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Section – A : Reading Comprehension
1. Read the following passage carefully.
1. Without hands, we cannot stretch in the morning, scratch an itch and wrap our arms around our loved
2. Without legs, we cannot kick pebbles down the street, cannot walk or run, cannot bicycle or skateboard
and we cannot go from point A to point B.
3. A) to kick the ball
4. B) chicken drumstick
5. A) in Melbourne
2. Read the following passage.
1. Nick’s father put him in the water when Nick was 18 months old, to develop courage in him.
2. The risk of Nick going to a mainstream school was that he might be bullied by his schoolmates.
3. C) a British football tournament.
4. B) to hold a pen or a pencil.
5. C) independence.
3. Read the following passage.
1. The rare occurrence that affected Nick was Phocomelia.
2. Nick was put in water when he was 18 months old to learn how to swim.
3. B) a nurse
4. A) he has no arms and legs
5. C) Nick’s parents put all their efforts to make him independent from the beginning.
4. Read the following passage.
1. C) Thomas Edison
2. B) He achieved this with only three months of formal schooling.
3. C) in his view, the boy was stupid.
5. Read the following passage carefully.
1. A) Narayana Murthy
2. B) He was an introvert.
Section – B : Grammar
16. Combine the following sentences using a relative pronoun.
1. Nick met Bethany Hamilton, who was a surfing master.
2. Nick, who was a torso, plays football. / Nick, who plays football, was a torso.
3. Murthy sat on a stone mandap, which was his study place.
4. Colonel Sanders, who decided to stop his life, established KFC.
17. Change the following sentences into Passive voice.
1. The best decisions are taken by the parents.
2. He was taught surfing by the women. / Surfing was taught to him by the women.
3. Many rejections were faced by Walt Disney.
4. A car was made by Henry Ford.
18. Combine the following sentences with the words given in brackets.
1. Nick decided to kill himself because he was deeply depressed.
2. As Sanders remembered the recipe, he made chicken in that recipe. / Sanders made chicken in that recipe,
as he remembered the recipe.
3. Since the teacher asked them to write silently, nobody is talking to others. / Nobody is talking to others
since the teacher asked them to write silently.
24. Read the paragraph and write the synonyms of the underlined words choosing words given in the
A. a) difficult b) support
c) global d) sign
A. a) attempt b) soul
c) manage d) think
25. Read the following paragraph and match the words under Group A with their antonyms in Group
i) 1. D) hesitated 2. E) receive 3. A) ordinary 4. B) easy
ii). a) 3) large b) 1) arrived c) 2) imbalance d) 5) disables
Section – C : Creative Expressions
WH Question Formation
A. Who were already (there) at the station?
B. How were they talking?
C. What was like the chirping of birds?
D. Who was not a part of it?
E. Where did he stand silently?
Section – A : Reading Comprehension
1. Read the following passage.
1. Henry did not agree for taking the slippers at first because he thought that they should arrange with Elizabeth
first about dividing things up.
2. Mrs. Slater said that Mrs. Jordan may not ask for the bureau as she did not come to their house since her
father bought it and so she did not know that it was her father’s bureau.
3. B) she should speak to Elizabeth after she came.
4. B) She was arranging things on the dining table.
5. B) very fond of latest furniture.
2. Read the following passage.
1. B) that the potter caught a tiger and tied it to a tree in his yard.
2. A) how a donkey could change into a tiger.
3. Study the following data carefully
1. The table shows the Stock Market Indices in Bombay Stock Exchange.
2. LTP stands for Last Traded Point.
3. C) -0.97
4. A) Dr. Reddy’s Lab
5. C) The Market Capitalization of Infosys is 738,556
Section – B : Grammar
19. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in brackets.
1. Because of
2. Due to
3. because of
4. according to
20. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in brackets.
1. reached, had finished
2. is moving
3. had mixed
4. had not visited
21. Change the following into a polite request.
1. Could you please post this letter for me?
2. You should not waste money on unnecessary things.
3. You should be active in the classroom.
22. Change the following into ‘Polite request’.
1. Could you please tell me how to reach Raj Vihar Centre?
2. Could you please carry this trunk?
3. Could you please help me out to solve this problem?
23. What do the following sentences mean? Put a tick mark against the right answer.
A. d) seeking permission
B. b) expressing possibility
C. b/c Giving advice
Section – B : Vocabulary
26. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given in brackets.
(a) daft (b) delicate (c) shabby (d) fasten
31. Arrange the following words under correct headings.
a) Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
outgoing haughty
intrepid finicky
observant slovenly
enthusiastic malicious
b) Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
idealistic obnoxious
affable stingy
logical arrogance
valiant negligence
Section – A : Reading Comprehension
1. Read the following passage.
1. His father provided for the narrator's education.
2. The narrator was working in a government office.
3. B) Tawang.
4. C) carrying his luggage on his own.
5. B) he stayed in hostels from his childhood.
2. Read the following passage.
1. The evidence in the passage to say that the son did not take care of his father till then was that he did not
even know that his feet had developed cracks walking on the pebble strewn road carrying heavy loads for
many years.
2. The father did not agree to have a new pair of shoes because he did not want to be a financial burden to
his son when he did not get salary for a long time.
3. C) his father always took care to see that his son wore shoes.
4. B) his father’s was satisfied.
5. C) they continued living in the same conditions, son in a luxurious way and the father working hard.
3. Read the following lines.
1. B) to have a different feeling at different places.
2. B) expression which suits a cocktail party.
3. A) like the way a person smiles in a studio, without any feeling in it.
4. Read the following passage.
1. C) because it was unusual question as well as they did not know their mother’s exact name.
2. C) phone calls.
Q. No. 16. Combine the following sentences with a relative clause.
1. This is the newly constructed house, which is very close to the station. (or) This house, which is very close
to the station, is newly constructed,
2. This is the German Shepherd dog which caught twenty five thieves till now.
3. Kalpana is an intelligent girl who got prizes in many science exhibitions. (or) Kalpana, who is an intelligent
girl, got prizes in many science exhibitions. (or) Kalpana, who got prizes in many science exhibitions, is an
intelligent girl.
4. Rupesh, who is working in America, is coming to India next month. (or) Rupesh, who is coming to India
next month, is working in America.
Q. No. 16. Combine the following sentences with a participle.
1. Suggested by his uncle, Mohan started running to be healthy.
2. Completing his degree, Sumanth went to US for MS.
3. Having seen him coming in, I started pretending to sleep.
4. Being very foolish, he decided to respond to the fraud SMS.
Q. No. 17 Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. Strong emotions were triggered by the speech of the leader.
2. The chair has been moved by the child on seeing the mother.
3. The box was being opened with force by them.
4. The bell was rung hastily by the officer.
Q. No. 18. Combine the following sentences using the linkers given in brackets.
1. They reached the station first because they had the advantage of early start.
2. Though she checked all the papers, she could not find the agreement paper.
3. The traffic police raised a challan because Raghu did not see the signal.
4. There was a swelling in his shoulder since the nurse was negligent in giving the injection.
Q. No. 27 Complete the spelling of the words with ‘ea’, ‘ia’, ‘ou’, ‘ae’, ‘ai’, ‘ei’ , ‘ie’.
1 against, marriage, increased 2. carried
3. reached 4. giant
5. pair, leather
Q. No. 28. Complete the words with correct suffixes given in brackets.
1. different, languages 2. Education 3. villagers
4. physically 5. directions
Q. No. 29 Find the wrongly spelt word and write its correct spelling.
1. primary 2. reporter 3. comparison 4. adolescent 5. marriage
Q.30. Read the following dictionary entry
a) The synonym of ‘diversity’ is ‘variety’.
b) The word ‘diversity’ is a noun.
Q. No. 31 Arrange the following words under correct headings.
People Places
1. pilgrim 1. auditorium
2. detective 2. lodging
3. musician 3. chamber
4. courtier 4. restaurant
Q.32. Match the following words with their meanings.
1. 1. (E) a particular type of land
2. (C) to avoid or reject to do something
3. (D) to convince somebody not to do something
4. (B) a difficult and sad situation
2. 1. (C) in one attempt
2. (D) unwillingly
3. (A) a feeling of happiness or satisfaction
4. (B) moving back
Section – C : Creative Expressions
WH Question Formation
A. When did you/Sharada come first in our/her school? (or) In which class did you/Sharada come first in
our/her school?
B. By whom was the music competition conducted?
C. How many friends were we/they together?
D. What do we/they write to each other?
E. Who has gone out of our/their reach?
Section - A : Reading Comprehension
1. Read the following paragraph.
1. Those three films are didactic and verbose according to the critics.
2. Ray was deeply hurt as the critics said that his movies were didactic and verbose.
3. B) People refuse to follow the morals taught by the person who is among themselves.
4. A) at Ray’s residence.
5. A) about the time they spent together as friends.
2. Read the following passage carefully.
1. C) a magic box
2. C) Sister of Balarama
3. A) disciple
3. Read the following paragraph.
1. C) comedy
2. B) To get a job in a school.
4. Study the following data carefully
1. The table shows the details of the Top 6 Best WWE Wrestlers of all time.
2. The Undertaker is the tallest wrestler in the given data.
3. B) Roman Reigns
4. C) Brock Lesner
5. C) Three wrestlers hold Rank1 in different years.
Q. No. 19. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in brackets.
1. instead of 2. In spite of 3. In case of 4. on behalf of
5. by means of 6. On the whole
Q. No. 20. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of verbs given in brackets.
1. won 2. carried out 3. have been waiting 4. could
5. was crying 6. went 7. repaired .
Q.No. 21. Giving Advice
1. You should exercise every day.
2. You should study hard.
3. You should buy a dictionary.
4. You should not smoke.
5. You should read books.
6. You should come to school in time.
7. You should see a dentist.
8. You should speak in English.
9. You should be more careful with your money.
10. You should take rest.
Q.No. 22. Change the following into a polite request.
1. Could you please give me one kilo of sugar?
2. Could you please appoint me as Supervisor?
3. Could you please shut the window?
4. Could you please tell where the post office is?
5. Could you please change this leaking pen (at once)?
6. Could you please give me an additional sheet?
8. Could you please tell me where I can get Kanchi silk sarees?
9. Could you please tell me the DD Commission for one thousand rupees?
10. Could you please hoist the national flag?
Q.No. 23. What do the following sentences mean?
1. d) seeking information
2. a) making an offer
3. c) making a request
4 c) offering
5. b) making an offer
6. b) giving a warning
7. d) seeking permission
8. a) offering help
9. c) seeking permission
10. d) making an offer
Section - A : Reading Comprehension
Passage - 1
1. The British Government cleared the indigenous forests and planted exotic species of trees like pine and
2. The British were ruling Africa fifty years ago.
3. a) very pristine, beautiful and green
4. b) The British destroyed the indigenous forests
5. c) they help them to earn more money.
Passage - 2
1. The full form of NHK is Nippon Hosso Kyokoi.
2. The efforts of Maathai and her people will inspire others to stop clashes and to engage in dialogue.
3. C) a movement to protect environment.
4. B) land
5. B) when we plant a tree we plant hope.
3. Read the following lines.
1. a) the sounds made by the whale
2. c) the human beings
3. c) both a & b
4. Read the following paragraph.
Note: There is a mismatch of options. Take these options for Question No. 1.
A) happy B) Sad C) anxious
The Answer is: B) Sad
Take options for 2nd Questions from the 1st Question.
The Answer is: B) green and fertile
Section - B : Grammar
Q. No 16 Combine the following sentences using a relative pronoun.
1. I bought a pack of biscuits from the counter which was on platform 1.
2. We were travelling along the smooth road which was recently laid by the state government.
3. The car, which was fitted with a navigation system, guides us to the roads with less traffic.
4. His wife, who is from an orthodox family, never accepts calling his friends for parties.
Q. No 17 Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. She is told bedtime stories by her grandmother. / Bedtime stories are told to her by her grandmother.
2. The reports were sent to the police immediately.
3. A doctor should be consulted by her as soon as possible.
4. The printouts of all the documents were taken by him.
Q. No 18 Combine the following sentences using the linkers given in brackets.
1. Note: Change the second sentence as: His films were internationally watched.
A. Ray was such a very intelligent director that his films were internationally watched.
2. This is such (very) heavy sack that I could not carry it.
3. He was not allowed to write the test since he was late.
4. I took her answer script to my home as she was absent yesterday.
5. In spite of writing the test well, Hemanth failed.
Section – B : Vocabulary
24. Read the paragraph and write the synonyms of the under lined words choosing from the words given
in the box.
(a) kid (b) native (c) marketable (d) unusual
25. Read the paragraph and match the words under ‘A’ with their antonyms under ‘B’.
(Write your answers and their corresponding numbers in the answer book.)
1. a) 5) carelessness 2. a) 3) banned
b) 1) artificial b) 1) ordinarily
c) 2) biased c) 6) lose
d) 6) violence d) 2) minority
26. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given in brackets.
A. a) natural b) fought c) degraded d) left
27. Complete the spelling of the words with ‘ea’, ‘ia’, ‘ou’, ‘ae’.
1. peace 2. interview 3. clean, material 4. sustain, accounts
5. resources, people
28. Complete the words with correct suffixes given in brackets.
1. livelihoods, government 2. management, democratic 3. development
4. equitably 5. restore, rehabilitate
29. Find the wrongly spelt word and write its correct spelling.
1. special 2. achieve 3. disease 4. experiment
5. fibrous
30. Read the following dictionary entry and answer the questions given below.
a) The word ‘tribute’ is a noun.
b) Tribute means an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your respect or admiration, especially a
dead person.
31. Arrange the following words under correct heading.
1. Singular Plural
1) erratum 1) errata
2) thesis 2) theses
3) fungus 3) fungi
4) datum 4) data
2. Singular Plural
1) diagnosis 1) diagnoses
2) phenomenon 2) phenomena
3) Crisis 3) crises
4) species 4) errata
32. Match the following one word substitutes with their meanings.
1. D) the surroundings in which a person, animal or plant lives
2. C) a short extract from a film, broadcast or writing
3. B) the act of restoring to its original state
4. A) a system of government run by elected representatives
1. D) a person engaged in a specified activity
2. A) the habitual of plants collectively of a particular region.
3. C) a specified type of fighting that is intended to achieve a goal.
4. B) a person skilled in planting, managing or caring for trees
Section - A : Reading Comprehension
1. Read the following passage.
1. Kalam got the characteristics of honesty and self-discipline from his father.
2. Kalam learnt faith in goodness and deep kindness from his mother.
3. b) he didn’t feel any religious difference during his childhood.
4. c) the head priest of Rameswaram temple.
5. b) there was social and religious harmony in Rameswaram.
2. Read the following lines
1. a) we are still a developing country.
2. b) we will not end up miserably.
3. b) thoughts of violence, selfishness, caste and other social inequalities.
3. Read the following passage carefully.
1. c) the mind that can discover the one in many.
2. a) it has varieties of languages, ethnic groups, religions and cultural differences.
4. Read the following passage carefully.
1. B) The diversity present in India
2. B) many features of India, differentiate it from the world.
Section - B : Grammar
Q. No. 21 Polite Advice
1. You should join a Math tuition.
2. You should prepare well.
3. You should perform well.
4. You should take rest.
5. You should write neatly.
6. You should come to school in time.
7. You should not waste money on unnecessary things.
8. You should hang the key to the hanger.
Q. No. 21 Polite Request.
1. Could you please change this damaged box?
2. Could you please give me a ticket for Tirupati?
3. Could you please give me 100 rupees?
4. Could you please tell me where I can get Kanchi silk sarees?
5. Could you please give me a withdraw form?
6. Could you please note down absences?
7. Could you please tell me the history of the Taj Mahal? (or) Could you please tell me what the history of the
Taj Mahal is?
8. Could you please post this letter for me?
23. What do the following sentences mean?
1. A) offering help
2. B) making a request
3. A) offer
4. C) attracting attention
5. B) concluding information
6. D) Making request
24. Read the paragraph and write the synonyms of the under lined words choosing from the words given
in the box.
(a) ancient (b) pretty (c) ascetic (d) deflect
25. Read the paragraph and match the words under ‘A’ with their antonyms under ‘B’. (Write your
answers and their corresponding numbers in the answer book.)
a) 2) vast b) 4) flexible c) 6) integration d) 1) same
26. Fill in the blanks with right form of the word given in brackets.
A. a) respective b) inequality c) asked d) regret
27. Complete the following words using ‘ea, ae, ee, ua, ei, ia, ou, oi’
A. a) annual b) marriage
28. Fill in the blanks with suitable suffixes.
A. a) shifted b) impression
29. Identify the wrongly Spelt word and rewrite the correct Spelling.
a) downcast b) possessed
30. Read the following dictionary entry
a) The word fundamental is an adjective.
b) As per the first meaning in the entry, the synonym of ‘fundamental’ is basic.
31. Arrange the following words under correct headings
People Buildings
1. pilgrim 1. temple
2. folk 2. factory
3. secretary 3. mosque
4. priest 4. office
Section – C : WH Question Formation
Q. No. 35 Read the following passage carefully focusing on the underlined parts.
A. What will a keen penetrating insight help us recognize?
B. What is a fertile source of strength and wealth?
C. What did Sir Herbert Risely observe?
D. What does Vincent A Smith say?
E. What does early Indian history show unmistakably?

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