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An Action Research Report on

Developing vocabulary

Moon Narayan Shrestha

1 Developing Vocabulary Using Word Cards

I am Moon Narayan Shrestha. I have been involved in teaching
English to Basic level to Secondary level students for a long time at different
schools in Dhading. Recently I have been teaching at Mandali Basic School,
Jwalamukhi-4 Dhading as a permanent teacher of the primary level.

I have been facing various problems while teaching the students in

the class. Among them, I would like to present one of the problems while
teaching English to grade 5 students.

Statement of the Problems

Vocabulary is the basic component of the language. It is very

important because without vocabulary learners cannot speak, write, or
understand a sentence's meaning or what people say. It is a fundamental
component of language. Thornbury said-"Without grammar, very little can
be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed ." This quote
said that vocabulary is the bricks in the building. We cannot imagine
building without bricks; similarly, without vocabulary, we cannot make any
verbal or written language. So, students should learn vocabulary to be able
to achieve four language skills. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing. If
students have more vocabulary, they get more ability to learn and perform
in the English language.

But, here in the grade 5 students of Mandali Basic School face low
levels of English vocabulary which is hindering their learning. The
inadequate vocabulary of the students is resulting in a lack of understanding
and comprehension in teaching-learning activities leading to poor academic
performance. That is why, I have done this action research on "Developing
Vocabulary using Word Cards" for basic-level students. Which can help
the students to develop the English language effectively.

I think teaching English at the basic level in government-aided school

are usually found difficult because of insufficient exposure to the English
language. So, teaching English is quite challenging. This report is
attempting to explore this problem and suggests some possible ways to
improve vocabulary and enhance the English language.

2 Developing Vocabulary Using Word Cards

This action research report aims to investigate the effectiveness of a
vocabulary improvement intervention in grade 5 students at Mandali Basic

Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the study.
1. To investigate the current English vocabulary level of students and
provide feedback.
2. Determine the most effective methods to improve vocabulary.
3. Identify the challenges and limitations of using words in vocabulary
instruction and suggest a potential solution.

Selection and Prioritization of the Strategies

Vocabulary acquisition is one of the most important aspects of

English language learning. However, students often struggle to remember
new words and their meanings. So, I have chosen this topic to do action
research on this topic.

I also consulted with the principal, parents, and my colleagues and I

gathered information from various sources. The principal helped me by
providing guidelines and giving me useful advice. My colleagues supported
me by giving information about the learners' activities and motivation in
other subjects.

So, I used the following strategies:

1. I asked students to collect 5 words per day of specific areas such as
body parts/useful tools in the kitchen/ name of days and
months/names of colors etc.
2. I presented word Cards with their definition, I have also shown useful
synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences.
3. I provided them with feedback on a friendly environment.
4. I played the role of motivator and facilitator.

3 Developing Vocabulary Using Word Cards
The action research project was conducted over four weeks from November
20 to December 18. This study was performed with 11 students of grade 5.
The action research project was conducted in four stages Planning, Action,
Observation, and Reflection.


The first stage of the action research project is the planning stage.
During the planning stage, I identified the research question " Can the use
of word cards improve the vocabulary of grade 5 students at Mandali
Basic School? " I also developed a plan to implement the intervention,
which involved creating word cards for the students and having them review
the cards regularly. The following table shows the details.
Step With Action
S.N. What to do Why do How to do When to do Remarks
1. Asking to make Asking to November
students to involved in collect 20- 24
collect words the process of words from
of specific vocabulary various
categories acquisition sources
2 Providing the To provide Pronounce November
word cards of enough and ask to 24-30
Specific exposure. repeat like
categories drilling
with their
3 Asking to Strengthening Showing December
make simple their learning model 1- 7
meaningful sentence
sentences. with s+v+o
4. Pasting the So that they Pasting the December
word cards can see and word cards 7-18
on the wall repeat again on the wall
whenever with their
necessary help

4 Developing Vocabulary Using Word Cards

In the action stage, I implemented the intervention. I asked the
students to collect 5 words per day. I also suggest they bring 5 words of the
specific category. Such as on Sunday, to collect words of body parts, On
Monday to bring words of names of days and months, on Tuesday, I asked
to bring words of kitchen tools. Similarly, On Wednesday, I asked to collect
words of birds' and animals' names. Likewise, on Thursday and Friday, I
asked to bring words of technology and food items respectively.

I prepared the word cards of a specific category, then I presented them

in the classroom. I also pronounced it loudly. I had also written its definition,
synonym, and antonym, even in Nepali translation.
I asked them to tell the words first then I Showed the example sentences and
I asked the students to create similar sentences.

I asked the students to review the cards regularly. I also incorporated

the use of word cards into my regular classroom activities. I provided
enough exposure and asked them to imitate me. During 4 weeks, students
habituated to collect 5 words per day from various sources. Most of the
students started to collect words and even started to bring Nepali words and
asked me to translate them into English and vice versa. I encouraged them
to practice more and more.

Students were also given one-word cards every day and instructed to
learn the word and use it in a sentence. They were also given a weekly quiz
to test their understanding of the words so far. I supervised and assisted them
with any queries or difficulties they faced.

Observation and Reflection:

In the reflection stage, I analyzed the data I had gathered and
observed the effectiveness of the intervention. I realized that the use of word
cards was highly effective in improving the vocabulary of grade 5 students.
The pre-test and post-test quizzes showed a gradual improvement in using
words and forming new sentences. Most of the students enjoyed using the
word cards.

5 Developing Vocabulary Using Word Cards

Vocabulary is the fundamental aspect of language. It is crucial
because, without vocabulary, we cannot convey any message, or share ideas
in verbal or written form. The vocabulary improvement intervention was
found to be effective in improving the vocabulary acquisition of grade 5 at
Mandali Basic School. This finding suggests that the use of word cards can
be an effective tool for improving vocabulary development. This study has
important implications for education curriculum developers and related
Thank You. ©

Lewis & Hill. Practical Techniques for Language Teaching. London:
Commercial Colour Press, Plc. 1990.
Scrivener, Jim. Learning Teaching: A Guide for English Language
Teacher: Macmillan. 2nd edition.1994.
Thornbury, Scott. 2002. How to teach Vocabulary. Malaysia: Pearson
Education Limited
· Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C. (1976). The Role of Vocabulary Teaching’. TESOL
Quarterly, 10 (1), 77-89
Freimuth, H. (2009). Educational research: An introduction to basic
concepts and terminology. UGRU Journal, 8, 1-11.

6 Developing Vocabulary Using Word Cards

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