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Create a database called IICD Practice on your desktop.

Create the following tables in the design view.

Name the table Student Information.

Student Name Receipt No. Age Gender

Jack 245 20 M
John 235 23 M
Jane 225 22 F
Mary 215 23 F
Grace 125 22 F
Peter 85 18 M

Name the table Student Payments

Receipt No. Fees Payment Mode Received by

245 20,000 cash Gaba
235 15,000 cheque Fiona
225 25,000 School pay Fiona
215 20,000 school pay Gaba
125 25,000 cash Fiona
85 30,000 Mobile money Gaba

Name the table Student marks

Student Name ID No. Coursework marks Exam marks Final mark

Jack K12 40 30 70
John K13 33 33 66
Jane K52 45 26 71
Mary K34 23 20 43
Grace K23 32 30 62
Peter K55 28 32 60

a) Create relationships between the tables you have created.

b) Generate a report Student detailed report (Student name, Gender, Fees, Payment mode, Final mark)
c) Sort the information in Student marks by Exam marks field (in Descending order).

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