Family Law GU 2021

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Seat Ne.

July 2021
LLB, Sem.-IV
CC-209 : Ramily Law-II
Max Mara:
Time :2 Hour:]

Istructions : (1) Each questions cTy equal mars.

from the following.
(2) Answer any thre quesions

meaning and concept of the "Domicile" under the Indian

1, Explain in detail the
Succession Act.

amongst different
2 Discuss in the detail the provisions regarding distribution of shares Hindu
provided under the
beirs of property of Hindu mae dying Intestate as
Succession Act, 1956.

of Christian who
3. Discuss the distribution of the property amongst diffeent heirs
followed Christian religion.

4. Explainin detail powers and Jurisdiction of the family court.

5. Discuss the distribution of the property of an Intestate Parsi.

6. Explain in detail :
) Doctrine ofincrease and return under Muslim Law.
(b) Kind of Hiba (Gift) under the Muslim Law.


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