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Subject Philosophy Quarter Second

Grade Level 12 School Year 2023-2024

Final Performance Task

Documentary with the theme: “Life and Death”

Please refer to the following rubric criteria as your guide.

Criteria 1: Storytelling (15 points)

1. Narrative Structure (5 points):

 Clarity of the storyline.

 Engaging introduction, development, and conclusion.

2. Character Development (5 points):

 Depth and complexity of characters.

 Connection between characters and the life and death theme.

3. Pacing (5 points):

 Flow of the documentary.

 Maintaining viewer engagement throughout.

Criteria 2: Cinematography and Visuals (15 points)

1. Cinematography (5 points):

 Quality of shots and camera work.

 Visual storytelling through cinematography.

2. Visual Appeal (5 points):

 Aesthetics and composition of visuals.

 Use of visuals to enhance the theme.

3. Symbolism and Metaphors (5 points):

 Effective use of symbols related to life and death.

 Metaphorical representations in visuals.

Criteria 3: Research and Information (15 points)

1. Accuracy (5 points):

 Factual correctness of information presented.

 Thorough research evident in the documentary.

2. Relevance (5 points):

 Relevance of information to the theme.

 Diversity of perspectives and voices represented.

3. Overall Impact (5 points):

 Lasting impression on the viewer.

 Effectiveness in conveying the documentary's message.

Criteria 5: Technical Quality (5 points)

Sound Design (3 points):

 Clarity and appropriateness of sound.

 Use of sound to enhance the theme.

Editing (2 points):

 Seamlessness of transitions.

 Overall editing quality.

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