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Seat No.

April -2018
LL.B, Sem.-IV
208 : Law
(Legal Methods and Legal Theories (Jurisprudence))
Time : 3 Hours |Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : Each question carrics cqual marks.

1. Explain in detail the meaning and importance of Jurisprudence

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Briefly explain various theories of Jurisprudence.

2. "Law is a command of Sovereign." Critically discuss this statement.

Explain in detail the thcory of law propounded by Jurist Salmond.

3. Explain in detail with case laws the meaning as well as concept of Legal Person.
Explain legal meaning and conccpt of Possession in detail with case laws.

4. What do you mean by Negligence ? Explain the legal meaning as well as concept of
Negligence in detail with appropriate cases.
What is Legislation Explain the mcaning, concept and kinds of Legislation.
S. Explain any two from the following in detail.
(1) Meaning and concept of Precedent
(2) Ownership : Concept and Meaning
(3) Qucstions of Law and Facts
(4) Mcaning and concept of customs

Al-101 2

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