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Question1- True or false: one of the long – term goals of the OSHAD – SF initiative is to effect cultural
change within the inhabitants of the Emirate.

True or False

Question 2-True or false: medium risk entities are required to have full safety framework.

Ture or false

Question 3-Ture or false: the OSHAD – SF applies to all Emirates in the UAE.


Question 4- an entity whose OSHMS certificate was cancelled or suspended may appeal the SRA
Decision to OSHAD within what timescale?

 Within three months from the date of notification from the SRA.
 Within 60 days from the date of notification from the SRA.
 With 30 days from the date of notification from the SRA
 Within 20 days from the date of notification from SRA.

Question 5- True or False: in the light of poor performance, or owing to changes in laws, approval for
an SRA can be withdrawn. TRUE OR FALSE.

Question 6- from the below, identify four mandatory documents that make up OSHAD – SF.

 Occupational standards and Guidance values.

 Glossary of terms.
 Codes of Practice.
 Standard forms
 Management system elements
 Technical guidance

Question7- True or False: Nominated Entities should monitor own performance. TRUE OR FALSE

Question 8- True or False: OSHAD-SF does not require employers to consult with employees and work
together to eliminate or reduce work related injuries and illness and to promote health and wellbeing.

Question 9- True or False: at least one Grade A practitioner should be employed to implement a full
OSHMS in a High risk entity as per the OSHAD-SF roles and responsibilities requirements. TRUE OR
Question 10- what is the principle behind self-regulation?

 To voluntarily discover, disclose, correct and prevent violations of relevant laws.

 To identify areas of compliance and address a cycle of continuous improvement.
 To establish systems and procedures in which on entity regulates and monitors their own
implementation of practices / procedures.
 Only the first and third option.

Question 11- who is the competent Authority for the OSHAD-SF?

 OSHAD Center

Question 12- True or False : Risk management is an integral part of management and should be
embedded in the entity’s culture and practices. TRUE OR FALSE.

Question 13- what will an entity’s risk ranking be determined by? ( choose three)

 Its complexity
 Its turnover
 The nature and frequency of the activites performed.
 The size of the entity it terms of employees
 How many accidents it has had.

Question 14- True or False: an entity officially nominated as high risk by a concerned SRA shall comply
with all requirements of the OSHAD-SF. TRUE OR FALSE.

Question 15- contractors OSH performance and compliance shall be evaluated against project- specific
OSH requirements only. TRUE OR FALSE.

Question 16- what does the basic make-up of a code of practice consist of?

 Introduction, training and competency, reference.

 Introduction , training requirements, Refrence.
 Introduction, training and competency, requirements , refrence.
 Technical Guidence, Guidence values and standards.

Question 17- which of the following are three distinctive features of OSHAD-SF?

 Externally regulated
 Incorporates international standards
 Performance based system
 Risk aversion
 Cultural change

Question 18- what is OSHAD responsible for?

 Updating of the OSHAD SF Framework

 Monitoring, auditing and inspecting nominated entities
 developing a management system for every nominated entity in their sector
 all of the above

Question 19- True or False: A risk management program shall not be based on consultation with
contractors and other relevant stakeholders. TRUE OR FALSE.

Question 20- True or False: one distinctive feature of OSHAD-SF is to promote and reward self
regulation. TRUE OR FALSE.

Question 21- who is responsible for delegating relevant powers for regulation to the relevant sector?

 The competency Authority ( CA)

 The sector regulatory authority ( SRA )
 The entity

Question 22- who is responsible for providing information and official publications on OSH to all

 The Competent Authority ( CA)

 The Sector Regulatory Authority ( SRA )
 The entity

Question 23- who is responsible for developing and implementing OSH awareness programs?

 The Competent Authority ( CA)

 The Sector Regulatory Authority ( SRA )
 The entity

Question 24- who is responsible for maintaining the Abu Dhabi occupational safety and health system
framework or OSHAD-SF?

 The Competent Authority (CA)

 The Sector Regulatory Authority ( SRA )
 The entity

Question 25- who is responsible for undertaking third part audits?

 The Competent Authority (CA)

 The Sector Regulatory Authority
 The Entity.
Question 26- who is responsible for reporting all types of serious incident to their respective SRA?

 The Competent Authority ( CA )

 The Sector Regulatory Authority ( SRA )
 The Entity

Question 27- what are the four procedures to be prepared to comply with the requirements of
monitoring, investigation and reporting?

 Target and objective procedures

 Incident investigation procedures
 Accident and emergency procedures
 Monitoring procedures
 Compliance procedure
 OSH Reporting

Question 28- who are the relevant stakeholders with responsibilities under elements 1?

 Employees
 Government and private entities
 All of the above

Question 29- who is responsible for monitoring implementation of the OSHAD-SF by conducting audits
and inspections on nominated entities?

 The Competent Authority ( CA )

 The Sector Regulatory Authority ( SRA )
 The Entity

Question 30- which of the below best describes an Element?

 It is a mandatory technical requirement

 It is a mandatory management system requirement
 It is a technical guideline
 It is an optional requirement

Question 31- what form would a Government entity use to report on their quarterly performance?

 Form B
 Form C
 Form E2
 Form G
Question 32- which schedule do occupational illness or diseases fall under?

 Schedule A
 Schedule B
 Schedule C

Question 33- which schedule do serious dangerous occurrence fall under?

 Schedule A
 Schedule B
 Schedule C

Question 34- when entities want to update information and implementation timelines what form
should be used?

 Form A
 Form B
 Form C
 Form D

Question 35- when an entity appoints a principal contractor for construction activity, which form do
they submit?

 Form H
 Form G
 Form F
 Form E

Question 36- what form must an entity use to report on their quarterly performance?

 Form A
 Form B
 Form C
 Form E

Question 37- which of the following is best described by serious dangerous occurrence?

 The process of examination ranking and prioritization of potential hazards and exposures in the
work environment, to guide the implementation of suitable risk control measures.
 A significant incident arising out of or in the course of work that did not result in serious injuries
or fatalities but had the potential to have done so.
 A minor work-related injury or illness that calls for only simple first aid treatment and does not
call for follow – up treatment by a health care professional .
Question 38- which best defines the meaning of a lost time injury ?

 A work related serious injury that results in an individual unable to work on a subsequent
scheduled work day or shift.
 A work related illness that results in an individual unable to work on a subsequent scheduled
work day or shift.
 A work related injury that results in an individual unable to work on a subsequent scheduled
work day or shift.
 A work related injury or illness that results in an individual unable to work on a subsequent
scheduled work day shift.

Question 39- when should incident reporting start?

 From the date of approval

 Immediately following nomination/ registration
 Within the next quarter following approval
 Within one year from the date of approval

Question 40- which schedule do serious injuries fall under?

 Schedule A
 Schedule B
 Schedule C

Question 41- True or False: Mechanism 1 concerns integrating the environment and health and safety

Question 42- what is the time duration to submit an entity’s annual external OSHMS audit report?

 A week
 30 days
 3 months
 A year

Question 43- what is the maximum time frame for entities to register with the SRA?

 30 Days
 30 weeks
 3 days
 3 weeks

Question 44- what form would you submit to your SRA for a serious OSH incident investigation?

 Form G
 Form G1
 Form F
 Form H

Question 45- after developing OSHMS documents , what form would be sent to your SRA on
submission of your OSHMS?

 Form A
 Form B
 Form C
 Form D

Question 46- which definition best describes a Mechanism?

 It is a mandatory technical requirement

 It is a mandatory implementation process requirement
 It is a technical guideline
 It is an optional requirement

Question 47- when nominated entities need to submit their external OSHMS audit report, what form
would they use?

 Form A
 Form C
 Form E
 Form F

Question 48- True or False: there are nine Elements and 12 Mechanisms. TRUE OR FALSE.

Question 49- when should quarterly performance reporting start?

 Within the next quarter following nomination/ registration

 Immediately following nomination/ registration
 Within the next quarter following approval
 Within one year from the date of approval.

Question 50- which of the following are best described by restricted workday case?

 A work related injury or illness that results in limitations on work activity that prevent an
individual from doing any task of his / her normal job for any part of the day
 A work related injury or illness that results in an injured person temporarily unable to perform
any regular job or restricted work activity.
 Any absence from work resulting from work related fatalities, permanent total disabilities,
permanent partial disabilities and lost work day cases.
Question 51- what is the technical guidelines?

 Detailed documents that provide guidance for entities but are not complusory

Question 52- when the issue of the OSHAD policy took Place?

 2009
 2012
 2006
 2015

Question 53- how many employees does an entity have to have before an EHS Committee must be

 More than 60 employees

 More than 50 employees
 More than 55 employees
 More than 40 employees

2006-2008= issuance of policy – formation of higher committee – identification

of high risk activities sector- developing framework v:1.

2009= issuance of decre42 – launch of framework v1,2.

2010= OSHAD Establishment – launch of OSHAD Website- launch of major

awareness campaign on framework.

2011= signing of series MOUs international bodies.

2012= OSH Forum – Launch of Qudorat – launch of framework v2,0.

2013= Regulation of OSH service providers- Regulation of OSH Practioners

2014= `1st OSHME conference – launch of OSHAD new website

2015= launch of OSH Electronic Application Al Addaa- launch of series of

awareness campaigns for workers and workplaces- OSH Statistical survey.

2016= 2nd OSHME conference – launch of framework v3,0.

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