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The Ra!

rap: A metaphor fo…

The Rattrap: A metaphor

for human struggle against materialism and

British rule

The rattrap and British rule may not be

immediately connected as the story is a
fable written by Selma Lagerlof. However
upon closer examination one can find
some connections between the two. Firstly
both the story and British rule deal with
power, control and exploitation. In “The
Rattrap” the protagonist who sells rat traps
is a victim of societal exploitation. He is
forced to live a life of poverty and
desperation, resorting to theft and begging
to survive. This theme of exploitation can
be compared to the British rule where
territories were exploited for resources
and labor with them wielding power over
the colonized. Furthermore British
promises were like rat traps for Indian
rulers as they were made with the
intention of luring the rulers into a false
sense of security making them cooperate
with the British. The promises made by
them were vague just like bait in a rat trap
and had unintended consequences .
Secondly both the story and the British
rule explore themes of identity and
struggle for self definition as well as they
highlight the transformative power of
compassion and understanding the
transformation of the protagonist in “The
Rattrap” from a bitter, isolated individual
to someone with gratitude and empathy
can be seen as a metaphor for potential for
positive change between colonizer and
colonized. If the colonizer would have
understood the damaging effects of their
actions and would have made amends by
offering genuine assistance and support
the colonized nation could have begun to
rebuild and heal.
“The Rattrap '' and British rule may seem
unrelated at first glance however they do
share some thematic connections. By
examining these conditions we can gain a
deeper appreciation for the universal
human experience that underline both the
story and the historical period

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