Nur 016 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing P1 Exam

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The theory of Jean Watson constitutes the carative factors turned into * 1 point

clinical processes. Which of the following are the carative factors, except?

Transpersonal teaching and learning

Helping-trusting, human care relationship

Insensitivity to self and others

The nurse’s goal is to make the patient complete, whole, or independent. In * 1 point
turn, the nurse collaborates with the physician’s therapeutic plan. The third
level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is what?

a. Safety needs

b. Love and belonging

c. Self-Actualization

d. Esteem and Value

All are Myra E. Levine’s principle of conservation mode, but one: * 1 point

Conservation of Energy

Conservation of Structural Integrity

Conservation of Emotional Integrity

Conservation of Social Integrity ‘

What era noted that the outcome of Nursing theoretical works shifted the * 1 point
focus to the patient?

Curriculum Era

Graduate Education

Theory Era

Theory Utilization
According to Abdellah, the most appropriate evaluation would be the * 1 point
nurse's progress or lack of progress toward the achievement of the stated

a. True

b. False

c. Both

d. Neither

Which of the following is the work of Katie Eriksson? * 1 point

Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring

Theory of Bureaucratic Caring

Theory of Caritative Caring

Philosophy of Caring

Lydia E Hall believed that patient outcomes are improved by direct care as * 1 point
given by a professional nurse. Lydia Hall's theory is called:

a. Human-to-Human Relationship Model

b. Human becoming theory

c. Care, Cure, Core Model

d. From Novice to Expert

The most important impact of Abdellah’s theory to the nursing practice is * 1 point

that it helped transform the focus of the profession from being

________________ to ________________________.

a. disease-centered; client-centered

b. client-centered; disease-centered

c. disease-centered; nursing-centered

d. nursing-centered; client-centered.

She believed that patients come to the hospital in a biological crisis (acute * 1 point

episode of disease) and that medicine does a great job at treating this
crisis, but fails to treat the underlying chronic disease. Which of the
following is TRUE regarding the cure concept of Hall's theory?

a. The nurse applies medical knowledge of disease to assist with the plan of care

b. The nurse sets goals to comfort the patient

c. Patient may explore and share feelings with the nurse

d. The nurse assists the patient make informed decision

It deals with the ethical principles and rules that guide our work or our * 1 point


a. Caring Ethics

b. Nursing Ethics

c. None of the above

d. Both A and B
The process of change wherein the person is able to keep his integrity * 1 point

within situations and circumstances of his environment, both internal and



Organismic response



“Nursing is a profession that seeks to find out and meet the patient’s * 1 point

immediate need for help” is defined by?

a. Dorothy Johnson

b. Ida Jean Orlando Pelletier

c. Hildegard Peplau

d. Betty Neuman

Nurse Grace started her job as a staff nurse in a medical-surgical unit, * 1 point

Nurse Grace is on what level of skill acquisition according to Benner?




Advance Beginner
The “fundamental unit of the living and the non-living”: * 1 point

Energy fields


Open system

d. Pan-dimensionality

The nurse helps patients through surgical, and rehabilitative prescriptions * 1 point
made by physicians. The nurse is also acting as an advocate for the
patient. Which of the following interdependent circles in Hall's theory is the
situation pertaining to?

a. Cause

b. Care

c. Cure

d. Core

Which statement refers to a Supportive-educative system? * 1 point

a nurse is taking care of a comatose patient and performs everything for the patient.

nurse taking care of a postoperative patient who requires assistance in ambulating

nurse taking care of newborn baby requiring for IV antibiotics

nurse is preparing a discharge instruction for a patient admitted due to hypertension.

Which of the following is the identified limitation of Abdellah’s 21 nursing * 1 point
problem theory?

a. It’s problem solving approach

b. The language used by Abdellah in creating the theory’s framework

c. The emphasis in providing medical attention to client’s needs

d. The very strong nurse-centered orientation

Is the moment (focal point in space and time) when the nurse and another * 1 point
person come together in such a way that an occasion for human caring is

Caring Occasion

Transpersonal Caring

Human needs assistance


Which of the following is/are NOT included in Abdellah’s 21 Nursing * 1 point

Problem Theory?

a. Spirituality

b. Sensory Functions

c. Sub-optimal activity and rest

d. Interrelatedness of emotions and illness

The nurse is taking care of a terminally ill, bed ridden patient. She is * 1 point
performing passive range of motion exercises to promote mobility, turning
the patient side to side every 2 hours to prevent bed sores and maintaining
the side rails up at all times to prevent fall and injury. These acts are an
example of:

Conservation of Social Integrity

Conservation of Structural Integrity

Conservation of Energy

Conservation of Personal Integrity

In the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing, all are considered to be ADLs, * 1 point


a. sleeping

b. dying

c. playing

d. dancing

Henderson considered the person to be of primary importance and that is * 1 point

the reason why we categorize her theory as client-centered. How many
activities did Virginia Henderson have in her "nursing activities for client

a. 12 activities

b. 14 activities

c. 11 activities

d. 10 activities
Ida Jean Orlando’s theory developed observations she recorded between a * 1 point
nurse and patient. This statement is:

a. true

b. false

Travelbee proposed that nursing is accomplished through a meaningful * 1 point

therapeutic relationship though a series of encounters leading to rapport.
Which of the following is not included?

a. First impression by the nurse of the sick person and vice-versa

b. The time in which the nurse and patient perceives each other’s uniqueness

c. The moment wherein the nurse is unable to share in the person’s experience

d. When the nurse wants to lessen the cause of the patient's suffering.

An 85-year-old female client experienced severe chest pain. In addition, she * 1 point
experienced shortness of breath,tachycardia and profuse diaphoresis.
Which of the following statements pertain to the basic nursing care should
this client receive?

a. Teach early signs and symptoms of cardiac distress

b. Teach the appropriate course of action in resolving the problem

c. Explore his work-related goals

d. Elevate the head of bed

What kind of patient, according to Florence Nightingale, is a patient who * 1 point
depends wholly on the nurse for tasks and control of his environment.

Active Patient

Passive Patient

Passive Aggressive Patient

Aggressive patient

Which of the following statements is TRUE about sympathy? * 1 point

a. Feeling sorry for the patient or pity them, but you don’t specifically understand
what they’re feeling

b. The use of active listening by means of putting yourself in the other person’s

c. Feeling the same amount of excitement, when the patient tells you they received
their laboratory results stating that they are now cured from cancer

d. Acknowledging how the patient feels

Which of the following statements is TRUE about sympathy? * 1 point

a. the first statement is correct; the second statement is incorrect

b. the first statement is correct, the second statement is correct

c. the first statement is incorrect; the second statement is incorrect

d. the first statement is incorrect, the second statement is correct

Nurse Kenneth tries to collect data through physical assessment and * 1 point
interview so he can formulate his nursing diagnosis and nursing care plan.
This example falls under what principle?

a. A&B

b. None of the above

c. Rationalism

d. Empiricism

This involves the determination of how best to assist the person in * 1 point

attaining the established goals.

a. Intervention

b. Evaluation

c. Nursing Diagnosis

d. Assessment of Behavior

Achievement subsystem attempts to manipulate the environment. It has * 1 point

the dual functions of procreation and gratification.

a. the first statement is correct; the second statement is incorrect

b. the first statement is correct, the second statement is correct

c. the first statement is incorrect, the second statement is correct

d. the first statement is incorrect; the second statement is incorrect

The subsystems are interactive and interdependent, restoration in one * 1 point
subsystem could bring about restoration of behavior in another or others.
This means that healthcare practitioners must direct all efforts,
interventions, or actions to all the subsystems.

a. the first statement is correct; the second statement is incorrect

b. the first statement is incorrect, the second statement is correct

c. the first statement is incorrect; the second statement is incorrect

d. the first statement is correct, the second statement is correct

One major concept of Ray’s theory and defined as include money, budget, * 1 point
insurance systems, limitations and guidelines imposed by managed care
organizations, allocation of human and material resources to maintain





Roy’s model of nursing is best exemplified in the nursing process. The * 1 point
nursing process evaluates the outcome of care

a. the first statement is correct; the second statement is incorrect

b. the first statement is correct, the second statement is correct

c. the first statement is incorrect; the second statement is incorrect

d. the first statement is incorrect, the second statement is correct

Five assumptions are made about the structure and function of each * 1 point
subsystem. These assumptions are the “tension response” common to
each of the subsystems.

a. the first statement is correct; the second statement is incorrect

b. the first statement is correct, the second statement is correct

c. the first statement is incorrect; the second statement is incorrect

d. the first statement is incorrect, the second statement is correct

Primary prevention is carried out when a stressor is suspected or identified. * 1 point

Secondary prevention is carried out when symptoms from stress have
already occurred:

a. the first statement is correct; the second statement is incorrect

b. the first statement is incorrect; the second statement is incorrect

c. the first statement is incorrect, the second statement is correct

d. the first statement is correct, the second statement is correct

Henderson stressed that an individual person or client is a whole, complete * 1 point

and independent being with biological,sociological, and spiritual
components. These components are operationalized in the 14 fundamental
or basic humanneeds. Based on Henderson's theory, the following are
examples of psychological components except?

a. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and
health and use the available health facilities

b. Select suitable clothes-dress and undress.

c. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others.

d. Both B and C
Statements about environmental theory are true, EXCEPT: * 1 point

“Nursing is the art of utilizing the patient’s environment for his or her recovery.”

The nurse must manipulate the environment to maintain ventilation, and patient
warmth by using a good firem opening windows and properly positioning the patient
in the room.

Dirty environment like carpets, linens and walls are source of infection.

Talking loudly with co-workers in the area is therapeutic for the patients.

The nurse in the Intensive Care Unit, is taking care of a bed-ridden patient * 1 point
with GCS score of 3. In her early morning rounds, she performs bed-bath
and oral care to the patient. She makes sure to turn the patient every 2
hours to prevent bed sores and perform passive range of motion.

wholly compensatory

partially compensatory


none of the above

KARI MARTINSEN’S published a ____ of a book with the provocative title, * 1 point
Caring Without Care.

Lit torch

Nursing: Human Science and Human Care

Notes on nursing

Nursing problems
"if caring is to be genuine, must relate to the other from an attitude which * 1 point
acknowledges the other in light of his situation” According to Martinsen’s
view of Nursing, which trinity of caring, does the above statement refers





Rogers viewed the person as an open system in constant process with the * 1 point
open system of the environment. She added that man is described by the
following statements, except?

Not a unified whole possessing his own integrity and manifesting characteristics
more than and different from the sum of his parts.

In continuously exchanging matter and energy with the environment.

Identified by pattern and organization and reflects his innovative wholeness.

None of the above

What level of skill acquisition and development falls when a nurse can see * 1 point

changing relevance in a given situation including recognition and

implementation of skilled responses to the situation as it evolves.


Advance Beginner


There are 4 phases of nurse - patient relationship. Which of the following is * 1 point
not included?

a. Orientation

b. Identification

c. Recreation

d. Exploitation

General Systems Framework: * 1 point

a. Emphasizes the importance of the interaction between the nurse and patients

b. Focused on the interpersonal system

c. The nurses interact with family members when client cannot verbally participate in

d. Allows feedback because each phase of the nurse-patient activity has the
potential to influence perception


Phoebe works as a nursing supervisor for almost 20 years in a tertiary * 1 point

hospital. She makes decision for almost everything in the nursing
department, controls hospital admissions and manages problems like
insufficient staffing and staff concerns.




Transpersonal caring requires an interaction which includes: * 1 point

The nurse’s moral commitment in protecting and enhancing human dignity as well as
the higher self.

The nurse’s caring consciousness communicated to preserve and honor the

embodied spirit, therefore, not reducing the person to the moral status of an object.

The nurse’s caring consciousness and connection having the potential to heal since
experience, perception, and intentional connection are taking place

All of the above

All of the following are true to applications of her theory, except? * 1 point

Learning by experience will allow you to gain mastery of a given skill.

Learning needs at the early stages of clinical knowledge development are different
from those required at later or higher stages.

Health is merely the absence of disease or illness

Different employees will have different levels of skills

It refers to a specialized field of practice founded on the theoretical * 1 point

structure of the science or knowledge of the discipline and accompanying
practice abilities.




Florence Nightingale is known as the: * 1 point

Founder of Nursing

Mother of Modern Nursing

Mother of Professional Nursing


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