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I have experience in the banking industry for more than seven years. In my stint, I have helped
numerous financial institutions in digitizing their loan processing processes. However, in my role
as a product manager, I have lately realized that my skills need an upgrade and an MBA degree
from TRU will greatly help me in achieving a cutting edge over other individuals in this industry.

I have earned B.Tech degree in the field of computer science from IEC College of Engineering &
Technology, Greater Noida. I learned programming, database skills and computer architecture

I started my work experience in a fintech company as a management trainee. In the due course of
time, I started getting grasp of things involved in the lending and credit industry. Within six months
of starting my career, I was promoted to the position of product associate and was responsible for
gathering requirements from clients, designing business requirement document and getting the
same developed from software developers. During my tenure in RupeePower, I was also deputed
to on-site for digitizing the customer acquisition platform of SBI – the largest bank of India.

After working for three and a half year in RupeePower, I joined a housing finance company called
IIFL Home Finance Ltd, in a newly formed Digital Strategy team. I am responsible for the
complete digitization of pre-disbursement process of the organisation. I am a product manager for
Jhatpat Loans application, which is used by our sales team, as an assisted DIY model powered
with an AI assessment in-house built tool, providing real time sanction decision. This product is
one of the first in its kind and is responsible for 100% home loan logins monthly. This product
recently earned ‘Best Technology initiative of the year’ from a top news channel of India.

By earning an MBA degree, I will have the finishing touch with the knowledge and experience
which I have earned over these years. I choose the Master of Business Administration program
because it will equip me to broaden my management knowledge to understand international
business market, and to explore the entrepreneurial side of my personality. I have extensive
experience at the management level of leading large teams. However, due to lack of a formal
business management degree, I am not able to secure top executive positions in the corporate
world. In addition, I would like to choose my future work profile in business and technology
consulting with top consulting firms across the world such as McKinsey, KPMG, Pwc, Deloitte,

I feel now is the right time to pursue my MBA as I have a strong conviction regarding which path
I want to follow in my career in future. After I completed my graduation, I was unsure as to whether
I proceed further in my career in the direction as a technical professional or a management
professional. Having gained an on-the-job experience, I have been able to better understand and
assess the industrial processes in detail.

I feel that if I make further delay in pursuing this course, I will land in a comfortable zone and my
motivation to get involved in academic stint will decline. After I earn this degree, I want to lead a
team of my own which will focus on making digital strategies for a financial institution running
on manual process. I aspire to be a team leader directing my team to strategize projects and
products which will help organizations enable higher quality of productivity through digitization
and automation of day to day processes. In the long run, I want to start a venture of my own which
will enable credit to the customers on the basis of real-time credit decisions, decisions on alternate
data such as digital profile and risk profiling.

I have chosen to apply to the MBA program of Thompson Rivers University because TRU is a
university in Kamloops, British Columbia, primarily focused at delivering global economic
development. The university not only lays stress on theory based course curriculum but also
focuses on providing valuable international experience by involving students in various innovative
projects. The small class size offer students focused attention and unique opportunities to learn.
The program is highly sought and popular among international students and gives them the
opportunity to combine new knowledge and practical experience through the integration of theory,
research and practice which can be applied at global level. I choose Thompson Rivers University
for various reasons. Firstly, because it has a long history of producing notable alumni over a
decade. Secondly, its course structure is short with practical technical approach. Lastly, the TRU
MBA program has been ranked and recognized amongst the top universities globally.

In conclusion, I want to say that by earning the MBA degree, I will develop my personality and
skills to a great extent and reach greater heights.

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