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National Taiwan University

Application for International Degree Student Admission

Recommendation Letter
To the referee:
The person below is applying for admission to National Taiwan University. We would appreciate
your opinions on the applicant. Please feel free to extend the page to make additional comments.
We sincerely thank you for your cooperation.

Name of the applicant: ___________________________

1. How long have you known the applicant? How did you get to know him/her?

2. What are the applicant’s strengths?

3. What are the applicant’s weaknesses?

4. Please comment on the applicant’s personality.

5. How would you evaluate the applicant’s language skills?

6. If you have additional comments, please add them here.

7. Please evaluate the following items according to your understanding of the applicant.
(Please tick one box on each line)
Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
Research potential
Creativity and imagination
Interpersonal relationships
Expressing capability

Name of the referee: ______________________ Title: _______________________

Institution: ____________________________ Tel/Email: ________________________
Referee signature: ______________________ Date: ___________ Place: ___________
May we contact you if we have additional questions? □Yes □No

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