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Cambridge Primary Checkpoint

ENGLISH 0844/02
Paper 2 Fiction October 2022
Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 14 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

IB22 10_0844_02/RP
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0844/02 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme October 2022

Section A: Reading

Question Answer Marks

1 Tom and Stella have been in the garden before. 1
Give one word or phrase from the first paragraph (lines 1–2) that tells us

Award 1 mark for the following:

• (Tom and Stella are sitting on their) favourite (mound of grass)

Do not accept a longer quotation.

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Question Answer Marks

2(a) What does Tom believe at first he has found under the mound of grass? 1

Award 1 mark for the following:

• (a) treasure (box / chest).

Do not accept:

• boat – denies mark if with correct answer.

2(b) How does he feel about finding something under the ground? Give one 2
word or phrase from the text to support your answer.

Award 1 mark for the following:

• (over) excited
• surprised
• amazed
• shocked
• astonished

Allow: he feels exciting.

Accept: any suitable synonym of these words.

Do not accept imprecise or incorrect answers.

• happy – neutral with correct answer

• interested – neutral with correct answer
• curious – the overriding emotion is excitement but neutral
• stunned – too extreme
• he could not believe it – comes later on in text

Award 1 mark for any one of the following:

• HEY! (What is this?) – Hey must be either in capital letters or followed by

exclamation mark
• (Tom’s) eyes locked open (as he sat staring at the ground)
• (I think it’s treasure! he) shrieked
• I think its treasure! – must have exclamation mark to show excitement /
surprise / shock
• (It’s a box he) gasped.

Allow a copying error but words in quotation must be in right order i.e. eyes
locked open NOT open eyes locked.

The word or phrase from the text can be marked independently from the feeling
so can be given a mark even if the feeling is wrong or missing.

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Question Answer Marks

3 Look at lines 12–13. 1

Why do Stella’s eyes widen?

Tick () one box.

Award 1 mark for the following:

• surprised.

Box 3 should be ticked.

Award 0 marks where more than one box has been ticked.

Question Answer Marks

4 Give a quotation that tells us that Harry comes out of a bush. 1

Award 1 mark for the following:

• (At that moment) the bush opposite trembled violently (and out into the
clearing appeared Harry).

Do not accept a longer quotation.

Allow copying errors but words underlined must be present.

Question Answer Marks

5 Who calls the children to come? 1

Award 1 mark for the following:

• (Their) mother / mum / mom / parent

Do not accept:

• (Their) mothers / mums / parents

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Question Answer Marks

Look at lines 23–34.
6(a) Why does Stella put a log on top of the mound? Give one reason. 1

Award 1 mark for either of the following:

• to hide/conceal the boat / the box / the hole / the patch / (that they are
digging / Tom is digging) // what they are digging
• to cover (up) the hole
• so no one knows there is anything there // so no one discovers what’s in the
hole before them
• she doesn’t want anyone to see / find / take the boat
• to mark the spot
• so the next day she knows where to find the hole / where they are / were

• Do not accept imprecise or incorrect answers

• so that it doesn’t get damaged / so the log protects the mound

• to cover the mound of grass / it
• to keep it hidden
• because they were going to their grandmothers
• they had no time to get it out
6(b) The log is heavy. 2
Explain how we know. Give two reasons, using the information in the text.

Award 1 mark for each of the following, up to a maximum of 2 marks:

• It takes two people to lift it / carry it / put it on top of the mound

• Stella / she asks Tom / her brother for help (to drag / carry the log / it) // she
wants help with the log / it // Stella says ‘Help me with this’/ Stella calls /
asks for help
• They need to work together to carry / drag / move the log / she told Tom to
carry the end of the log
• Stella / she was dragging a / the log / it
• Stella / she speaks / talks breathlessly // Stella / she is breathless // Stella
said breathlessly

If only one answer is given (on one line or slightly overlapping onto two lines)
but there are two ideas within that answer, then the candidate can score 2
marks. If a candidate gives two separate answers, one with two correct ideas,
one wrong answer, mark as two separate answers i.e. one mark for one right
answer (with two correct ideas) no mark for wrong answer = 1 mark.

Do not accept imprecise or incorrect answers.

• Direct quotations without ANY explanation EXCEPT ‘she was dragging a

log’ – self-explanatory
• said Stella breathlessly
• ‘Help me with this’
• ‘Quick take that end’
• The log is a large lump of wood

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Question Answer Marks

7 Why is Tom cross? 1

Award 1 mark for one of the following:

• He wants (to get/dig) the boat (out)

• He doesn’t want to leave the boat
• Because they have to leave the boat / they are leaving the boat
• He didn’t get the boat (out)
• Because he had to wait until the next day to see the boat

Do not accept imprecise or incorrect answers.

• Because Stella covered the boat

• Because he is going somewhere / to his grandmother’s house (neutral with
correct answer)
• Because he wants to see what’s under the mound

Question Answer Marks

8 Stella is used to Tom arguing with her. Give one short phrase from the text 1
that tells us this.

Award 1 mark for either of the following:

• (‘Look’,) said Stella firmly (‘it’s no use making a fuss now.’)

• (‘Look’, said Stella firmly it’s) no use making a fuss now.’
• Stella talked firmly with Tom

Do not accept a longer quotation.

Question Answer Marks

9 Why do Stella and Tom have to wait until the next day before they can try 1
to find where Harry came from?

Award 1 mark for the following:

• (There isn’t time) because they have to go to Grandma’s / their Grandma’s

house / because they are going to their Grandmother’s house

Do not accept:

• because they needed to leave

• because their mother called them
• going to grandfather’s house

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Question Answer Marks

10 Why does Stella think Harry must know where the water is? 1

Award 1 mark for the following:

• (because) Harry / he / it is soaking / soaked / wet // because he / it (came

out of the bushes) soaking / soaked / wet.

Question Answer Marks

11(a) Look at lines 37–45. 3
Give three words from the text that describe movement.

Award 1 mark for each of the following:

• crawled
• scrambled
• scuttling.

Allow correct answers in any order. Spelling must be correct.

Accept answers where the words are either underlined in phrases OR given
within parenthetical commas in a phrase.

Do not accept:

• answers with any extra words

• dusting
• manoeuvre
11(b) Why does the writer use a one-word sentence in this part of the text? 1

Award 1 mark for either of the following:

• (for) emphasis
• it emphasises the nothingness / that there was nothing (of interest) / the
emptiness / that there was no water / that they saw nothing there / to
emphasise the word ‘nothing’/ to emphasise an idea
• To add/create drama / dramatic effect / suspense
• To show anti-climax

Do not accept imprecise or incorrect answers

• To add tension – neutral with correct answer

• to add/create interest / intrigue // to make the story more interesting – too
• to show action in a scene
• to exaggerate

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Question Answer Marks

12(a) What is ‘creepy crawlies’ an example of? 1
Tick () one box.

Award 1 mark for the following:

• alliteration.

Box 2 should be ticked.

Award 0 marks where more than one box has been ticked.
12(b) The writer doesn’t like creepy crawlies. 1
How do we know?

Award 1 mark for the following:

• (because the writer / he / she / they put / write) ugh! (– creepy crawlies.)
• because the writer / he / she / they make a sound which means disgusting

Allow: because Stella said ‘ugh!’ – as it might be Stella’s thoughts.

Do not accept:

• by the thoughts of the writer

• a longer quote
• Imagining them in her hair and trying to get rid of them – this is definitely
Stella, not the writer.

Question Answer Marks

13 How does Tom find the entrance to the hole? 1

Award 1 mark for one of the following:

• His (right) arm slips/slipped down/in (a hole so deep that on one side he
was suddenly up to his shoulder in undergrowth).
• His shoulder falls / fell / slips in/down
• He falls/fell in up to his shoulder
• He almost/nearly falls in the hole

Allow: his hand falls down a hole

Allow: the lift: Tom had just begun to manoeuvre himself when his right arm
slipped down a hole so deep that on one side he was suddenly up to his
shoulder in undergrowth.

Do not accept imprecise or incorrect answers.

• he falls/fell in
• by crawling into the bush
• he begun to manoeuvre himself round
• he slipped and fell down the hole

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Question Answer Marks

14 What kind of person is Stella? Tick () two boxes. 2

Award 1 mark for each of the following:

• clever
• practical.

Boxes 1 and 3 should be ticked.

Award 0 marks where more than two boxes have been ticked.

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0844/02 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme October 2022

Question Answer Marks

15 The extract is from an adventure story. Two features of an adventure story 2
are mystery and danger.
What is the mystery and danger in this text? Give one idea for each.

Award 1 mark for one of the following:

• finding a boat / the boat they found / why is a there a boat (buried under the
• where is the water
• why is Harry soaking / where has Harry been / come from
• what is down the hole / where does the hole lead to / why is there a ladder
going down / where does the ladder lead to.

Answer must convey the idea of a mystery from the text. For example: a deep
hole – no mystery. What is down the deep hole – a mystery.

Do not accept imprecise or incorrect answers.

• the boat – too vague

• is there a boat – we know there is
• What was in the mound – we know it was a boat
• What is in the bushes – we know, a hole
• the hole – too vague
• what will they find – too vague
• what will happen next

• Award 1 mark for one of the following:

• going into a bush that leads to a deep hole

• the hole / falling down / into the (big) hole / Tom’s right arm slipping down
the hole
• the rusty metal ladder (leading down into the hole) (not very safe)
• no idea where the hole leads to / how deep the hole is / what might be at
the bottom of the hole / what could happen to them at the bottom of the hole
/ getting trapped in the hole
• The things/creatures that could be down the hole

Answer must convey the idea of some sort of danger from the text not
candidates’ stories.

Do not accept imprecise or incorrect answers.

• they get underground – too vague

• what will happen to them – too vague
• the bush (neutral)

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Section B: Writing

Question Answer Marks

Notes to markers

• Use the marking grids on the next two pages.

• Marking should always begin from the lowest mark in each column and work upward.
• A ‘best fit’ judgement should be made in judging first in which box to place the response and
then, within that box, which mark is appropriate.
• The lower mark within a box should be given if some the criteria have been met but not all.

16 Tom and Stella climb down the ladder into the hole with Harry. Continue the story.

16 Content, purpose and audience. (Wa) 8

Text structure and organisation. (Wt) 7

Sentence structure and punctuation. (Wp) 7

Spelling (Ws) 3

[Total 25]

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Content, purpose and audience (Wa) Text structure and organisation (Wt)
8 marks 7 marks
Content is relevant and developed with imaginative Clear structure with well-organised material within
detail using a variety of techniques, e.g. imagery paragraphs.
and figurative language. Paragraphs are used to structure the narrative e.g.
Features of the genre, if required, are clearly there is an appropriate build up and resolution
established. of the main event, as a refinement of previous
Uses adventurous and precise vocabulary. box.
Characterisation is shown through actions and Chronological or logical links help the development
reactions during the story. of ideas.
A clear, consistent relationship between writer and Cohesion within and between paragraphs is
reader is established and controlled. achieved using devices such as connectives.

Narrative viewpoint is clear with the style

established to engage the reader’s interest
throughout. 7–8 6–7
Relevant content with some detail developed using Paragraphs are used to help structure the narrative,
deliberate choices of vocabulary for the task. e.g. signal a change in time, place and/or focus
Main features of the genre are evident, e.g. ideally on a different character or event, where the main
adventure (stimulus asks for ‘in your own way’) idea is usually supported by following sentences,
Characters are well described with actions linked to
key events. i.e. address the idea of the boat Logical sequence with attempts to link ideas evident
and/or the water but not consistent attempts to link ideas with fitting
A clear relationship between writer and reader is openings and closings, i.e. has to be linked to the
established in parts of the story, which engages the stimulus.

Straightforward viewpoint, with a generally

appropriate and consistent style. 5–6 4–5
Content is straightforward with an appropriate Paragraphs/ sections are evident with related points
balance, e.g. speech, action and description. grouped together or linked by time sequence.
Vocabulary is simple, with some choices to create
interest. Some attempt to sequence relevant ideas logically
At least one event is described, i.e. some detail in relation to the stimulus. Also, introduction /closing
about what the children find at the bottom of the statement may be evident.
General features of the genre, if required, are shown Movement between paragraphs or sections, may be
e.g. adventure (stimulus asks for ‘in your own way’) disjointed.
Some attempt to engage the reader. 3–4 2–3
Ideas are mostly relevant to the narrative with a Some basic sequencing with story ideas evident.
simple plot. i.e. continues the story with Tom and
Stella going down the hole.
Vocabulary is simple and relevant.
NB: allow 1st (written from Tom, Stella or Harry’s
point of view) or 3rd person as long as viewpoint
consistent (see Box 5/6) 1–2 1
No creditable response No creditable response
0 0

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Sentence structure and punctuation (Wp) Spelling (Ws)

7 marks 3 marks
Use of complex sentences to provide clarity and
emphasis, e.g. by positioning of clauses, using a wide
range of connectives (although, meanwhile), varying
word order or detailed expansion of phrases.
Grammar is almost always accurate throughout the text.

Punctuation is used accurately to demarcate sentences

and for speech punctuation – errors may occur where
structures are ambitious.

Commas are always used in lists and usually to mark

clauses. 6–7
Some complex sentences are used to create effect, such Spelling is generally correct throughout. (There may
as using expanded phrases to develop ideas e.g. noun, occasional be phonetically plausible attempts at
adverbial, adjectival, and verb phrases, or a range of complex words.)
connectives (e.g. if, so, because, then).
Grammar in complex sentences is generally correct in
terms of tense and verb form.
Correct spelling of most, not all, polysyllabic words
End of sentence punctuation is nearly always accurate e.g. appear, information, making, possible,
throughout the text. Capitalisation is always correct. probably, wondering, search.

Speech marks may be used around words spoken but

other speech punctuation may not be accurate.

Commas are always used in lists and occasionally to mark 3

clauses. 4–5
A mix of simple and compound sentences. Spelling of common words, including polysyllabic
Compound sentences use simple connectives to join and compound words, is generally accurate, e.g.
clauses, e,g, and, but friend, another, around, because, anything,
Generally correct grammar, i.e. subject and verb something,
generally agree. Past and present tense of verbs
generally consistent.
Spelling of plurals and some past and present words
Demarcation of straightforward sentences is usually is generally accurate, e.g. boxes, clothes, told,
correct. There may be evidence of comma splicing. stopped, wanted.
NB. If punctuation is totally lacking and other descriptors
met then give lower mark here. 2–3 2
Some simple sentence structures are used successfully. Spelling of high frequency words is generally
correct, e.g. when, were, what, some, then, etc.
Some variation in sentence openings.

Some correct use of punctuation, such as full stops and

capital letters.

NB: where more ambitious structures are used with NO

simple sentences, begin marking at Box 2 provided 2
descriptor about variation in sentence openings has been

Also: learners should gain marks for good English with

punctuation errors rather than lose marks for essentially 1
good English. 1
No creditable response No creditable response
0 0

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