Weekly-Learning-Plan-in-Media Arts-10-2022-2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Lanao Del Norte
Maranding, Lala, Lanao Del Norte


Quarter: 1 Grade Level: 12
Week: 1
MELCs: Evaluate text content, elements, features, and properties using a set of criteria Learning Area: Media Arts
Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
1  Defines the meaning of Introduction to the Arts Begin with classroom routine:
Monday Art, Significance and and the Filipino Artist a. Prayer
Uses b. Reminder of safety and health protocols
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Setting guidelines and rules for class
discussion and in conducting activities
e. Quick self-introduction

A. Recall
Ask the students their prior knowledge
about persuasive using pictures
How will you convince your classmates
which soda tastes good!
B. Activity
Ask the students to choose a partner and
do the dialogue:
Scenario 1: Persuasion
 P1. Jane: Where shall we eat?

 P2. Harry: I propose going to the

Thai Palace. It has Thai food.
 P3. George: The Thai Palace is in the
east end, and that is quite far away.
 P4. Harry: I heard a colleague say
that the food at the Thai Palace is very
 P5. George: Nosh is popular with
students, so it must be a very good
 P6. Harry: I don't think so. Students
tend to go for low-budget fast food
that is not very good.
 P7. Jane: My husband and I have
eaten at La Zingara. The food is really
good. Italian food is also very healthy.
It is a Mediterranean diet, with
tomatoes, olive oil and fresh salad.
 P8. Harry: Thai food is very healthy.
It has lots of vegetables in it.
 P9. Harry: The Thai Palace is cheaper
than La Zingara.
 P10. George: We would have to take
a cab to get there and back. That
would cost about ten dollars each.
 P11. Harry: That would still be as
cheap as La Zingara
 P12. George: I'm persuaded.
 P13. Jane: So am I. The Thai Palace
it is.
Scenario 2: Deliberation
 D1. Jane: Where shall we eat?
 D2. Harry: There is the Thai Palace.
It has Thai food.
 D3. George: The Thai Palace is in the
east end, and that is quite far away.
Nosh is very close. It's right across the
 D4. Jane: La Zingara is on Erie
Street, which is fairly close. My
husband and I have eaten at La
Zingara. The food is really good.
 D5. George: The prices at Nosh are
cheaper than those at La Zingara.
 D6. Harry: You can't get wine at
Nosh. All of us want to have wine
with dinner.
 D7. Jane: Nosh lacks atmosphere.
This is a special occasion. We want to
go to a place with atmosphere.
 D8. George: La Zingara has
 D9. Harry: I heard a colleague say
that the food at the Thai Palace is very
 D10. George: None of us has a car.
We would have to take a cab to get
there and back. That would cost about
ten dollars each.
 D11. Harry: Thai food is very
healthy. It has lots of vegetables in it.
 D12. Jane: Italian food is also very
 D13. George: We want a place with
good food and atmosphere so it is
either La Zingara or the Thai Palace.
Both of them would fit the bill.
 D14. Jane: We also want wine, but
that doesn't help us choose.
 D15. Harry: Let's make it La Zingara,
since it's closer.
 D16. George: Yes, I wouldn't want to
add the cab fare to an expensive meal.
 D17. Jane: Ok. I'm hungry so I'd like
to eat sooner rather than later. Let's go
to La Zingara.
C. Analysis
Ask the students to answer these process
1. What have you understood in the first
2. Is there an argument happened in the
first scenario?
3. How about the second scenario?
4. What is the difference between the
two scenarios?
5. Based from the two scenarios how
will you define persuasion from the
two given examples?

D. Abstraction
What is persuasion text?
A persuasive text is a text that comes in a
form of an argument, exposition,
discussion, review or an advertisement,
the main purpose of which is to present a
point of view and to persuade the readers.

Persuasive texts can be used to …

Purpose Persuasive Statement
 Make a  “Everyone should
change follow the law.”
 Prove  “Our mayor is the best
something leader.”
 Support a  “Please donate for the
cause orphanage.”
 Urge people  “Stop disobeying
to act quarantine
 Get people to  “I am sure you’ll agree
agree with with me
you that the teachers
frontliners, too.”
 Create  “Gardening is a great
interest hobby.”
 Stir up  “If we don’t extend
sympathy our financial
help, many people
Directions: Identify each statement as true or
1. The purpose of persuasive writing is to tell
a story.
2. It is important for students to write for
authentic purposes and real audiences.
3. Using graphic organizers is an effective
way to learn about persuasive writing.
E. Application
Persuasion Time

Directions: What do you think about this

idea? Write a persuasive text on your
activity notebook. Refer to the rubrics for
the scoring.

Junk food – Should it be banned at school?

Your answer will be based from the attached
F. Evaluation
Directions: Read each question carefully and
choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it in your activity notebook.
1. What is the main intention of the author
when writing a persuasive paper?
A. to convince the reader to write their
B. to raise awareness about issues in the
C. to convince the reader to agree with the
author about an issue through the use of
D. to encourage the reader to have the same
opinion with the author about an issue
through fictional facts
2. Which of the following sentences best
explains persuasive writing?
A. It is a non-fiction writing used to
convince the reader to agree with the author
about an issue.
B. It is a fictional writing used to convince
the reader to agree with the author about an
issue or topic.
C. It is used strictly for commercial scripts
to convince the audience to buy a
company’s product.
D. Persuasive writing is used to inform the
reader about an issue and will provide no
facts favoring either side.
3. How does the author share his/her
opinion about an issue through persuasive
A. Share his/her personal opinion
B. Support his/her opinion through the uses
C. Create fictional information to trick the
D. Share the opinions of others that are
similar to his/hers
4. The following are things you need to
remember in persuasive writing EXCEPT:
A. plan your writing before you begin
B. check your spelling and punctuation
C. the length of your persuasive essay
D. check and edit your writing when you
are finished
5. The primary purpose of a document that
is written to convince readers to change
their opinions is to
A. answer a question
B. build goodwill
C. persuade
D. inform
2  Identify the features of Features of Persuasive Begin with classroom routine:
Tuesday persuasive text Text a. Prayer
 Write a persuasive essay b. Reminder of safety and health protocols
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Setting guidelines and rules for class
discussion and in conducting activities
e. Quick self-introduction

A. Recall
Ask the students to answer the given task.
Task 1: True or False
Directions: Read each statement below. On
the space provided, write T if the statement is
true and F if it is false.

1. The components of a persuasive text are

arranged logically from one part to the next
which eventually leads to a specific

2. The conclusion of the persuasive text is

not necessary.

3. A persuasive text usually uses transition

words or phrases that show how ideas are

4. The main purpose of persuasive writing is

to entertain the reader.

5. The thesis statement is important in

persuasive writing

B. Activity
Task 2: I Remember

How are your answers in Task 1? Just

continue in working out this lesson, then,
you will find out if your answers are correct
or not. Below is another activity for you to

Directions: Write your answer to the

essential question in your activity

1. Why do you need to know how to write a

persuasive paper?

Concept Development
For this task, you are given two options.

Option A. If you have internet access, open

the link below and watch a video about
the elements of persuasive texts.

Option B. If you do not have access to the

internet, study the features of persuasive
texts below.

Example of a Persuasive Essay

High School Sports

High school sports have a powerful

influence to every student in different ways.
Sports are considered an effective way for
students to maintain health. The students
who are active in sports can get the most out
of their high school years. There are many
reasons why sports influence students. Some
of the reasons are health, teamwork, and

The first reason is health. Sports and

health are heavily connected. Exercises help
burn calories in the body, reducing the
chances of obesity. The stress caused by
exercise on the muscles, bones, ligaments,
and tendons makes the students strong and
healthy. The performance and endurance of
the heart muscles will improve thus
improving its efficiency and decreasing the
risk of heart diseases. Exercise triggers the
use of sugar in the blood. The glucose is
converted into energy hence, balancing the
blood sugar. Sports also fight against cancer
and other lifestyle diseases.

The second reason is teamwork.

Teamwork is key to success. In sports, a
student should have to collaborate with
other team members to win—the same with
academic success. A student needs to work
hand in hand with teachers and fellow
students for him/her to succeed. Moreover,
employers are interested in hiring
employees who can work together with
other employees to achieve a common goal.
Teamwork skills are among the other
requirements to secure a job.

The third reason is self-discipline. In

sports, the student has to follow the rules.
He/ She has to obey his/her coach. While
other students are idle thinking of drugs and
alcohol, a student who is active in sports is
training, and he/she has no time for illegal
drugs and some destructive addictions. A
student can reach his or her potentials with
discipline. Time management is learned in
sports too.

High school sports have a significant

influence on students. Sports would help the
students become healthy and fit. The
students who are active in sports would also
develop teamwork skills and self- discipline,
which are both essentials for life’s success.

C. Analysis

Ask the students the following questions:

1. Can you identify the thesis statement
of this paragraph?
2. Where can we find the thesis
statement? Can you point it out?
3. Can you give facts, arguments or
statistics in the paragraphs?
4. Is the paragraph has organization?
How can you identify that the said
paragraph is organized?
5. What do you call to those words that
made the paragraph organized?
6. What is the conclusion of the
7. What are the parts of a paragraph?
D. Abstraction

Now that you already identify the

important parts of the paragraph can you tell
me the features of persuasive text?

Features of Persuasive Text

1. It begins with a clear thesis statement.

2.It includes supporting ideas and arguments.
Statistics, facts, examples, or quotations are
needed to support the main argument.
3.It uses a clear organization or structure that
builds logically from one point to the next,
leading to a definite conclusion.
4. It is usually composed of three parts:
introduction, body, and conclusion.
5.It usually uses transition words or phrases
that show how ideas are connected.
6.The conclusion of the persuasive text should
repeat the main purpose of the text.

E. Application

Unleash My Analysis

Directions: Read the short passage below

and identify the features of persuasive
texts. Write your answers in your activity

The Importance of Family

You can choose your friends,

but you can’t choose your relatives.
This may be true, but does it mean that
friends are more important just because
you choose who they are? I don’t think
so, but not everyone will agree.

To many people, friends (in

particular best friends) are the most
important relationships in their lives.
They spend more time chatting with
friends over the phone, by e-mail or text
messages than they do with their
families. There are different reasons for
this. One reason is that people share so
many special memories with friends as
they grow up together. Friends are often
similar in age, so they find themselves
doing the same things at the same time,
and this gives enjoyment. Often families
have only one child or children many
years apart, so they don’t share these
special moments. Another reason in
favor of friends is that people spend their
free time, their fun time, with friends.
Often, parents are working on weekends
or in the school holidays, so, who do you
spend time relaxing with? Good friends,
of course!
Yet families are also essential.
Within families, people have a special
bond of culture, beliefs, and of course,
love. Friends do not always share these.
The best thing about families is that they
are still there for you. They look after
you when you are sick, they help you
learn all about life, and they love you no
matter what – even when you might
sometimes be a bit naughty.

So, even though it is great to have

friends, it is much better to have a
family. You might not be able to choose
who they are, but you certainly can rely
on them to be there and help you out
whenever you need it.

Adapted from the following sources:

https://rb.gy/2egh32, https://rb.gy/mcuubg,
https://rb.gy/hskxq5, https://rb.gy/kaklxi,
https://rb.gy/c8yat9, https://rb.gy/obcodm,
https://rb.gy/o2kcn0, and https://rb.gy/xzoccm

F. Evaluation

My Time to Write
Directions: Write a 300-word persuasive essay
about the importance of education. Apply the
features of a persuasive text that you’ve
learned in this lesson. Your paper will be
graded through the rubric below. See the
attached rubric for your rating.

3 • define opinion or assertion Opinion and Assertion

Wednesday • formulate a statement of
opinion or assertion
• make an assertion of a
• distinguish factual claims,
opinions, and commonplace
assertion; and
• make an assertion from the
content of the text.


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