J Grisham-The Pelican Brief (Penguin Readers-5) - Notes Key

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Penguin Readers Answer Key level


e the St Moritz Hotel, New York (a) Because he can choose two less liberal
Answers to Book activities
f He knows Garcia is a lawyer. He thinks judges.
he may work for one of Mattiece’s law (b) Because he supports black people, and
1 a A pelican is a large water bird.
firms. the Ku Klux Klan hate black people.
A brief is a short piece of writing giving
g Washington (c) Because the killings were professional.
the facts behind a story or the writer’s
h They have microphones hidden in Smith Chapters 4 & 5
ideas about it.
Keen’s car.
b Open answers 1 Thomas went to see Darby after four days
i They show his photo to a student who
2 a investigate and she gave him a copy of her theory. She
worked at the same law firm.
b homosexuals thought it was worthless. Thomas showed it
19 Open answers
c Constitution to someone in the FBI. Gray Grantham is a
20 Open answers
d liberal reporter on the Washington Post. He had a
21 a mugger
3 a environment phone call from a lawyer who said he knew
b in the street
b leaked something about the killings of Rosenberg
c Open answers
4 a a professional killer and Jensen. He was frightened and gave
22 a Matthews thinks Mattiece is crazy.
b ten million dollars Grantham a false name. The FBI realised
b She moved some money from her bank
b He is not afraid of death. that the killer was Khamel, which meant that
to Gray’s.
d nine someone had paid a lot of money for the
c Morgan’s wife gives him a key to his
e four murders. The FBI also had a copy of the
bank lock–box
f a rope Pelican Brief – the document that Darby
d Smith Keen and the Washington Post
g Fletcher Coal Shaw had written.
lawyer, Vincent Litsky
h Voyles 2 Open answers
e a friend of his at the FBI, Fletcher Coal,
i He is one of her teachers at university. Chapter 6
Marty Velmano
j none 1 (a) (ii), (b) (iv), (c) (i), (d) (iii)
f Velmano
k They were at law school together. 2 (a) Rosenberg and Jensen, (b) Khamel,
g He wants to take it to Coal personally.
5 Open answers (c) Fletcher Coal, (d) Denton Voyles,
h They will get her out of the country.
6 Open answers (e) Darby Shaw, (f) Thomas Callahan,
i He shoots himself.
7 a They could not report any progress. The (g) Gray Grantham, (h) Garcia
j in the Virgin Islands
investigation could take many months. 3 Open answers
23–28 Open answers
b Unfriendly. They don’t like each other.
Chapters 7 & 8
c Typed it up into a brief.
d He listens and watches what happens in (a)Because it could damage him if it became
Answers to Factsheet activities
the White House. public, because the murderer gave millions
e Gray Grantham ■ Communicative activities of pounds to the presidential office.
f He decides to show it to Eric East. (b)So that people can’t recognize her red hair.
g He wants to give him information about Open answers except: (c) Because she has seen him before.
Rosenberg and Jensen. (d)Because ‘they’will expect her to leave and
Activities after reading a section
h He was filmed at the airport in Paris, run away.
Chapters 1–3 (e)So that no one can find her through her
arriving from Dulles.
1 Possible clues: he arrives secretly, credit cards.
i It goes from East, to Voyles, to Fletcher
everything is carefully planned and provided, (f) To go to Thomas’funeral/to try to meet
Coal, to the President.
he is paid a lot of money, he changes his Darby.
j She and Thomas had an argument. He
appearance as necessary, he knows all the (g)Because he thinks he can save her life.
has taken the car keys, she is following
details of his victims’lives. Chapters 9 & 10
k She goes to a cheap hotel in the French ■ Student’s activities 1 (a) Darby knows that someone is trying to
Quarter. find her.
1 Gavin Verheek Activities before reading the book
(b) She can’t hide or change her legs – and
8 Open answers 1 (a)
It’s the highest court in the country. the man recognized them.
9 Open answers (b)
They are found dead. (c) People know that he is looking for Darby,
10 The diskette was handed to him by his client. (c)
She is a young law student. and that he might contact her.
11 a the President, to Voyles (d)
She finds out information about the (d) Khamel hears all the information about
b Darby, to Gavin judges. the meeting between Darby and Gavin.
c Darby, to Gray 2 Open answers 2 (d), (g), (b), (j), (e), (i), (a), (f), (h), (c)
d Khamel, to Sneller Chapters Il & 12
Activities while reading the book
12 The man is over six feet tall, with a long, thin
Chapter 1 1 (a) Darby goes there to meet Gavin, but
face and round glasses.
meets Khamel instead.
13 a Because the President tells them to. (a)False. He kills for money now.
(b) True. There had been the usual number of (b) Darby changes planes there and is seen
b from Sarge
messages threatening death. by someone.
c She has been using her credit card.
(c) False. They refused to have guards in their (c) Darby meets Gray there and tells him the
d To look for some files on her computer
houses. story.
and to find some diskettes
(d) A big businessman wants to drill for oil
e his parents and brother, the thin–faced (d) False. They are both liberal towards certain
groups. there, and he is prepared to kill to get
man with glasses
permission to drill.
f The light was off. (e) True. He is a homosexual.
2 Possible answers:
14–16 Open answers Chapters 2 & 3 (a)Khamel is wearing the clothes Gavin
17 a drilling 1 (a) ... they refused to let the FBI guard them described and he has practised his voice.
b marsh properly. Darby has never met Gavin.
c acre (b) ... a specialist in environmental law. (b) We don’t know – not the FBI, because they
18 a She wants the world to know about it. (c) ... someone wanted only Republican don’t know that Gavin is dead. Maybe the
b He says something in Egyptian before he judges in the Supreme Court. CIA.
dies. (d) ... they both refused to go into private (c) He can prove a link between the President
c If the Pelican Brief is true the President practice and get rich. and Mattiece.
will look bad. (e) ... there were a lot of them. (d)So that two more Republican judges would
d Chicago airport 2 Possible answers: be on the Supreme Court before the case

© Pearson Education 2001

Penguin Readers Answer Key
The Pelican Brief
about the marshes came before it. They
would then probably allow Mattiece to drill
for oil.
Chapters 13 & 14
1 (a) Darby, (b) Fletcher Coal, (c) Darby,
(d) Gray, (e) Gray, (f) Darby, (g) Darby and
Gray together, (h) Darby
2 Open answers
Chapters 15 & 16
(a)Mattiece has him killed.
(b)very strange, ruthless
(c) She goes to his office and says she has an
appointment with him.
(d)He is a killer who works for Mattiece.
(e)He found out that Mattiece was planning to
have the two judges killed.
(f) They decide to print the story.
Chapters 17 & 18
(a)He phones a friend at the FBI. He asks him
to comment on the story. He phones
Fletcher Coal at the White House. He asks
him why there had not been an investigation
of Mattiece. He phones Velmano at White
and Blazevich. He tells him that he can link
his company with the murders of the two
(b)Because Voyles and Coal hate each other.
Voyles wants Coal to lose his job.
(c) Probably the CIA. They knew a few things
about Mattiece and wanted to protect Darby.
Activities after reading the book
Open answers

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