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Drugs are something that is no longer
foreign to us. Narcotics is an abbreviation of
narcotics, psychotropics and illegal drugs.
Meanwhile, drugs are narcotics,
psychotropics and addictive substances.
Drugs make users addicted so that many
people cannot get away from this drug,
apart from feeling addicted, there are many
other things that are caused by drugs

Drugs have poisoned Indonesian society, especially
among young people, not only young people, even
many children, teenagers and the elderly use
We should already know how dangerous drugs are
for ourselves, here are the dangers of drugs for us,
namely: Decreased level of consciousness, death,
dehydration, distance from friends, damage to
social life, lack of concentration, etc.

Therefore, we must protect ourselves
from things that can damage our own
future, especially drugs. If we are smart
in choosing friends and the environment
around us, there will be many
generations of people who will excel.

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