British Culture 1 - Fairer Schools System

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n yesha Kasiitm, Oaily'Xer"i; S.o.11t1 lfrlii :, : facts were deviously manipulated and Extracts from the books by people
rfhe Departmenr ol Education we need to look at the kind of who had lived under the Bantu
I tclebrated 10 years
ofthe memory we are building for our education sYStem were read out,
ffansformation of education witir the children. \7e need to build an recalling the inequalities of the
laur-ich of a high school history book inclusive memory/ where the heroes apartheid regime.
series aimed at creating, an African and heroines of the pasr belong not "In the (African) pasr, the hunrer
l,ieu, of the country's past. only to certain sectors, but to us all. or the victor has always written our
Tl-re series, Turning Poi?,tts, was Memory is identity and we cannot history history that served the
initiated by the Insrirure forJustice have a divided identity." hunter's-a interest. But now we want to
ancl Reconciliation as part of its Asmal fought back tears as he hear the lion's story Let Africa write
Reconciliation and Social spoke, saying he was proud o{.the its own history because gur future is
Reconstruction Programme. High country's youth some of whom
performed at the- event
an African future. And then, from our
scl-rools nationwide will each receive
eight rrolumes, u.ritten by South
- u,ho were
the "frults of our freedom".
own history we will work out our own
undersmnding of what it means to be
African scholars. Afiican," he said.
At the launch in Cape Town, Nobel Laureate Nadine Gordimer,
Education Minister Kader Asmal gaid: also present at tl-]e event, echoed
Wc jrrherjted an education sysrem Asmal's words and reiterated the
frorrr apartheid that caused serious importance of "unmasking the other
danage. side of history". "But we need a
"Tl-re Bantu education truly literate society Literacy is a
systenr was a system that basic human right," she said.
disablcd our people. denying Series co-ordinator Fanie du Toit
then the opportunity to be said: "The books are about reclaiming
part of society But we are starting our herimge and acknowledging the
to build a iruly South African s,vsrem often neglected voices of our past.
that wlll enable us to teach the truth Keeping the memory alive will help
about our history. For so long, the
us in shaping the future."

BBC News, UK 25o/oof children leave primary scl-rool languages. The School Srandards
unable to read, write and count well. Ministeq David Milliband, argued at
[ "genuine cornprehensive s1 srem"
1 \is needed to improve pupils' Hall leaving secondary school in the conference that specialism
school performances, the leader of England have fewer than five good encouraged excellence and raised
Britain's biggest teachers' union GCSES. general standards. Mr Milliband
algues. Mr Mc{voy toid a Londor-r accepted that PISA had shorvn
conference to discuss the PISA England had one of tl-re "most
. Doug McAvoy, general secretary of
the Natior-ral Union of Teachers, findings: "Finnish schools have a high unequal education systems in the
claimed specialisr scltools degree of autonomir in teaching and industrialised world".
tavoured by the government - in in tire curriculum. Finnish teacl-iers "Far too many children who have
England "work againsr the have more say than their colleagues the brains and skills and potenrial to
diversiq, -ol all our young people,'. He in other countries in detern-rining succeed are not given the
proposed Finland, which has reduced course content, establishing student opportunities to fulfil that potential,"
its level of pupil assessment policies, deciding u,hich
selection, as an he said. "Vtrat is more, their 2ls no1
example for rhe UK to follow. courses the school should offer and any old children, they are those least
Mr X,ic{voy,s comments come ailocating budgets." Iikely to have a home background
after the inteinational pISA But the government is defending
studv of that makes up for poor schooling.
educationai achievement found its push towards more specialist They are born into disadvantage and
Finnish children
had the highest level schools, which offer more teaching in then condemned to it."
of literacy
in the world. In Britain, specific subjects such as science or

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