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(My Pure English)

Ahmad Ali Solaiman AbduRaheem


without Stresses

without Difficulties

without Problems

without Errors

Towards Pure Simple Easy English

(Two Legs or One)
Self-Learning Strategy
Name: ________________________________ Vocabulary Practices LEVELS MAY VARY

In the name of Allah,

the Most Merciful, the
Most Compassionate
(Vocabulary Practice)
Story Revision Worksheer

Complete this additional vocabulary: (Two Legs or One)

1 – butcher shop

2 - exclaimed

3 - pair

4 - triumph

5 – marketplace

6 – meaty

7 – lid

8 – pot

9 – wonderfully

10 – rose

11 – sure

12 – perfectly

13 – suddenly

14 – replied

15 - frightened

16 - pigeons

17 – argument

18 – surely

19 – remained

20 – burst

21 - undertaker

22 - care

23 - funeral

24 - tricky

25 - indeed

26 - finally


The Answers
Complete this additional vocabulary: (Two Legs or One)

1 – butcher shop Butchery – Selling meat place

2 - exclaimed Explained

3 - pair Two - Double

4 - triumph Victory

5 – marketplace A small area for selling and buying goods

6 – meaty Full of meat

7 – lid A cover of a container

8 – pot Container

9 – wonderfully Extremely & Beautifully

10 – rose Flower

11 – sure Certain

12 – perfectly Completely

13 – suddenly In a sudden way

14 – replied Answered

15 - frightened Scared

16 - pigeons Doves

17 – argument Discussion

18 – surely Certainly

19 – remained Stayed

20 – burst Explode

21 - undertaker A person who prepares the dead body to be buried

22 - care Protection

23 - funeral A ceremony for burying the body

24 - tricky Difficult – Dishonest - Cunning

25 - indeed In fact

26 - finally At last

Two Legs or One

Exaggerated story with a moral
What lesson was learned?
Some people will try to win an argument at any cost
to do something quickly
How do you know Goha's wife cared for him?
Cried when she thought he'd died
Tone in the story
Bare setting
Allows you to focus on what the characters are saying and doing
worthy of respect and care
Likes to play tricks
Proves Goha bought two calf legs
Why is setting important?
Allows Goha to pretend to be dead and his wife can't call 911
Goha proves there were two legs of meat
His wife ate one leg, but tried to make him believe that she did not. After
arguing, Goha fell to the floor pretending to have a heart attack.

While being carried through the streets, the butcher gave away the truth that
he had sold Goha two legs of meat not one. Goha sat up and had proved his
point by tricking his wife.
Goha saw two very tasty calf legs in the market, and he bought two for his
wife to cook for supper

Vocabulary Task 3
Dear Students you have to :
1) Study the vocabulary of the short story carefully.
2) Analyze all the events and characters mentioned in it accurately.
3) Criticize the plot, the theme, the setting and linguistics of the story soundly and logically.
Fill every space with a given word from the box: (Two Legs or One?!)

scurry - procession - dignified - upright - wonderfully

butcher shop - funeral - frightened - undertaker - tricky

1 – Fatimah behaved as any………..…..citizen would have under the


2 – He has maintained a…………….silence about the rumors.

3 – The festival will open with a…………..….led by the leader.

4 – The cunning mouse………….….across the floor.

5 - Those bird models are quite………….…..to make, aren’t they?

6 - This sauce goes…………….well with fish!

7 – The kids were very scared and…………..on seeing the lions at the zoo.

8 – At the……………..….we can buy the fresh meats and the canned ones.

9 – The………….….of Shaikh Mitwali Al-Shaarawi couldn’t be described.

10 – The…………….came to the house and take the dead body to bury it in its

The Answers
Dear Students you have to :
4) Study the vocabulary of the short story carefully.
5) Analyze all the events and characters mentioned in it accurately.
6) Criticize the plot, the theme, the setting and linguistics of the story soundly and logically.

Fill every space with a given word from the box: (Two Legs or One?!)

scurry - procession - dignified - upright - wonderfully

butcher shop - funeral - frightened - undertaker - tricky

1 – Fatimah behaved as any……(upright)…..citizen would have under the


2 – He has maintained a…..(dignified)….silence about the rumors.

3 – The festival will open with a…..(procession)….led by the leader.

4 – The cunning mouse…..(scurried)….across the floor.

5 - Those bird models are quite….(tricky)…..to make, aren’t they?

6 - This sauce goes….(wonderfully)….well with fish!

7 – The kids were very scared and…..(frightened)…..on seeing the lions at the

8 – At the……(butcher shop)….we can buy the fresh meats and the canned

9 – The…..(funeral)….of Shaikh Mitwali Al-Shaarawi couldn’t be described.

10 – The……(undertaker)….came to the house and take the dead body to

bury it in its tomb.

Vocab Task

Study all these words with their opposites :- (Two Legs or One)

The words The opposites

1 - wonderfully

2 – perfectly

3 – replied

4 – care

5 – finally

6 – dignified

7 – upright

8 – shouted

9 – in front of

10 - quickly

The Answers

Study all these words with their opposites :- (Two Legs or One)

The words The opposites

1 - wonderfully scornfully

2 – perfectly partly

3 – replied refused

4 – care neglect

5 – finally firstly

6 – dignified nervous

7 – upright curved

8 – shouted whispered

9 – in front of behind

10 - quickly slowly

Answer these questions according to your story: (Two Legs or One?):-

1 – What is the title of the story?


2 – What does the author mean by this title?


3 – Who wrote this story?


4 – What is the genre of this story?


5 – What is the tone of this story?


6 – What is the main question this story answers?


7 – What’s the setting of this story?


8 – When was Sherman born?


9 – When did she die?


10 – How many years did she live?


11 – What are the kinds of arts did she write?


12 – What did she study?


13 – From where did she study the folklore?


14 – What did she publish firstly?


15 – From where did she take the idea of her story: (Two Legs or One?)?


16 – How did the writer start his story?


17 – Where was Joha at the beginning of the story?


18 – What did he buy from the market?


19 – From whom did he buy the meat?


20 – To whom did Joha give the meat?


21 – What did he ask his wife to do?


22 – Where did he come back? Why?


23 – Who ate the second leg?


24 – What did Joha do to prove to his wife that, he bought 2 legs?


25 – How did the writer end his story about Joha?


26 – Is this title (Two Legs or One) suitable for the story? How?


27 – Do you believe that, this trick to prove the truth is right? Explain.


28 – Do you have another way to prove that, Joha was right?


29 – Was Joha’s wife in the funeral?


30 – Who explained the truth at the end of the story?


31 – Do you believe that, this story can be true?




32 – The author mentions that, the calf legs were done wonderfully well in order

a. introduce the problem that will shape the rest of the tale

b. reveal that, Joha appreciates his wife’s good cooking

c. explain why Joha needs to return to the marketplace

d. show that, this story could not happen in real life

33 – The action that Joha takes after his wife brings one calf legto the table
indicates that indicates that, he…………………

a. cannot take the stress of arguing any longer

b. does not understand why his wife seems so upset

c. is tired of arguing and wants to make up with his wife

d. is willing to take an extreme measure to be proven right

34 – The butcher’s words when the procession passes by his shop are important
because they………………………

a. Show that Joha is loved by the townspeople

b. summarize the lesson that, the folk tale teaches
c. prove that, Joha’s wife has been lying to Joha
d. express the butcher’s hope that, Joha will come back to life

The Answers

Answer these questions according to your story: (Two Legs or One?):-

1 – What is the title of the story?

…..(Two Legs or One?)……………………………………………………..

2 – What does the author mean by this title?

…..(He means two lamb legs he bought for his wife or one.)………………….

3 – Who wrote this story?

….(Josepha Sherman.)………………………………………………………….

4 – What is the genre of this story?

….(Folk Tale.)…………………………………………………………………..

5 – What is the tone of this story?

…..(Funny & Humor.)…………………………………………………………

6 – What is the main question this story answers?

.(What can blur (exclaim & show) the lines between what’s real and what’s not?).

7 – What’s the setting of this story?

…..(The age of Joha. & The market and Joha’s house.)…………………….

8 – When was Sherman born?

…..(In 1946.)………………………………………………………………….

9 – When did she die?

……(In 2012.)……………………………………………………………………

10 – How many years did she live?

………(66 years.)…………………………………………………………..

11 – What are the kinds of arts did she write?

……(She wrote fantasy, science fiction tales and many biographies.)………….

12 – What did she study?


13 – From where did she study the folklore?

……(From cultures around the world.)………………………………….

14 – What did she publish firstly?

…..(Her retelling of folk-tales.)………………………………………………

15 – From where did she take the idea of her story: (Two Legs or One?)?

(From the Middle Eastern folk-tales that feature a character named Joha.)…

16 – How did the writer start his story?

……(By describing Joha as a hungry man who bought 2 legs of a lamb.)…….

17 – Where was Joha at the beginning of the story?

….(At the marketplace.)……………………………………………………….

18 – What did he buy from the market?

……(Two legs of a calf.)………………………………………………………..

19 – From whom did he buy the meat?

……(From the butcher shop.)………………………………………………….

20 – To whom did Joha give the meat?

……(To his wife.)………………………………………………………………..

21 – What did he ask his wife to do?

…….(To cook the two legs of the calf wonderfully.)…………………………

22 – Where did he come back? Why?

……(To the market to buy some rice.)………………………………………..

23 – Who ate the second leg?

……(Joha’s wife.)………………………………………………………………

24 – What did Joha do to prove to his wife that, he bought 2 legs?

….(He pretended that, he died and during the funeral was passing the
butcher, he said: Joha bought 2 legs.)………………………………………

25 – How did the writer end his story about Joha?

….(Joha proved to his wife that, he was right, he bought 2 legs not one.)……..

26 – Is this title (Two Legs or One) suitable for the story? How?

…..(Yes it is! The whole text was circled on this title.)……………………….

27 – Do you believe that, this trick to prove the truth is right? Explain.

…..(No it isn’t. It’s very silly and also Joha lied.)…………………………….

28 – Do you have another way to prove that, Joha was right?

……(Yes. He can take his wife to the butcher shop and ask the butcher.)……

29 – Was Joha’s wife in the funeral?

…..(Yes, she was.)……………………………………………………………

30 – Who explained the truth at the end of the story?

……(The butcher.)……………………………………………………………………..

31 – Do you believe that, this story can be true?

…..(No, it can’t be true. We can’t believe that, a lady can eat a leg of a calf by
herself. We can’t believe that a man dies and listen to the other people easily. We
can’t believe that, the wife believed that her husband died by this silly way.)……

32 – The author mentions that, the calf legs were done wonderfully well in order

a. introduce the problem that will shape the rest of the tale

b. reveal that, Joha appreciates his wife’s good cooking

c. explain why Joha needs to return to the marketplace

d. show that, this story could not happen in real life

33 – The action that Joha takes after his wife brings one calf legto the table
indicates that indicates that, he…………………

a. cannot take the stress of arguing any longer

b. does not understand why his wife seems so upset

c. is tired of arguing and wants to make up with his wife

d. is willing to take an extreme measure to be proven right

34 – The butcher’s words when the procession passes by his shop are important
because they………………………

e. Show that Joha is loved by the townspeople

f. summarize the lesson that, the folk tale teaches
g. prove that, Joha’s wife has been lying to Joha
h. express the butcher’s hope that, Joha will come back to life


.‫ بل عولت فقط لتحقيقه‬، ‫لن أمي أحلن يىها ً بالٌجاح‬

‫إستي لىدر‬

“I never dream of success but I worked for it.” — Estee



.‫تجٌبل للفشل يعٌي أًل تتجٌب التقدم‬

‫جاك لٌدى‬

“Avoiding failure is to avoid progress.”

Jack London

Be strong enough to face the world each day!

.‫مي قىيا ً بوا ينفي لوىاجهة العالن مل يىم‬

Be weak enough to know that, you cannot do everything

!‫ومي ضعيفا ً بوا ينفي لتعلن أًل ال تقدر أى تعول مل شيء‬

Name: Ahmad Ali Solaiman Abdurraeem

Nationality: Egyptian

Religion: Islam

Experience: 30 years (4 in Egypt - 26 Abroad) in English teaching –


Teaching English - Arabic and Religion only to the foreign students

Academic Rank Teacher - Coordinator – English - Programmer – Poet - Writer

Degrees Bachelor of Arts .Department of English and its Literature ,

Mansoura University – Egypt , May 1985.

Research field Teaching English as a first language. Teaching social studies.

Teaching Arabic using Arabic or English. Teaching French.

Teaching Social Studies to Non-Arabs .Teaching Literature

Publications 1. The Basics of Education. (Criticism) New Education Magazine

2. Education Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Forum

3. Modern technology and Education. Usual Reader

4. The Best Qualities of a good teacher. Forum

5. How to teach Vocabulary. (Criticism) Forum

6. How to teach a song. Forum

7. How to teach a short story. Usual Reader

8. How to study English with your son. Usual Reader

9. How to present general information. Usual Reader

10. Skimming Reading and Scanning Reading Skills.

11. William Hazlet as a critic.

12. Aldous Huskily as a critic.

13. Styles of translation.

14. How to teach Grammar.

15. Writing Operation Skills.

16. The Listening Lesson.

17. Glorious Classroom Management.

18 – How to prepare your exam paper.

Courses taught 1. Straight Planning (European System)

( last 3 years ) 2. Strategic Planning ( American System)

3. Poor Students Evaluation.

4. Education Theories.

5. Scientific Research Results.

6. The Successful Education.

7. Advantages of Culture and disadvantages of it.

8. Roles of Computers in Educational Operation.

9. English away from Classroom.

10. How to test your students.

Employment * English Teacher from 1986- 1990 in Egypt ( Secondary Stage)

* English Teacher since 1996 in Ajman ( Primary Stage)

* English Teacher since 2008 in UAQ ( Preparatory Stage)

* English Teacher since 2009 in RAK ( Preparatory Stage)

* English Teacher and English Coordinator since 2010 till today in

the (American English) in the American Department. For the

upper grades from 7 , 8 , 9 American.

Honors and 1. Appreciation Certificate from faculty of Arts 1985 in Translation.
2. Appreciation Certificate from Secondary Institute in 1986.

3. Appreciation Certificate from Al-Rashidiah School in 1993

4. Appreciation Certificate in 1998.

5. Appreciation Certificate in 2008.

6. Appreciation Certificate from Modern School in 2009.

7. Appreciation Certificate from National School in 2010.

8. Arabic Protection Community 2004.

1 – The End of the Road

2 – The Confident Man

3 – The Hours of the Sunset

Volumes of
Poetry 4 – The Bloody Snail

5 – A Tone on the Love's Wall

6 – The Perfume Aspiration

7 – The Tendency of Memories (Part One)

8 – The Upper-Egyptians had arrived!

9 – The Surrendering of the Beauty

10 – The Shoes Woman-Cleaner

11 – Patience Tears

12 – Blaming and Complaint

13 – Say frankly without Simulation

14 – Poetry is my Rosary

15 - Yemeni Young Girl

16 – Azzah, the Lady of Goodness

17 – The Beacon of Goodness

18 – Estrangement, Bayonet and Sadness

19 – The Two Women –doctors

20 – I wander of the Ability of Allah, The Al-Mighty

21 - The Gentlemen of the Sacred Land

22 – Like the one who catches fire

23 - The Tendency of Memories (Part Two)

24 – The Rain betrays you!

Other Literary 1 – Stylish Reading in the Poetry of Hassan Bin Thabit Al-Ansari –
Books May Allah Be Pleased with Him -.

2 - Stylish Reading in the Poetry of Antara Bin Shaddad Al-Absi.

3 – The Story life and the Self-Road

4 – Ahmas Solaiman's Life

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