Alcohols Worksheet

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1. Write the preparation of alcohols from Grignard’s reagent.

2. Write the mechanism of dehydration of alcohols.
3. Write the formation of salicylic acid.
4. Write the tests used to detect phenol.
5. Write Reimer – Tiemann reaction.
6. Why tertiary alkyl halides are not suitable for Williamson synthesis. Explain.
7. How alcohols are prepared from amines.
8. Write and explain Luca’s test.
9. Write the conversion of phenol to benzene.
10. Explain the acidic nature of phenol.
11. Write the preparation of picric acid.
12. Explain- hydroboration- oxidation reaction.
13. Write the manufacture of phenol.
14. Explain friedel crafts alkylation and acylation reactions of ethers.
15. How to convert benzene diazonium chloride to phenol.
16. Write the oxidation reaction of ethers.
17. Explain esterification reaction with the help of mechanism.
18. Explain why phenol is ortho- para directing group.
19. Alcohols are more soluble in water than corresponding hydrocarbons why?
20. How is phenol obtained from
(a) Benzene sulphonic acid
(b) Chlorobenzene
21. What happens when (a) Phneol reacts with bromine water
(b) phenol is treated with dilute HNO3
22. How would you convert
(a) chlorobenzene to phenol
(b)phenol to 4- bromo phenol
(c) phenol to 2-acetoxy benzoic acid
(d) phenol to acetophenone
(e) (e) propan-2-one to 2-metthyl propan-2-ol
(f) ethanol to propan-2-ol

23. Identify X,Y and Z from the following

(a) C2H5-O-C2H5 HI excess X C2H5ONa Y Cl2/light Z
(b) C6H5-O-H NaOH X CH3Cl Y conc.HNO3 /conc.H2SO4 Z
24. Write the following conversions
(a) Ethanol to methyl amine
(b) Phenol to chlorobenzene
25. Give one chemical test to distinguish between following pair of compounds.
1-propanal and 2-methyl -2-propanol

26. Why does alcohols posses higher boiling points are compared to those of corresponding

27. Write the following conversions:

(a) Ethyl chloride from diethyl ether

(b) Anisole from pehnol
(c) Ethyl acetate from ethanol
(d) Propan-2-ol from Grignard reagent
(e) 2-hydroxy benzaldehyde from phenol
(f) 2,4,6 trinitro phenol from phenol
(g) Acetone from propan-2-ol
(h) Ethanol from ethanamine
(i) Ethyl chloride from ethanol
(j) 2-methyl propan-2-ol form propan-2-one

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