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1. Which of the following is considered as scope of business ethics?

a. Ethics in compliance
b. Ethics in finance
c. Ethics in marketing
d. All of these

2. The business ethics is:

a. Ethics of responsibility
b. Ethics of behaviour
c. Ethics of values
d. Ethics of beliefs

3. The concept “Tripple Bottom Line” relates to the evaluation of

a. Social responsibility of company
b. Company administration
c. Ethics of company
d. Ethical behaviour of company

4. Personal loyalties, economic responsibilities, legal responsibilities – these are the of

business ethics.
a. Features
b. Types
c. Principles
d. Scope

5. The English word ‘Entrepreneur’ originates from:

a. Latin word
b. Greek word
c. French word
d. German word

6. Which one of the following is not considered as component of resource mobilisation?

a. Resource identification
b. Seeking out new resources
c. Disposal of wasted resources
d. Identification of resource provider

7. By which capital, a new entrepreneur can collect ‘seed capital’?

a. Equity capital
b. Venture capital
c. Angel investment

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Phone – 99035-03989

d. Working capital

8. As per MSMED Act, 2006, investment in plant and machinery of more Rs 25 lakh but does not
exceed Rs 5 crore, is known as
a. Medium enterprise
b. Micro enterprise
c. Small enterprise
d. Service enterprise

9. is a cooperative attitude of a number of people who are related to each other on

some basis.
a. Attitude
b. Morale
c. Integrity
d. Morale

10. In ethical dilemma the toughest choices are right versus

a. Right
b. Wrong
c. Unethical issues
d. Irrelevant issue

11. Among the following which is accepted as workplace ethics?

a. Trustworthiness
b. Integrity
c. Fairness
d. All of these

12. is a process by which the people of the world are incorporated in to a single world
a. Globalisation
b. Democracy
c. Bureaucracy
d. Ethics

13. From the available information the oldest family business in the world is .
a. Barone Ricasoli
b. TATA Iron & Steel company
c. East India Company
d. Kongo Gummi

14. Among the following which reason of conflict is very much important?
a. Roles and responsibilities
b. Ownership
c. Accountability
d. All of these

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Phone – 99035-03989

15. Among the following which Is not considered as government stimulation of entrepreneurship?
a. Technological change and innovation
b. Reduction of tax
c. Opportunity to flourish full potential
d. Lowering the rate of interest

16. Among the following alternative select such person who is considered as angel investor.
a. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
b. Sharad sharma
c. Sunil kalra
d. All of them

17. Among the following which is not recognised as type of layout with respect to
a. Programme layout
b. Product layout
c. Process layout
d. Combination layout

18. Among the following which one is the last step in Control?
a. Taking corrective actions
b. Identifying causes of deviation
c. Measurement of performance
d. Establishment of standards

19. Knowledge, efficiency, experience of the employees are known as resource.

a. Human
b. Intellectual
c. Venture
d. Physical

20. The English term ‘ethics’ originates from

a. Greek
b. Latin
c. French
d. Hibru

21. The concept of ‘Corporate Social responsibility’ to the society comes under the purview of the
a. Programme of company
b. Ethics of company
c. Activities of company
d. Philosophy of company

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22. Among the following which one does not come under the purview of business ethics?
a. It is a discipline
b. To gain customer’s confidence
c. Safeguarding consumer’s rights
d. Create good images of business

23. Among the following which issue of business relates to business ethics?
a. In the context of decision making of any business
b. In the context of changes in the name of business
c. In the context of increase in production of business
d. In the context of motivation

24. The process where a person informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or
wrong doing is called:
a. Endeavour
b. Whistle blowing
c. Dilemma
d. Veteran

25. Among the following which condition helps to create ethical dilemma?
a. At the time of decision making between right and right
b. At the time of decision making between right and wrong
c. At the time of decision making between right and nearly wrong issue
d. At the time of taking decision among all wrong issues.

26. The business environment that originates from the interaction of different countries or human
being of different areas, is known as
a. Unethical culture
b. Cross culture
c. Integrated culture
d. Globalised culture

27. In which year Sarbanes-Oxley Act was introduced?

a. 1982
b. 1902
c. 1992
d. 2002

28. Corporate code of ethics is a .

a. Formal document
b. Unwritten document
c. Cultural document
d. Social document

29. Among the following which one does not create any impact on business ethics on account of
cross culture?

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a. Human resource management

b. Marketing management
c. Accounting
d. Auditing

30. Narayan Murti Committee, Naresh Chandra Committee, J.J. Irani committee – All the above are
related to what kind of activities of a Company?
a. Corporate governance
b. Code of conduct of company
c. Legal mandate of company
d. None of these

31. Who was conferred Role model in India of 20th century by the Federation of Chamber of Indian
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)?
a. Ratan Tata
b. Dhirubhai Ambani
c. Sanjib Goenka
d. Prince Dwarakanath Tagore

32. Among the following alternatives which one does not qualify as importance of
a. Capital formation
b. Creation of employment
c. Maintaining balance of regional development
d. Creation of monopolistic market

33. The business which is formed by two or more persons and control lines in those
people, is known as family business.
a. Marketing
b. Financial
c. Tax related
d. Production

34. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a marketing plan?

a. It should be flexible
b. It should be long and detailed
c. It should be based on facts and valid assumption
d. It should provide strategy

35. Idea generation, preparation stage, incubation stage, illumination stage and verification are
connected with
a. Control process
b. Management process
c. Process of behaviour
d. Creative process

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36. What will be minimum and maximum amount of investment in machinery in case of a medium
size of service enterprise?
a. Rs 10 lakh and Rs 2 crore
b. Rs 2 crore and Rs 5 crore
c. Rs 10 lakh and Rs 1 crore
d. Rs 2 crore and Rs 6 crore

37. Which of the following Is not a factor for selecting location of a business enterprise?
a. Availability of raw material
b. Proximity to market
c. Profitability
d. Easy availability of efficient labour force

38. Among the following which is not considered as internal source of finance in entrepreneurship?
a. Own fund
b. Family fund
c. Angel investor
d. Undistributed profit

39. How many persons are required to constitute village based self-help group?
a. 10 women
b. 20 women
c. 10 to 20 women
d. 10 to 15 women

40. Among the following which institution or organization does not come under the purview of
a. University
b. Municipality
c. government development
d. organization involved in economic development

41. Which alternative you consider proper in respect of features of Angel investors?
a. They invest their own fund
b. They procure finance from the public to invest in venture
c. They give loan to any venture in easy term
d. All of the above

42. Which content is mentioned at the first stage of project proposal?

a. Information relating to entrepreneur
b. General information
c. Description of goods
d. None of these

43. Among the following which is the most important influencing factor of the advantages of

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a. It increases cost
b. Helps in development of entrepreneurship
c. Ensures health and security of the employees of entrepreneurship
d. Helps in marketing

44. Among the following which one is not considered as fundamental problem of a start-up
a. Failure of business model
b. Problem in getting good employee
c. Problem in getting angel investor
d. To combat the competitors

45. Fraudulent asset valuation, insider trading, securities fraud leading to manipulation of the
financial market and disproportionate executive compensation etc. are example of lapses in:
a. Product quality
b. Legal compliance
c. Corporate governance
d. Human resource management

46. Justice vs. Mercy, Truth vs. Loyalty, Individual vs. Community – Among all the above issues which
alternative of the following helps in the context of decision making?
a. Right vs. Right
b. Right vs. Wrong
c. Wrong vs. Wrong
d. Right vs. Mistake

47. (a) The organization shows inflated of salary in comparison with actual amount of salary an
employee gets
(b) granting extra amount for conveyance to the preferred employees.
All the above unethical practices are connected with the department of .
a. Finance department
b. Costing department
c. Accounting department
d. Marketing department

48. If it is not possible to select qualified employee due to internal politics, it is known as:
a. Unethical work
b. Absence of values
c. Uncultural work
d. Absence of human discipline

49. Under which type of values education and intellectual pursuits belong?
a. Instrumental values
b. Terminal values

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c. Essential values
d. Eternal values

50. Ethical values + = Ethics

A. Knowledge
B. Concept
C. Behaviour
D. Desire

51. Strategic Positioning of ventures is an activity of the phase of resource mobilisation.

(a) planning
(b) implementation
(c) evaluation
(d) control.

52. Which of the following is the reason for conflicts in family owned business?
(a) Family Oriented Management
(b) Sibling Rivalry
(c) Informal approach towards decision making process
(d) Presence of informal relationship in workplace.

53. The ability of an individual, group or organization to generate new ideas, discover novel
approaches of looking at problems and opportunities and convert them into reality is reffered to as
(a) invention
(b) innovation
(c) creativity
(d) entrepreneurship.

54. Innovation is defined as

(a) commercial application of the idea of a new product or process
(b) the invention of a new product or process
(c) a new product or process idea
(d) none of the above.

55. Which of the following is not considered as component of resource mobilization?

(a) Resource Identification
(b) Seeking out new resources
(c) Disposal of waste resources
(d) Identification of resource provider.

56. The importance of lies in the fact that this activity triggers an entrepreneurial spark
and arouses interest in entrepreneurship among individuals.
(a) Support
(b) Stimulation
(c) Sustainability
(d) Motivation

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57. Name the institution which was set up as an apex bank (institution) to provide direct or indirect
financial assistance to small scale industries under different schemes:
(b) NSIC
(d) SSIDC.

58. The French word “Entre” and “Prendre” means and .

(a) effort; project
(b) start; project
(c) ‘between’; ‘to take’
(d) ‘between’; ‘venture’.

59. Angel Investor is .

(a) A person who provides loan at higher interest
(b) One who becomes partner in an enterprise in exchange of money
(c) A wealthy individual who invests directly in start-ups
(d) A person who takes risk of business owned by others.

60. Which of the following is not an element of entrepreneurship?

(a) Business Opportunity
(b) Innovation
(c) Family Background
(d) Risk and uncertainty

61. Why should an entrepreneur do a “feasibility study” for starting a new venture?
(a) To identify possible source of fund
(b) To assess the viability of the venture
(c) To estimate expected sales
(d) To explore potential customers.

62. Which type of resources is required for spawning a new enterprise?

(a) Financial Resources
(b) Physical Resources
(c) Human Resources
(d) All of these.

63. Race Track Layout is also known as .

(a) Loop Layout
(b) Spine Layout
(c) Herringbone Layout
(d) Grid Layout.

64. Identify the right sequence of business process mapping.

(a) Identify the goal, Planning and map out the process, Setting up actions and assigning
stakeholders, Implementing Process, Testing the process, Monitoring the results, Replicate.
(b) Identify the goal, Planning and map out the process, Setting up actions and assigning
stakeholders, Testing the process, Implementing the Process, Monitoring the results, Replicate.
(c) Identify the goal, Setting up actions and assigning stakeholders, Planning and map out the
process, Implementing Process, Testing the process, Monitoring the results, Replicate.
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Phone – 99035-03989

(d) Identify the goal, Planning and map out the process, Setting up actions and assigning
stakeholders, Testing the process, Monitoring the results, Implementing Process, Replicate.

65. Special Economic Zone are areas .

(a) which have unique economic rules, regulations and laws
(b) a portion of city designed for industrial use
(c) small industrial area at outskirts of the city
(d) specific geographical area meant for specific industrial activity.

66. Which of the following is the right phase of the process of creativity according to Graham
Wallas’s model?
(a) Idea Germination, Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, Verification
(b) Idea Germination, Preparation, Illumination, Incubation, Verification
(c) Incubation, Idea Germination, Preparation, Illumination, Verification
(d) Idea Germination, Incubation, Preparation, Illumination, Verification.

67. Which of the following is not included in a typical business plan?

(a) Business Description
(b) Market analysis
(c) Plan of operations
(d) Recruitment and selection process.

68. Precise thinking is also known as—

(a) Convergent thinking
(b) Divergent thinking
(c) Effective thinking
(d) Lateral thinking.

69. As per Section 7 of MSMED Act, 2006, a small enterprise in the manufacturing sector has been
defined as an enterprise whose—
(a) investment in plant and machinery is more than Rupees 25 Lakhs but does not exceed Rupees 5
(b) investment in equipment is more than Rupees 10 Lakhs but less than Rupees 2 Crore.
(c) investment in equipment is more than Rupees 2 Crore but less than Rupees 5 Crore.
(d) investment in plant and machinery is more than Rupees 5 Crore but does not exceed Rupees 10

70. Full form of ICICI is .

(a) Indian Credit and Investment Corporation Industry
(b) Industrial Cooperative and Investment Commission of India
(c) Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
(d) Industrial Credit and Investment Corporate of India.

71. Which of the following is not a factor for selecting location of a business enterprise?
(a) Availability of raw material
(b) Proximity to market
(c) Profitability
(d) Easy availability of efficient labour force.

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Phone – 99035-03989

72. In the stage of responsibility allocation process, the entrepreneur follows:

(a) Highly centralized decision making process
(b) Highly decentralized decision making process
(c) Somewhat centralised decision making process
(d) No particular standard.

73. Fixed capital is required for:

(a) Procurement of fixed assets
(b) Required for expansion and diversification
(c) For supporting day to day operations of the company
(d) Both (a) and (b).

74. The method of exploring potential solutions to a problem is known as—

(a) Precise thinking
(b) Convergent thinking
(c) Lateral thinking
(d) Effective thinking.

75. “The increase in domestic business has occurred for several reasons in recent times”— Which of
the following is the most important reason?
(a) Increase in utility
(b) Increase in tax rate
(c) Increasing use of internet
(d) Fewer people seeking financial security

76. Justice approach is an approach of .

(a) Obligation Theories
(b) Equity Theories
(c) Deontological Approach
(d) Teleological Approach.

77. The process where a person informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or
wrong doing is called .
(a) Endeavour
(b) Whistle Blowing
(c) Dilemma
(d) Veteran.

78. A company in India required to make Corporate Social Responsibility expenses must spent at
least of the average net profit of immediately preceding three financial years.
(a) 2%
(b) 3%
(c) 2.5%
(d) 1.5%

79. Prescriptive Ethics is also known as .

(a) Meta- Ethics
(b) Descriptive Ethics
(c) Normative Ethics
(d) Societal Ethics.
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80. Which moral philosophy seeks the greatest good for the greatest number of people?
(a) Consequentialism
(b) Utilitarianism
(c) Egoism
(d) Ethical formalism.

81. Which of the following is a serious issue related to ethics in marketing?

(a) Deceptive Advertising and Price gouging
(b) Fraudulent asset valuation
(c) Issues affecting the privacy of the employer
(d) Occupational safety and health.

82. is a statement of business guidelines that define ethical standards of conduct for its
top management and employees.
(a) Vision statement
(b) Mission statement
(c) Corporate code of ethics
(d) Memorandum of Association.

83. Ethics is a branch of and .

(a) Philosophy, natural science
(b) Spirituality, social science
(c) Philosophy, social science
(d) Spirituality, natural science.

84. The beliefs possessed by the top management of an organisation about the way of conducting
the operations of the business and employees is termed as—
(a) Corporate Culture
(b) Corporate Framework
(c) Corporate Rules
(d) Corporate Guidelines.

85. may be defined as the enhancement of long term shareholder value, while at the
same time, protecting the interests of other stakeholders.
(a) Business ethics
(b) Cultural relativism
(c) Corporate social responsibility
(d) Corporate governance

86. Business ethics comprises—

(a) Law and regulations that guide the behaviour in the world of business
(b) Moves, values and customs that guide behaviour in general
(c) Moral principles and standards that guide behaviour in the world of business
(d) The obligations business assumes to maximize their positive impact and minimize their negative
impact on society.

87. is a technique used by companies and its financial managers to manipulate financial
statements and reports to show more favourable results for a period.
(a) Insider trading
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(b) Whistle blowing

(c) Window dressing
(d) Internal audit.

88. is a moral situation in which a choice has to be made between two undesirable
(a) Ethical norms
(b) Ethical dilemma
(c) Ethical cycle
(d) Ethical competitor.

89. Which of the following companies is not required to constitute CSR committee?
(a) Companies with net worth Rs. 500 crore or higher during any 3 preceding financial years
(b) Companies with turnover of Rs. 1000 crore or higher during any 3 preceding financial years
(c) Companies with net profit of Rs. 5 crore or higher during any 3 preceding financial years
(d) Companies with net loss of Rs. 5 crore or higher and net worth of 500 crores or higher during
any 3 preceding financial years.

90. states that an act that is not good morally can lead to something good and focuses
on the intentions associated with a behaviour.
(a) Deontological Approach
(b) Moral Rights Approach
(c) Justice Approach
(d) Virtue Ethics Approach.

91. The norms relating to corporate governance for Indian listed company are presented in
of Companies Act in the listing agreement.
(a) Clause 49
(b) Clause 59
(c) Clause 45
(d) Clause 48

92. The guidelines of business defining the ethical standards for its top management and employees
is termed as—
(a) Corporate Code of Ethics
(b) Corporate Framework
(c) Industry Rules
(d) Corporate behaviour.

93. The dictionary meaning of the term “value” is—

(a) Principles or standards of propriety
(b) Principles or standards of excellence
(c) Principles or standards of behaviour
(d) Principles or standards of good faith.

94. is a term used to define an organisation’s initiative to increase understanding

among different groups.
(a) Globalisation
(b) Cultural relativism
(c) Cross culture
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(d) All of these.

95. The “Universal Application” feature of corporate governance means that—

(a) Corporate governance is based on core ethico-moral principles and values
(b) Corporate governance is legally recognised across several countries and all organizations
(c) The top management should not maintain any secrecy and must disclose all relevant information
(d) Corporate governance is socially accepted by all people living in the society.

96. Which of the following is not unethical behaviour in human resource management?
(a) Creating split in Union leaders by inducing regionalism, casteism
(b) Producing fake caste certificate to obtain a job
(c) Maintaining occupational safety, health and fairness of job contract
(d) Biased attitude in selection, promotion, transfer, training & development of employees.

97. Internal Control & Internal Audit can resolve the ethical issues in .
(a) Accounting and Finance
(b) Human Resource Management
(c) Marketing Management
(d) Audit Committee.

98. Which of the following is not likely to be true regarding corporate governance?
(a) Corporate governance deals with issues that result from the separation of ownership and control
(b) Corporate governance requires the board of directors and the top management to protect the
rights of only majority stakeholders
(c) Corporate governance is a systematic process based on laws, procedures, practice and rules
(d) Corporate governance is a top-down approach.

99. Cultural Relativism refers to

(a) All moral and ethical systems are equally valid and activities should be interpreted in terms of
one’s own culture
(b) All moral and ethical systems are different and they must be taken into consideration separately
(c) One culture is quite as good as any other nominated culture
(d) Culture is the only reference point for a value system.

100. The order of Pyramid of responsibility is

(a) Ethical Responsibility, Moral Responsibility, Social Responsibility, Economic Responsibility.
(b) Economic Responsibility, Legal Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, Philanthropic
(c) Philanthropic Responsibility, Justice Responsibility, Economic Responsibility, Ethical
(d) Legal Responsibility, Moral Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, Economic Responsibility

101. simply refers to a moral situation in which a choice has to be made between two
equally undesirable alternatives.
(a) Ethical dilemma
(b) Ethical deficit
(c) Ethical erosion
(d) Ethical cycle.

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102. refers to the integration of economics and societies through the cross-cultural
flows and networks of information, interaction, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital, finance,
power and human resources.
(a) Nationalization
(b) Globalization
(c) Modernization
(d) Socialization.

103. is required for financing the pre-start stage of firms i.e. financing of ideas that have
not yet come to market.
(a) Fixed Capital
(b) Seed Capital
(c) Early Stage Capital
(d) Working Capital.

104. When creativity leads to a new commercial approach of solving problems or enriching the
society, it is referred to as
(a) Entrepreneurship
(b) Innovation
(c) Invention
(d) Adaptation.

105. From an organizational perspective, are the embodiment of what the organization stands for
and should be the basis for the behaviour of its members.
(a) Ethical principles
(b) Profit motives
(c) Values
(d) Rules.

106. As per Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 (Old definition
of MSME), a manufacturing enterprise having investment in plant & machinery not exceeding lakhs
is referred to as a micro enterprise.
(a) 20 lakhs
(b) 22 lakhs
(c) 25 lakhs
(d) 28 lakhs.

107. Among the following which one is not considered as an element of business ethics?
(a) Respect
(b) Honour
(c) Integrity
(d) Loyalty.

108. 8. The provisions governing Corporate Social Responsibility are covered under Section Company
Act, 2013.
(a) 130
(b) 148
(c) 135
(d) 153.

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109. The ability of an individual, group or organization to generate new ideas and discover novel
approaches of looking at problems and opportunities is referred to as .
(a) Invention
(b) Innovation
(c) Creativity
(d) Entrepreneurship

110. refers to the process of acquiring or procuring required resources from different
resource providers in a timely and cost effective manner.
(a) Resource transition
(b) Resource movement
(c) Fundraising
(d) Resource mobilization

111. A. Carroll organized different corporate social responsibilities as alan... layered pyramid model.
(a) Four
(b) five
(c) sis
(d) eight

112. In the context of entrepreneurship, various forms, viz. financial, marketing, technical, etc.
refers to the act of assisting the entrepreneurs in
(a) Sustainability
(b) Motivation
(c) Support
(d) Stimulation

113. refers to the act of reporting alleged organizational misconduct by an employee of

an organization to the public er top executives as the situation demands,
(a) Performance appraisal
(b) Customer complain
(c) Whistle blowing
(d) Job complain.

114. is a voluntary association of people, usually from the same socio-economic

background, who come together for solving their common problems.
(a) Industry association
(b) Self-help group
(c) Business incubator
(d) Mutual fund.

115. The method through which a project/venture is funded by raising small amounts of money from
a large number of people, typically via Internet is referred to as
(a) Crowd funding
(b) Bootstrapping
(c) Venture capital funding
(d) Angel investing

116. Corporate Code of ethics gets importance in which Act?

(a) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
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(b) Indian Penal Code

(c) Indian Contract Act
(d) Company Protection Act.

117. The primary aim of a is to mitigate conflict before it erupts, by agreeing on business
policies in advance.
(a) Family organization
(b) Family meeting
(c) Family retreat
(d) Familial constitution.

118. is the systematic set of universally accepted rules and regulations created by an
appropriaten authority.
(a) Ethics
(b) Morality
(c) Honesty
(d) Law

119. "Entrepreneurship is a force of creative destruction - Who made this statement?

(a) Peter Drucker
(b) J. Schumpeter
(c) Ratan Tata
(d) W. Taylor.

120. Ethical egoism and utilitarianism are two types of approach of business ethics.
(a) Teleological
(b) Justice
(c) Deontological
(d) Virtuous.

121. Which of the following happen to be classification of entrepreneurs based on entrepreneurial

(a) Aggressive entrepreneur, Adoptive entrepreneur, Fabian entrepreneur
(b) Agricultural entrepreneur, Trading entrepreneur, industrial entrepreneur
(c) Pure entrepreneur, Induced entrepreneur, Spontaneous entrepreneur
(d) Novice entrepreneur, Serial entrepreneur, Portfolio entrepreneur.

122. A merger is a combination of two firms producing same products but selling them in different
geographic market.
(a) Diversified activity merger
(b) Vertical merger
(c) Product extension merger
(d) Market extension merger.

123. Which of the following is not included in a typical Business plan?

(a) Recruitment and Selection Process
(b) Market Analysis
(c) Plan of Operations
(d) Business Descriptions.

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124. A willful and deliberate violation of code of ethics of any organization is classified as form of
misconduct, which basically refers to rebelliousness or disobedience is classified as.
(a) insubordination, misconduct
(b) lack of qualification, misconduct
(c) misconduct, insubordination
(d) unsatisfactory satisfaction, lack of qualification.

125. 5. As per MSMED Act, 2006, the "Medium Enterprises in the manufacturing sector have been
defined as enterprises, whose:
(a) investment in plant & machinery is more than 25 lakhs but less than 5 crore.
(b) investment in plant & machinery is more than 10 lakhs but less than 2 crore.
(c) investment in plant & machinery is more than 2 crore but less than 5 crore.
(d) investment in plant & machinery is more than 5 crore but does not exceed 10 crore.

126. Which of the following is not a stimulating factor in entrepreneurship?

(a) Arranging business plan competition at colleges and universities.
(b) Incorporating entrepreneurship development as a subject in various academic programmes.
(c) Climate conditions
(d) Broadcasting motivational stories of successful entrepreneurs in the media.

127. Which of the following is the first stage in creativity?

(a) Preparation
(b) Idea germination
(c) Incubation
(d) Verification.

128. Among the following which two alternatives do not belong to the types of values?
(a) Instrumental values
(b) Ethical values
(c) Recent values.
(d) Terminal values

129. Some jobs cannot be done alone and some can be done much better and faster if you possess
the quality
(a) Respect
(b) Responsibility
(c) Cooperation.
(d) Teamwork

130. "We advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty and reason as essential to the integrity of
communication." This is a commitment that would most likely be found in a.
(a) Mission statement
(b) Code of ethics
(c) Code of conduct
(d) Employees' handbook

131. You are a person with a high level of if you stand by your values even if others put pressure on
you to do something that is wrong or if they make fun of you
(a) Communication
(b) Cooperation
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(c) Honesty
(d) Integrity.

132. According to the concept of moral intensity, a worker is most likely to behave ethically and
legally when
(a) a manager observes his or her behaviour closely
(b) the workers have intense moral
(c) the consequences of the act are minor
(d) the consequences of the act are substantial

133. The term MSMEs stand for and are defined under of MSMED Act
(a) Medium, Micro and Small Entrepreneurship, Section 9 46
(b) Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises, Section 8
(c) Medium Small and Medium Enterprises, Section 7
(d) Medium, Small and Macro Enterprises, Section 6.

134. What is business ethics?

(a) The study of business situations, activities and decisions where issues of right and wrong are
(b) Defined as decisions which organizations make on issues that could be considered right or
(c) Ethics that can be applied to an organization's practices.
(d) Ethical processes businesses use in order to achieve a good ethical standard.

135. Which of the following is true with respect to family-owned business?

(a) Traditionally, most of the family run business have been dominated by the female family
(b) Conflicts among the family members are one of the major challenges of this form of business.
(c) Family-owned businesses have complex organizational structure.
(d) All family businesses must have Board of Directors.

136. fills the gaps in the owner's funds in relation to the amount of equity required to
support the successful launching of start-up firms, new innovative and untried businesses.
(a) Business angels
(b) Venture capitalists
(c) Entrepreneurs
(d) Private equity.

137. Incubators that operate and interact with the firms from their physical office space are called
and those, which operate from online platforms, are called
(a) Invisible incubators. Physical incubators (B)
(b) Tangible incubators, Intangible incubators
(c) Virtual incubators. Visible incubators
(d) Physical incubators. Virtual incubators.

138. Fairness in employment practices centres on:

(a) Hiring no family members or friends
(b) By Giving people equal rewards for accomplishing the same tasks
(c) Obeying equal employment opportunity legislation
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(d) Avoiding conflict of interest

139. The stakeholder view of social responsibility states that organization must respond
(a) employees and customers
(b) shareholders and owners
(c) all stakeholders, not just shareholders and include its customers, suppliers, employees,
investors, communities and others who have a stake in the organization.
(d) all those who might sue the organization.

140. Ethics and Law sometimes overlap. This is called.

(a) Yellow area
(b) White area
(c) Black area
(d) Grey area

141. An 'Interpreneur is a person.

(a) who is his/her own boss
(b) who happens to be the owner of the business
(c) who happens to be an employee of a large organization
(d) who bears the risk and takes own decision.

142. Which of the following statements is true with respect to location of business premises
(a) A manufacturing organization requires only office for its operation.
(b) Non-commercial entities do not require any premises for carrying out their respective
(c) Office is the only premises required by a service rendering organization.
(d) A non-manufacturing organization requires only factory for its operation.

143. Which of these actions of an entrepreneur will most likely result in 'creative destruction"?
(a) Developing a new product
(b) Taking over a competitor's business
(c) Issuing shares to individuals and institutions
(d) Lowering prices of product or service.

144. In which document the issue relating to Corporate Governance are reflected?
(a) Memorandum of Association
(b) Articles of Association
(c) Annual Report of the company
(d) Prospective

145. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a marketing plan?

(a) It should be flexible
(b) It should be long and detailed
(c) It should be based on facts and valid as
(d) It should provide a strategy to accomplish the mission statement of the enterprise

146.Principles of Business ethics include:

(a) Providing quality goods and services to customers
(b) Giving misleading and indecent advertisement
(c) Charging high prices for goods and services to customers
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(d) Encouraging employees to make chaos in the organization.

147 Why is sustainability becoming important for global corporate strategy?

(a) Because emerging markets are not likely to carry on growing.
(b) Because MNCs face scarcity of raw material
(c) Because government in developing countries are encouraging pollutant industries.
(d) Because customers in developing countries are concerned about the environment.

148 Process of reducing number of employed people in a firm is classified as and the process in
which employees take some time off from job and expect that they will come back for work is
classified as:
(a) downsizing, layoff
(b) layoff, merger
(c) acquisition, downsizing
(d) layoff, acquisition.

149. In the field of business. means those persons who have high financial strength and who are
willing to take risks by investing in a new venture.
(a) Business incubator
(b) Limited liability partnership
(c) Self-help group
(d) Angel investor.

150. In the words of J.B. Say, “An is one who brings together the factors of production and
combines them into a product”.
(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Intrapreneur
(c) Businessman
(d) Extrapreneur

151. defines an entrepreneur as “ one who innovates, raises money, assembles inputs and
sets the organization going with the ability to identify them and opportunities, which others are not
able to fulfill such economic opportunities”.
(a) Peter Drucker
(b) H.N. Hansen
(c) Koontz o'donnel
(d) Joseph Schumpeter

152. “ the process of creating value by bringing together a unique package of resources to
exploit an opportunity.”
(a) Entrepreneurship
(b) Creativity
(c) Innovation
(d) Development

153. Entrepreneurship is a:
(a) Science
(b) Art
(c) Practice
(d) None of the above
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154. The word entrepreneur has a origin.

(a) English
(b) Greek
(c) French
(d) Latin

155. The word entrepreneurship is derived from the French word .

(a) Entrepredre
(b) Entreprendur
(c) Entrepreneurde
(d) Entropre

156 “Entrepreneur is someone who actually searches for change responds to it and exploits those
changes as an opportunity" this statement is given by:
(a) Peter Drucker
(b) H.N. Hansen
(c) Koontz o'donnel
(d) Joseph Schumpeter

157 All activities undertaken by an entrepreneur to bring a business unit into existence are
known as .
(a) Entrepreneurship
(b) Creativity
(c) Innovation
(d) Development

158. is a dynamic activity which helps the entrepreneur to bring changes in the process of
production, innovation in production, new usage of materials, creator of market etc.
(a) Entrepreneurship
(b) Creativity
(c) Innovation
(d) Development

159. The word entrepreneur is derived from French word “Entreprendure” and the German word
“Unternehmen”, both mean .
(a) To undertake
(b) To Create
(c) To innovate
(d) To Develop

16.An is a place where the required facilities and factory accommodation are provided by
the government to the entrepreneurs to establish their industries there
(a) industrial estate
(b) Workshop
(c) Organizational set-Up
(d) All of the above

161 are also known by different names, e.g. industrial region, industrial park, industrial
area,industrial zone, etc.
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(a) industrial estate

(b) Workshop
(c) Organizational set-up
(d) All of the above

162 In industrial estates, only those small- scale units are housed which are ancillary to a
particular large industry. Examples of such units are like one attached to the HMT, Bangalore.
(a) Ancillary Industrial Estates
(b) Functional Industrial Estates
(c) The Workshop –bay
(d) Co-operative Industrial Estates

163. types of industrial estates are constructed mainly for very small firms engaged in repair
(a) Ancillary Industrial Estates
(b) Functional Industrial Estates
(c) The Workshop –bay
(d) Cooperative Industrial Estates

164. is place where the required facilities and factory accommodation are provided by the
government to the entrepreneurs to establish their industries there.
(a) Industrial estate
(b) Workshop
(c) Organizational set-up
(d) All of the above

165. The first and foremost industrial estate was established at in 1955.
(a) Rajkot in Gujarat
(b) Mumbai
(c) Kolkata
(d) Delhi

166. Entrepreneurs' Organization, or EO, was established in .

(a) 1987
(b) 1988
(c) 1989
(d) 1990

167 is a measure of how reasonable the project timetable is.

(a) Operational feasibility
(b) Cultural (or political) feasibility
(c) Technical feasibility
(d) Schedule feasibility

168. is a measure of the cost-effectiveness of a project or solution.

(a) Technical feasibility
(b) Schedule feasibility
(c) Economic feasibility
(d) Legal feasibility

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169. is a measure of how well a solution can be implemented within existing

legal/contractual obligations.
(a) Technical feasibility
(b) Schedule feasibility
(c) Economic feasibility
(d) Legal feasibility

170 is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up.

(a) Feasibility study
(b) Business Idea
(c) Business Plan
(d) Project Report

171. serves like a kind of big road map to reach the destination determined by the
(a) Feasibility study
(b) Business Idea
(c) Business Plan
(d) Project Report

172 Mar J. Dollinger has defined the as “the formal written expression of the
entrepreneurial vision, describing the strategy and operations of the proposed venture”.
(a) Feasibility study
(b) Business Idea
(c) Business Plan
(d) Project Report

173 The term means the development of a written document that spells out like a roadmap
where you are, where you want to be, and how you want to get there.
(a) Feasibility study
(b) Business Idea
(c) Business Plan
(d) Project Report

174. The may be considered most important for any start-up.

(a) Financial resource
(b) Intellectual resource
(c) Human resource
(d) Physical resource

175. The most important element in starting a business is .

(a) Financial resource
(b) Intellectual resource
(c) Human resource
(d) Physical resource

176 is the intangible value of a business, covering its people, the value inherent in its
relationships, and everything that is left when the employees go home.
(a) Financial resource
(b) Intellectual resource
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(c) Human resource

(d) Physical resource

177 Ethics is a branch of

(a) Social studies
(b) Principles
(c) Law
(d) Arts

178 Ethics means

(a) Pure science
(b) Law
(c) Business environment
(d) A code of conduct

179 Ethics deals with

(a) Moral principles and social values
(b) Rules
(c) Activity
(d) Political science

180 means to conduct business human touch in order to give welfare to the society.
(a) Business rules
(b) Business ethics
(c) Busines economics
(d) All of above

181. According to Andrew Crane," is the study of business situations, activities, and
decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed.
(a) Business environment
(b) Business ethics
(c) Business provisions
(d) All of the above

182 According to Raymond C. Baumhart "The ethics of business is the ethics of

(a) Responsibility
(b) Pure science
(c) Arts
(d) Activity

183 (also corporate ethics) is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical
principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment."
(a) Business rules
(b) Business ethics
(c) Business provisions
(d) All of the above

184 applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to conduct of individuals
and entire organizations.
(a) Business rules
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(b) Business ethics

(c) Business provisions
(d) All of the above

185 is about obeying and adhering to rules and authority.

(a) Ethics in Compliance
(b) Ethics in arts
(c) Ethics in Human Resources
(d) Ethics in management

186 Window dressing, misleading financial analysis, Insider trading, over billing of expenses,
facilitation payments, Fake reimbursements etc are ethical issues in
(a) Finance
(b) Management
(c) Human Resources
(d) Arts

187. The ethical issues in finance that companies and employees are confronted includes:
(a) In accounting-window dressing misleading financial analysis.
(b) Related party transactions not at arm's length
(c) Insider trading, securities fraud leading to manipulation of the financial markets.
(d) All of the above

188. The covers those ethical issues arising around the employer-employee relationship,
the rights and duties owned between employes and employee such as
(a) Ethics of human resource management (HRM)
(b) Ethics of management
(c) Ethics of arts
(d) Ethics of Marketing

189. The issues of ethics faced by HRM include:

(a) Discrimination issues i.e. discrimination on the bases of age, gender, race, religion, disabilities,
weight etc.
(b) Sexual harassment.
(c) Affirmative Action.
(d) All of the above

190. The issues of ethics faced by HRM include:

(a) Issues surrounding the representation of employees and the democratization of the workplace,
(b) Issues affecting the privacy of the employee: workplace surveillance, drug testing.
(c) Issues affecting the privacy of the employer: wishtle-blowing.
(d) All of the above

191. The issues of ethics faced by HRM include:

(a) Issues relating to the fairness of the employment contract
(b) The balance of power between employer and employee.
(c) Occupational safety and health.
(d) All of the above

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192. Issues affecting the privacy of the employee, Issues affecting the privacy of the employer, Issues
relating to the fairness of the employment contract, Occupational safety and health etc are related
(a) Ethics of human resource management (HRM)
(b) Ethics of Compliance
(c) Ethics of management
(d) Ethics of arts

193 Discrimination issues i.e. discrimination on the bases of age, gender, race, religion, disabilities,
weight Sexual harassment etc are examples of
(a) Ethics of human resource management HRM
(b) Ethics of management
(c) Ethics of arts
(d) Ethics of Marketing

194 . is the area of applied ethics which deals with the moral principles behind the
operation and regulation of marketing.
(a) Ethics in management
(b) Ethics marketing
(c) Ethics Human Resources
(d) Ethics in Marketing

195 The issues of ethics faced by HRM include:

(a) Issues relating to the fairness of the employment contract
(b) The balance of power between employer and employee.
(c) Occupational safety and health.
(d) All of the above

196 Issues affecting the privacy of the employee, Issues affecting the privacy of the employer, Issues
relating to the fairness of the employment contract, Occupational safety and health etc are related
(a) Ethics of human resource management (HRM)
(b) Ethics of Compliance
(c) Ethics of management
(d) Ethics of arts

197 Discrimination issues i.e. discrimination on the bases of age, gender, race, religion, disabilities,
weight Sexual harassment etc are examples of
(a) Ethics of human resource management HRM)
(b) Ethics of management
(c) Ethics of arts
(d) Ethics of Marketing

198. is the area of applied ethics which deals with the moral principles behind the
operation and regulation of marketing.
(a) Ethics in management
(b) Ethics marketing
(c) Ethics Human Resources
(d) Ethics in Marketing
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199 -deals with the duties of a company to ensure that products and production
processes do not cause harm.
a. Ethics of Production
b. Ethics in Marketing
c. Ethics in arts
d. Ethics in management

200. The ethical issues of production include:

a. Defective, addictive and inherently dangerous products\
b. Ethical relations between the company and the environment include pollution, environmental
ethics, and carbon emissions trading
c. Product testing ethics.
d. All of the above

201 Defective, addictive and inherently dangerous products, pollution, Product testing ethics, Ethical
problems arising out of new technologies etc. are issues related to
a. Ethics in Production
b. Ethics in arts
c. Ethics in Human Resources
d. Ethics in compliance

202 deals with what actually believe (or made to believe) to be right or wrong, and
accordingly holds up the human actions acceptable or not acceptable or punishable under a custom
or law.
a. Descriptive Ethics
b. Environmental Ethics
c. Scientific Ethics
d. Deontological ethics

203 is also called comparative ethics because compares the ethics o past and present;
ethics of one society and other
a. Descriptive Ethics
b. Normative Ethics a
c. Environmental ethics
d. Scientific ethics

204 also takes inputs from other disciplines such as anthropology, psychology, sociology
and history to explain the moral right or wrong.
a. Descriptive Ethics
b. Scientific Ethics
c. Virtue ethics
d. Environmental ethics

205 deals with "norms" or set considerations how one should act.

a. Scientific Ethics
b. Normative Ethics
c. Environmental ethics
d. Deontological ethics

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206. a study of "ethical action" and sets out the rightness or wrongness of the actions
a. Scientific Ethics
b. Normative Ethics
c. Environmental ethics
d. Deontological ethics

207 anything such as harassing, victimizing, abusing or -is also called prescriptive
ethics because it rests on the principles which determine whether an action is right or wrong
a. Descriptive Ethics
b. Normative Ethics
c. Scientific ethics
d. Environmental ethics

208. The Golden rule of is "doing to others as we want them to do to us"

a. Environmental Ethics
b. Normative Ethics
c. Virtue ethics
d. Scientific ethics

209. Based on the reasoning of assaulting someone is wrong

a. Scientific Ethics
b. Normative Ethics
c. Environmental ethics
d. Deontological ethics

210. gave a scheme of four cardinal virtues viz. prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. Aristotle

211. categorized the virtues as moral and intellectual.

a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. Aristotle

212. Deontological ethics or duty ethics focuses on the rightness and wrongness of the actions
rather than the consequences of those actions. a. Environmental Ethics
b. Normative Ethics
c. Scientific ethics
d. Deontological ethics

213. There are different theories such as categories imperative, moral absolutism, divine command
theory etc are related to
a. Scientific Ethics
b. Environmental Ethics
c. Virtue ethics
d. Deontological ethics
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