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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 12

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to:
a. Learn about the brief history of Afghanistan.
b. Identify and explain the history, traditions, and beliefs through the story of “A
Thousand Splendid Suns”
c. Apply your understanding by using a flow chart, write the sequence of events of
the story.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Novel: A Thousand Splendid Suns By, Khaled Hosseini
Instructional Materials: Visual aids, Ppt, Videos
Materials: PPT and visual aids

III. Procedure

Teacher's activity Students activity

A. Daily Routine
A.1 Prayer

“Everybody stand up, let us now pray.”

“Anyone who wants to lead the prayer?” (Joseph volunteered to lead the prayer.)
"In the name of the father, the son, and
the holy spirit, amen. Dear lord, thank you
for this day and thank you for the
blessings. Thank you for gathering us all
to learn new knowledge. Lord gives us
wisdom for us to understand the lesson
and gives us an opportunity to learn and
grow our faith. We ask all this in the name
“Amen.” of Jesus, amen."

À.2 Greetings

“Good morning class.” “Good morning ma'am, it was nice to see

you again.”

“It was wonderful to see you too, how was

your weekend class?”

Before you sit, please pick up the pieces

of paper under your chair.

À.3 Checking of Attendance

“Let's check the attendance, say present if

you are here.”
“Aira” “Present”
“Kristel” “Present”
“Xenia” “Present”

“Very good! No one is absent today.”

A.4 Energizer

“Now, we will have our energizer,

and this is called the Sports
Gallery. You're just going to mimic
the words that I will say. Like for
example I will say “shoot the ball” “Yes ma'am”
so you're going to mimic it like
you're shooting the ball.
Understand? Am I clear?”

“Okay, stand up everyone, let's


“Dance like a ballerina.” (They mimic what i say.)

“Batting a baseball”
“Serving a tennis ball”
“Shooting an arrow”
“Serving a volleyball”

“Alright it seems you enjoy the

game, give yourself a three claps.”

A.5 Review
“Before we proceed, let us have a recap. “North America”
Last meeting we talked about the five “South America”
continents and their works. What are “Europe”
those five continents again? “Africa”
“Very good! Now we have a new topic.”

B. Lesson Proper
B.1 Motivation
“But before that, let me show you some
pictures. You're going to guess the word “Yes ma'am”
based on the picture. So I will present a
picture and you will add it to get the
answer. Am I clear?”

“Okay, let's start!”

“First picture”

+ “Burqa”
“Very good, burqa is a long garment, as
you can see in the picture it covers the
whole body, and you know what hijab?
“Yes ma'am.”

“This is different from hijab since hijab just

covers the head and not the whole body.”

“This is a type of clothing that is used by “Taliban”

Muslim, and later on we'll understand why
women used this kind of clothing.

“Here's the second picture.”

+ +
“Very good! Taliban people are the ones
who attack and rule the country that we
are going to talk about later. They are
also the one who made a law where every
woman should wear a burqa, as well as
no women are allowed to go to school,
and to have a job.”

“Just like here in the Philippines, we also

have a group who also want to implement
their beliefs. What do we call them?” “NPA ma'am”
“Very good!”
What do you think about the 3rd picture?”

“Very good! I'm sure you're already
familiar with this. The Qur'an is their holy
bible. How about the fourth picture?”

“Very good! This is where they are
worshiping their god, or we know this as
their church. And this is the last picture.” “Mosque”

“What do you think about the last


“Very good! What country represents this


“Very good! So we're going to learn about

the traditions, culture and history of
Afghanistan through the story. “Afghanistan ma'am”
B.2 Activity
“Before we proceed, let's have a
short activity. I need five
volunteers to go in front to arrange
the series of events.”
“Thank you for all your
participation, later we will learn if
the arrangements of the events (There are five volunteer students who
are correct or we might also fix it.” will arrange the events.)

B.3 Lesson Proper

“Alright, now I will discuss to you the
novel, a thousand splendid suns by
Khaled Hosseini. If you want to read the
whole story you can also browse the link.“

“Can someone read the bullet?”

“Afghanistan is also known as the Islamic

Emirate of Afghanistan, the capital city is
Kabul, and their official languages are
Pashto and Dari.”

“Khaled Hosseini did not grow old in (Someone read the bullet.)
Afghanistan, that's why when he went
back he felt like a tourist in his own
country. This is how it motivates him to
create a story, actually this story is
fictional but everything that happened in
the story really happened during that time.

“So the setting of the story begins in

Herat, the capital Kabul, travels to
Pakistan, and goes back to Kabul.”

Mariam- Jalil's daughter. She is forced to
get married at fifteen and suffers many
years of abuse as well as several
Nana- Mariam’s mother and Jalil’s ex-
lover. She became pregnant with Mariam
out of wedlock, and constantly scolded
her daughter for being an illegitimate
child. Eventually takes her own life.
“What do you think will happen to Mariam,
now that her mother is already dead?”

“It can be, another idea?”

“Let's find out what really happened to


Jalil- A man with three wives and one “She will leave alone ma'am.”
illegitimate daughter. He marries his
daughter off to his friend and later regrets
it deeply. “She will go to her father ma'am.”
Rasheed- A shoemaker in Kabul, a man
who is 30 years older than Mariam. He is
the friend of Jalil who is widowed and has
an arranged marriage with Mariam.
“So as you can see that her father made a
decision where he forced Mariam to get
married with Rasheed. Imagine 15 years
older than Mariam, he is 45 and Mariam
was only 15 years old at that time.”

“Take note that she is still mourning from

her mother's death. What do you think
about the emotions she feels, and Mariam
against her will to marry Rasheed. Do you
think she was happy with her marriage?”

“Very good! As I have said earlier, Mariam

suffers abuse from her husband.”

Laila- A Tajik girl who is in love with Tariq,

a childhood friend. Laila is twenty years
younger than Mariam. She gives birth to “No ma'am.”
a daughter and a son.
Tariq- Laila's childhood friend, teenage
love, and later husband. He flees with his
family from Kabul to Pakistan. Laila thinks
that he is dead, but in fact he is alive and

“After 20 years, the story introduced Laila,

this time the story focuses on her. She is
15 years old and has a lover who is Tariq.
This time the Taliban already conquered
Kabul City, so there are people who want
to fight for their freedom, that's why her
two brothers joined the fight and this cost
them their lives.”

“Then Tariq's family decided to leave the

city and go to Pakistan, so he gave his
farewell to Laila, but they ended up
making love.”

“After he goes to Pakistan, the Taliban

begin to bomb the city of Kabul. There are
flying bombs that explode in the house of
Laila, and she's the only survivor in that
explosion. This time Rasheed came to the
rescue, he gave her shelter at their
house, but Mariam was not happy about
that, so it means they are not close. After
weeks there is a stranger, this stranger
has news to Laila that Tariq is dead, there
is some evidence why she believes that
Tariq was dead.”

“So Rasheed took this opportunity to court

Laila to become his second wife, in
Muslims this really happened, man can
have many wives as long as they can
provide their living.”

“Do you think she will agree to Rasheed's


“Actually, Laila agrees to marry Rasheed,

because she learns that she is pregnant.
Mariam was against the idea because
Laila was only 15 years old. But she
doesn't have a choice. They become “No ma'am”
close after the birth of Aziza because
Rasheed begins to abuse Laila.

Aziza- Laila's daughter. Aziza's father is

Tariq, but Laila lies and says that Aziza is
Rasheed's daughter. Rasheed sends
Aziza to an orphanage for a while.

Zalmai- Laila's son. He is born shortly

before Tariq's return and he goes to live in
Pakistan with Laila, Tariq, and Aziza.

“On Tariq's return, he met Laila for a short

time, and Rasheed learned about their
meeting. He abuses Laila and this time he
might actually kill Laila, however Mariam
rescues Laila by hitting Rasheed with a
shovel and this kills Rasheed.”

“Laila, Tariq, Aziza, and Zalmai go to

Pakistan. While Mariam decided to turned
herself in to protect her friend and
executed to Ghaza Stadium in front of
thousand people. After the war they go
back to Kabul but before that Laila visits
Herat where Mariam left before. Someone
gave her a box. Inside the box there is
Pinocchio tape, a letter, and money. In
the letter written by Jalil, he said he
regretted marrying Mariam to his friend

“So Laila learns how Mariam suffered,

she donated the money to the orphanage
where Aziza was sent and she became a
teacher in that orphanage. Later on she
learns she was pregnant and she said
that if her baby will be a girl then she will
name her Mariam. That was the end of
the story.”

C. Analysis
“Now, let's go back to the activity
that I assigned to you earlier.”

“It seems that the first scenario is

Mariam is a harami, and you put it
in the third scenario, so let's
replace the first scenario.

“How about the second scenario?

Do you think it was right?”

“Very good! How about the third


“Very good! We should exchange “Yes ma'am.”

it from the 4th scenario.”

“Is the scene correct? Do we need “Replace it from the 4th scenario ma'am.”
to replace anything?”

“Very good!”

D. Abstraction
“What happened to the
protagonist?” “Not anymore ma'am.”

“Very good! Imagine what

happened to Mariam, in the
beginning she was introduced as
an illegitimate daughter, she was “She sacrificed herself to protect Laila
forced to get married to the person ma'am.”
she doesn't know, she was
abused by her husband, and later
on sacrificed herself to protect the
people she loved.”
“In your own understanding, what core
values can we associate with this story?”

“Very good! She has the quality of being


E. Application “Integrity ma'am, because Mariam turned

“In one whole sheet of paper, using a flow herself in because she committed a sin.”
chart, retell the sequence of events of the
story “A thousand Splendid Suns”.

IV. Assessment
Identification: Determine the possible answers based on the information given below.
1. He married his daughter to his friend and later regretted it. Jalil
2. She agrees to marry Rasheed when she is a teenager after learning that the boy
she loves is dead. Laila
3. She is the mistress of Jalil and the mother of Mariam. Nana
4. What tool did Mariam use that caused Rasheed's death? Shovel
5. She is executed after killing her husband to protect her friend. Mariam

V. Assignment
In crosswise yellow paper, using Venn Diagrams, search and compare the similarities
and differences of the personality of Mariam and Laila.

Prepared By: Jovilyn DC. Degenion

Immaculada Concepcion College

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