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Present simple

Positive Formal: subject + verb (s She he it) + object.

- Repeat actions: I wake up at 6.30 in the morning.

- Routine: she drinks coffee in the morning.
- General truth: water freezes at 0C.
- Fixed time: the movie starts at 7 pm tomorrow.

Negative Formal: subject + (Do not/Does not) + verb + object.

Do not  don’t.

Does not  doesn’t.

- You don’t help john.

- He doesn’t help john.

Question Formal: (Do/ Does) + subject + verb + object.

- Does she eat fish every morning?

- Do you play football every day?

Past simple

Positive Formal: subject + verb past simple + object.

Verb regular:

ED  to help – helped.

D to invite – invited.

IED to study – studied.

- She studied German in high school.

Verb irregular:
To buy – bought.

- I bought to book yesterday.

Negative Formal: subject + Did not +verb + object.

Did not  didn’t.

- I didn’t go to school yesterday.

Question Formal: Did + subject + verb + object.

- Did you stay home on Sunday?

Future simple

Positive Formal:

- Subject + will + Verb infinitive

- Subject + shall + Verb infinitive
- Be going to + Verb infinitive


- Spontaneous decisions: I will pay by visa

- Voluntary: I will do the dishes
- Promises: I will quit smoking
- Predictions: aliens will invade earth in 2060

Be going to:

- Plan future: I’m going to visit my friend next week

I will  I’ll .

Going to  gonna.

Negative Formal:

- Subject + will not + Verb infinitive

- Subject + shall not + Verb infinitive
- Be not going to + Verb infinitive
Will not:

- She Will not study tomorrow.

Be not going to:

- I’m not going to visit my friend next week.

I will not  I won’t.

Question formal:

- Will not + Subject + Verb infinitive

- Shall not + Subject + Verb infinitive
- Be + Subject + going to + Verb infinitive

Will not:

- Will you study tomorrow?

Be not going to:

- Are you going to visit your friend next week?

Present continuous

Positive Formal: Subject + Be + V ing

- The moment of action: I am recording a video right now , you are

watching a video.
- Solid future plans: I’m visiting the dentist.
- Present close: I am reading Da Vinci’s code by Dan brown.

Negative Formal: Subject + To be + not + V ing

- You are not eating well.

Question formal: To be + subject + V ing

- Are you studying hard?

- What are you doing tonight ?
Past continuous

Positive Formal: Subject + was, were + Ving

Certain period in the past:

- yesterday at 10 pm I was eating my dinner

- I was watching TV when my mother called me
- I was doing my homework while my family was watching TV

Negative Formal: Subject + was, were + not + V ing

- He wasn’t playing football.

Question Formal: + was, were + Subject + V ing

- What were you doing last night at 6 pm ?

Future continuous

Positive Formal: Subject + will be + V ing

Certain period in the future:

- Tomorrow night ali will be studying for his exams

- I will be waiting for you when you arrive tomorrow

Negative Formal: Subject + will be + not + V ing

- I will not be visiting my grandparent tomorrow.

Question Formal: will + Subject + be + V ing

- Will you be watching TV tomorrow noon?

Present perfect

Positive Formal: Subject + has, have + V past participle

- Action happened right now: I have just eaten an apple.

- At unknown time in the past: I visited Saudi Arabia last month. I have
seen this movie before.
- Action happened more than one time: I have seen this movie three time.

Some indicated word: never, ever, already, just, yet.

Negative Formal: Subject + has, have + not + V past participle

- I have not seen this movie before.

Question Formal: Has, have + Subject + V past participle

- Have you even read this book before?

- Have you seen this movie before?
- What have you done?

Paste perfect

Positive Formal: Subject + had + V past participle

Two action:

- I had brushed my teeth before I went to bed.

- After I had eaten , I drank a cup of tea.

Negative Formal: Subject + had + not + V past participle

- I had not brushed my teeth before I went to bed.

Question Formal: Did+ subject + V past participle

- Did you brushed your teeth before you went to bed?

Present perfect continuous

Positive Formal: Subject + has, have + been + V ing

Action in the paste continuous in present perfect in future:

- I have been working for this company since 2014.
- I have been studying since 7 AM.
- I have been doing this for a long time.

Since: start duration.

For: duration,

Question Formal: Has, have + Subject + been + V ing

- Has she been training since she was 5?

Future perfect

Positive Formal: Subject + will have + V past participle

Two action:

- By tomorrow noon, I will have finished this book .

- When you arrive, I will have cooked dinner.
- By this time next week, he will have finished his report.

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