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Exam Date 18th Oct, 2023

Mid Term Exam

Time:3hrs SECTION: Sr MPC MARKS: 60M

I. Answer the following Questions. 10X2= 20 M

1. What happens to compass needles at the Earth's poles?

2 What are the units of magnetic moment, magnetic induction and magnetic field?

3. Define magnetic declination.

4. What is “work function”?

5. Write down de-Broglie’s relation and explain the terms there in.

6. State Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

7. What are intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?

8. Draw the circuit symbols for p-n-p and n-p-n Transistors.

9. Which gates are called Universal gates?

10. Write the truth table of NAND gate. How does it differ from AND gate?

II. Answer any Six of the following Questions. 6X4= 24 M

11. Obtain an expression for the emf induced across a conductor which is moved in a

uniform magnetic field which is perpendicular to the plane of motion.

12. Describe the ways in which Eddy currents are used to advantage.

13. What are the limitations of Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom?

14. Explain the different types of spectral series.

15. Discuss Bohr's theory of the spectrum of hydrogen atom.

16. What are n-type and p-type semiconductor? How is a semiconductor junction formed?

17. What is rectification? Explain the working of full wave rectifier?

18. Define NAND and NOR gates. Give their truth tables.

III. Answer any Two of the following Questions. 2X8= 16 M

19. Define mass defect binding energy. How does binding energy per nucleon vary with mass
number? What is its significance?
20.What is radioactivity? State the law of radioactive decay. Show that radioactive

decay is exponential in nature?

21.Explain the principle and working of a nuclear reactor with the help of a labelled diagram.

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