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Mohammed Hussain Mohammed

Supervised By

Ahmed Muzaffar Hashem


2024 – 2023
The First Stage
is one of the seven crystal systems in which crystals can be classified. It
is characterized by three unequal axes that intersect at oblique angles.
The angles between the axes are not fixed, allowing for maximum
flexibility in terms of crystal symmetry. Triclinic crystals do not possess
any rotational symmetry and have the lowest degree of symmetry among
all crystal systems.

Figure : Triclinic crystal structure.

This topic is important for understanding the physics and chemistry of

the materials that make up ternary crystals. This type of crystal structure
may be understood to solve scientific and technological challenges in
fields such as engineering materials, nanotechnology and electronics.
Crystallography is the science of the arrangement of atoms in three
dimensions. When these atoms are metals, it is known as metallography.
The arrangement of molecules or crystals is a property that distinguishes
chemistry from pharmacology. Crystallography has its own standard
nomenclature (Hintze) and the crystallography laboratory has
specialized equipment for the recording of data, as well as for the
construction and refinement of model structures. The crystallographer
can use this equipment to identify intermolecular interactions, the
crystalline state, the symmetry, and to identify point groups.

Triclinic crystal structure

In some respects, the Triclinic Crystal System is the simplest of the seven systems.
In other ways it is the most difficult to comprehend. There is little or no symmetry.
And there are only two simple crystallographic forms to consider. Putting these
two seemingly uncomplicated ideas together proves to be a little challenging.

There are only two crystal classes in the Triclinic System, the Pinacoidal Class and
the Pedial Class. With a few more than 400 minerals that crystallize in the system,
more than 300 crystallize in the Pinacoidal Class while only 50 are found in the
Pedial Class. Approximately 70 minerals are considered to be Triclinic but have
not been identified with either class.

Microcline: Pinacoidal Class

Analcime: Pedial Class

The triclinic system is the least symmetrical of all crystal systems, which
makes it quite fascinating. Unlike other crystal systems that possess
rotational or mirror symmetries, triclinic crystals exhibit a unique kind
of disorder and asymmetry.

The lattice parameters of triclinic crystals can be determined by

measuring the lengths of the three crystallographic axes (a, b, and c) and
the angles between them (α, β, γ). The angles α, β, and γ are arbitrary
and do not follow any specific pattern or symmetry.

The End .

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