Math in Nature

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Math in nature

Did you know that math is present anywhere?

You heard that right!
We can see math everywhere we go. We see it in grocery stores when the cashier is counting the
money, the symmetry of your monobloc chair, or even in your mom's plants in your garden!

As said before, math is also present in plants.

What do you think is the math present in this picture of a succulent?

The Answer is... The Fibonacci Spiral!

The Fibonacci Spiral, has an association with the golden mean, and it is based on the
Fibonacci sequence. Fibonacci spiral is also referred to as golden spiral.

It is named after the Italian mathematician, Leonardo of Pisa, better known by his
nickname Fibonacci.

This is a video I took of Pandan leaves. The leaves of this plant grows spirally outwards,
resembling the Fibonacci spiral. The spaces between the leaves shows the Fibonacci sequence
because the space of the leaves, from the middle to the outermost part of the plant, gets bigger as
it grows.

Other examples of plants that grows the same as the pandan plant are the snake plant, Palm tree,
and Banana tree.

That’s all for this video, I hope You enjoyed it, and Thank you for watching!

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