establishments and determine the target
audience who would be interested in this combined offering. Through this proposal, we aim to
provide insights and recommendations for entrepreneurs and investors who are considering
venturing into this type of business. The scope includes conducting a literature review of gym
businesses and cafeteria businesses individually, as well as exploring the integration of this
concepts. Additionally, the proposal will involve designing a preliminary business plan for the
gym and restaurants establishment, which includes, product name, logo design, menu selection,
service offerings, and market strategy.
The rise of gym with restaurant cafeteria can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the busy and
fast-faced lifestyles of a modern society have the rising demand for healthy and nutritious food
options. It's stated that consumers are increasingly seeking out establishments that offer fitness
facilities alongside their dining experience. (National Restaurant Association, 2020).
One of the main current issues in fitness industry is the increasing demand for holistic approach
to health and wellness. According to Smith (2018), there is a growing trend among consumers
towards health-conscious eating and fitness routines. Many individuals are seeking out for
establishments that can cater to both exercise regime and dietary requirement. By combining
gym with restaurant, we can provide a convenient solution for individuals who want to work out
and enjoy nutritious meal in one place.
Furthermore, the gym and cafeteria combination can create a sense of community and
socialization. People often enjoy connecting with others who share similar interest, and having a
restaurant within the gym can provide a space for members to gather, socialize, and build
relationships. According to Johnson and Brown (2019) reported that the integration of a gym
with restaurant can enhance customers satisfaction and loyalty. They found that customers who
had access to fitness facilities and healthy dining option in one location are more likely to
continue their membership and visits the restaurant regularly.

Moreover, having a cafeteria within the gym can provide as additional revenue stream. While
gym memberships typically primary source of income, the restaurant can generate additional
profits through foods and beverages sales. This diversification can help to stabilize the business
and increase its overall profitability. Additionally, having a cafeteria that offer all vegetables
food can help the farmers and vendor’s local market.
II. Preliminary Literature Review (2-3 Related Literature)
According to Konrad (2019), Joe De Sena, born in Queens, New York, is the founder of
Spartan Race. Inspired by the ancient Spartan warriors, he created the event in 2010 to
promote physical and mental toughness. Spartan Race has grown into a global
phenomenon with events in over 40 countries. Joe De Sena also opened Spartan Fit Deli, a
restaurant offering nutritious meals for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. His passion for
endurance sports and commitment to a healthy lifestyle have inspired many to embrace an
active and adventurous life.
Jeans (2019), Julie Foucher is a renowned athlete and entrepreneur in the fitness industry.
She gained prominence through her involvement in CrossFit, where she excelled as a
competitive athlete and participated in the CrossFit Games. Despite a significant injury in
2015, Foucher remained determined and shifted her focus to a career in medicine. She
enrolled in medical school while continuing to inspire others through social media and
speaking engagements. Foucher co-owns CrossFit Gambit, a gym that promotes inclusivity
and community, and founded Pursuit Nutrition, offering nutrition coaching and meal
planning services. Her story showcases resilience, passion for fitness and healthcare, and
dedication to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals.
In this context the researchers wish to assess the factors contributing to the success of the
entrepreneurs in the gym and restaurant business model. By examining the strategies,
challenges and achievement of these entrepreneurs, the researchers aim to provide insights
into potential synergy between fitness and restaurant business.
III. Abridged Methodology
 For Business
• Name of your product: FitFuel
• Plan a logo: The colors are green (dark and light) symbolizing the vegetables and healthy
foods. There would be a fork symbolizing the eating and dumbbell symbolizing fitness.
• Menu: it should all be made of vegetables to encourage customers to eat it and food are
low in calories to stay fit.

• Market Strategy: the store is Online and Offline.

1. Online
a. Digital Marketing: create an account on social media (Facebook, Instagram,
TikTok, etc.) where we compel content related to fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating to attract
and educated my target audience.
b. Online Ordering and Delivery: offer online ordering and delivery services. Provide
option to customers to order healthy foods and snacks to complement their fitness goals.
2. Offline (stall)
a. Location Selection: Selecting location that near to condominiums/hotel/malls/near
the plaza where are a lot of people and easy to locate.
b. Promos and Discounts: Get a promo and discounts to attract more customers. Offer
10% -15% discount for food for those members of the gym.
IV. Timeline
The project is expected to be completed in 12 weeks with the following indicated as the activities
durations for every section of the research project:
1. Writing Business Plan………1 week
2. Securing funds ………1 week
3. Deciding location…… 1 week
4. Buying Equipment……. 2 weeks
5. Testing of Product …. 1 week
6. Hire staff …….2 weeks
7. Decorate gym with restaurant…….1 week
8. Making an Account Online …. 1 week
9. Marketing of your Product …. 1 week

V. List of References (APA Format)

Smith, A. (2018). Health-Conscious Eating ad Fitness Trends: A Review of Literature. Journal of Food and
Nutrition, 15(4),67-82.

Johnson, A., & Brown. B. (2019). Enhancing customers satisfaction and loyalty through the integration of
a gym and restaurant. Journal of Business and Hospitality, 25(2), 78-95.

National Restaurant Association. (2020). Healthy dining treads: The rise of fitness-focused restaurants.
Retrieved from

Konrad, K. (2019) Forbes: Spartan: Reason behind success, 26(3), 12-16

Jeans, D. (2019) Forbes: Julie Foucher, why she open restaurant with gym. Retrieved from

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