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By Kristian Popov

- tradition observed in Orthodox

Christian churches is the blessing
of food baskets. The baskets are
usually filled with bread, cheese,
meat, eggs, butter, salt, and other
types of food used for Paschal
celebrations. Symbols of
Orthodox Easter include hard
boiled eggs, dyed red to
reference the blood of Christ.

- Similar to the Easter holiday

observed in other churches, the
origin of Orthodox Easter dates
back to the ancient period as a
festival that celebrates the
resurrection of Jesus, which
according to the Bible, took place
three days after his death. Accounts
on the observation of this holiday
date back to the 2nd century.
Differences between orthodox
easter and catholic easter
- Easter continues to be celebrated on two different dates depending on which church you
belong to.

- The Orthodox Easter now falls anywhere between April 4 and May 8 and the Catholic
Easter falls anywhere between March 22 and April 25.
- In rare instances, the dates align, and Easter is celebrated simultaneously.

- Also the catholics match it with a bunny because when Jesus Christ was going to be put
on the cross he saw a bunny while he tripped on the way there .

- We also have different kind of crosses.

- The orthodox cross has 3 more lines on it than the catholics


- Easter is one of the most important holiday to all christians.

- The holiday is always on a different date.

- The catholics and the orthodoxes celebrate with a week difference

- This holiday is connected with bunnies and eggs

Thank you for your attention!!!

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