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Name: _________________________________________________________ Class: ___________ No. ______

In this topic, you will learn how to organize a paragraph using the logical division of ideas pattern. In the model paragraph, the writer
discusses three reasons she does not own credit card. As you read the paragraph, notice the word or phrase that signals each reason.

Why I Don't Have a Credit Card

There are three reasons don't have a credit card. The first reason is that using a piece of
plastic instead of cash makes it too easy for me to buy things I can't afford. For instance, last
week I saw a $75.00 pair of pink sandals in my favorite shoe store. Of course, I don't need pink
sandals, nor can I afford them. With a credit card, however, I would now own those sandals and
be worrying about how to pay for them. The second reason I don't have a credit card is that I
would end up in debt* like my friend Sara the Shopaholic*. Sara got a credit card last year, and
she already owes $4,000. She buys things that she doesn't really need, such as jewelry and
designer sunglasses. Sara makes only minimum payments each month. Her monthly interest
charges are more than her payments, so her balance* never decreases. She will be in debt for
years. The third reason I don't have a credit card is the difficulty in understanding the fine print in
the credit card contract. If I don't read the fine print*, I can be surprised. For example, some
credit card companies will raise my interest rate if make a payment even one day late. To sum
up, credit cards may be a convenience for some people, but for me, they are a plastic ticket to
financial disaster.

1. How many reasons does the writer give for not having a credit card?
Which sentence tells you the number?
2. Circle the words and phrases that signal each new reason.
3. How does the writer support each reason?
4. Do you and the writer share the same thoughts about credit cards? If yes, give at least two
advantages of owning a credit card and if no , give two disadvantages.

end up in debt: find myself in the situation of owing a lot of money

shopaholic: person who shops too often and buys too much
balance: total amount owed
the fine print: important details in a legal document that are often printed in smaller Ietters than the
rest of the document and are therefore more diflicult to read

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