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1. How do you see yourself?

- I see myself as an aspiring engineer and an introvert. I like to explore things by myself, but at
the same time I really want to meet new people, but I don’t know how to approach them. I
also think that I’m fun to be with when im around people who really knows me.
2. In your own view, how do other people see you?
- I think other people sees me as a quiet and very reserved person. I get anxious when I meet
other people so I don’t tend to ignore the people around me so I think they see me as a rude
person. I also think that people see me as a judgmental person when I’m just being
straightforward with them.
3. How would you like other people to see you?
- I’d like the others to get to know me and see me as myself who is an adventurous, chill, and
fun person. For the people im close with, I hope they see me as a very kind and giving
person because I always share what I have with them.

4. For you, what is the best perspective view of self? Why? Expound your answers.
- For me, the best perspective view of self is your own view of yourself. I chose the own
perspective of self because you know who you really are so it is very important for you to
know it. It somehow gives you a sense validation because this perspective comes from your

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