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Contoh Descriptive Text

1. The White Tiger

The white tiger is a type of feline subspecies of the Bengal tiger. It has almost no
orange pigmentation. It is for this reason that its fur is white and from there it derives
its name. Despite the black stripes it maintains its pigmentation.

Regarding their size or size, these tigers are usually slightly larger than the orange
tigers. Due to this condition (lack of pigmentation), white tigers have been classified
as exotic animals and are a source of great tourist attraction.


Harimau Putih

Harimau putih adalah sejenis kucing subspesies dari harimau Bengal. Hampir tidak
ada pigmentasi oranye. Alasan inilah bulunya berwarna putih dan dari sanalah
namanya berasal. Meskipun garis-garis hitam itu mempertahankan pigmentasinya.

Mengenai ukurannya, harimau ini biasanya sedikit lebih besar dari harimau oranye.
Karena kondisi ini (kurangnya pigmentasi), harimau putih telah diklasifikasikan
sebagai hewan eksotis dan merupakan sumber daya tarik wisata yang besar

2. Lamp
It is a receptor that converts energy. Although the lamp is commonly known as a
unified object, the truth is that it can be divided into two parts: on one side is the
luminary (which is the device that serves as a support) and the proper lamp which is
the device that produces the light (bulb).

Although originally the lamps only have the function of lighting a room or sector of the
home, there are lamps of all kinds and a great classification can be made according
to their age, their price, their durability, their style, etc.



Lampu adalah reseptor yang mengubah energi. Meskipun lampu umumnya dikenal
sebagai benda yang menyatu, sebenarnya lampu bisa dibagi menjadi dua bagian: di
satu sisi adalah termasyhur (perangkat yang berfungsi sebagai penyangga) dan
lampu yang tepat yang merupakan perangkat yang menghasilkan lampu (bohlam).

Meskipun pada awalnya lampu hanya berfungsi untuk menerangi ruangan atau
sektor rumah, ada berbagai jenis lampu dan klasifikasi yang bagus dapat dibuat
menurut ketahanannya, harganya, daya tahannya, gayanya, dan lain-lain
Contoh soal descriptive text pilihan ganda.
Descriptive Text of Historical Place and Tourism
Venice is a city in northern Italy. It has been known as the “Queen of the Adriatic”,
“City of Bridges”, and “The City of Light”. The city stretches across 117 small islands in the
marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.
Venice is world famous for its canals. It is built on an archipelago of 117 islands
formed by about 150 canals in a shallow lagoon. The islands on which the city is built are
connected by about 400 bridges. In the old centre, the canals serve the function of roads, and
every form of transport is on water or on foot.
You can ride gondola therE. It is the classical Venetian boat which nowadays is
mostly used for tourists, or weddings, funerals, or other ceremonies. Now, most Venetians
travel by motorised waterbuses which ply regular routes along the major canals and between
the city’s islands. The city has many private boats. The only gondolas still in common use by
Venetians are the Traghetti, foot passenger ferries crossing the Grand Canal at certain points
without bridges.

1. What does the text tell you about?

A. Gondola.
B. Traghetti.
C. Venice
D. Italy.
E. Venetian boat
Jawaban: C

2. What transport crosses the Grand Canal for foot passengers at certain points without
A. Gondolas.
B. Traghetti.
C. Waterbuses.
D. Lagoon.
E. Ship
Jawaban: B
3. From the text we can say that Venice belongs to a city of ….
A. water
B. ceremonies
C. buses
D. funerals
E. Gondola
Jawaban: A

4. What does the second paragraph of the text tell us about?

A. The forms of transport in the worlD.
B. The canals and roads that people like to usE.
C. The archipelago that has a lot of islands.
D. Venice as the world famous for its canals.
E. Venice is the city of light
Jawaban: D

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