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Education for Breaking the Social and Economic Gap

Good morning, Everyone.
I am Muhammad Fathyr Latief, From MAN 1 West Sumbawa.
I Would like to deliver my speech with the tittle “Education for Breaking the Social and Economic Gap”

Let me Begin with a Question for you all. Have you seen so many clever girls and boys who score
highly despite coming from poor backgrounds? Many of them could not continue their Education for lack of
Investments in education have been shown to promote economic growth and stability. When education
can only be accessed by families with money, it ruin the social mobility. Social and Economic inequalities
cause many protests and demonstrations that have swept the globe in recent years, people have expressed their
frustration with economic inequality, mass unemployment and poverty. They are treated unfairly because of
their status.
Education contributes to greater productivity and economic growth. People with higher levels of
education are more likely to find employment, remain employed, learn new skills on the job, and earn more
over their working life relative to those with lower levels of education. Educated citizens earn more, pay higher
taxes over a lifetime, and cost less for their governments in terms of social entitlements and welfare.
Like Allah said in Mujadalah 11:

‫…َيْر َفِع ُهَّللا اَّلِذ يَن آَم ُنوا ِم نُك ْم َو اَّلِذ يَن ُأوُتوا اْلِع ْلَم َد َرَج اٍت َو ُهَّللا ِبَم ا َتْع َم ُلوَن َخ ِبيٌر‬
Which mean:
“Allah will raise the dignity of those who believe among you and those who have been given knowledge
by several degrees. And Allah is All-Knowing of what you do."
With this, we can say that Education provides individuals with opportunities which can lead them to higher
incomes. It can help individuals from low-income backgrounds to achieve social mobility and move up the
socioeconomic status, breaking the cycle of poverty for themselves and their families.
In addition, Education can also promote community development. Educated people also have access to better
So, If you are educated than everything in you are leveling up, from your social status to your economic
incomes. Life has better option for you and you can make your life better.

That is my speech for today's competition. Thank you to all the attendees who have taken their time to listen to
my speech. To all the participants of today's competition, I wish you good luck and compete with sportsmanship
and integrity. Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

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