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Practical #1

Study of general laboratory safety procedures.

To familiar the students with safety procedures of laboratory.

These are the following safety procedures which you have to follow while you are in
laboratory To keep yourself safe and the surrounding equipment’s which you are using to
perform an experiment.

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Always wear the required PPE, including a lab coat, safety goggles, and gloves. These
protect you from chemicals, splashes, and potential contamination.

2. Lab Coats and Clothing:

Ensure your lab coat is worn properly, fully covering your clothing. Avoid wearing
loose or baggy clothes that could catch on equipment or chemicals.

3. Gloves:
Wear appropriate gloves based on the chemicals or materials you're handling.
Change them if they become damaged or contaminated.

4. Eye Protection:
Put on safety goggles to shield your eyes from chemical splashes, flying particles, or
other hazards.

5. Footwear:
Closed-toe shoes are a must in the lab. Avoid wearing sandals or open-toe shoes.

6. Hygiene:
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after working in the lab to prevent cross-

7. Chemical Handling:
Read labels and understand the properties of chemicals before use. Use proper
containers and labelling for storage.

8. Chemical Mixing:
Follow guidelines for proper chemical mixing and never mix chemicals unless
instructed to do so.

9. Ventilation:
Work in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood when dealing with volatile or
toxic substances.

10. Equipment Use:

Use laboratory equipment only if you're trained and familiar with its operation.
Report any malfunctioning equipment.

11. Spills:
Clean up spills immediately using the appropriate materials and procedures outlined
in the lab's spill response plan.

12. Fire Safety:

Know the location of fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and emergency exits. Do not
block access to them.

13. Emergency Procedures:

Familiarise yourself with emergency procedures, including evacuation routes,
assembly points, and the use of safety showers and eyewash stations.

14. Food and Drinks:

Never consume food or drinks in the lab to prevent accidental ingestion of chemicals.

15. Waste Disposal:

Dispose of chemicals, glassware, and waste according to the lab's protocols. Separate
hazardous waste from regular trash.

16. Distractions:
Avoid distractions, such as texting or personal conversations, while working in the lab
to maintain focus on your tasks.

17. Equipment Cleanup:

Clean and sanitise equipment after use to prevent contamination.

18. Personal Behaviour:

Practice responsible behaviour in the lab. Do not engage in horseplay or risky
Remember, safety is everyone's responsibility. If you're unsure about a procedure or have
questions, don't hesitate to ask your supervisor or a more experienced lab member for
guidance. It's always better to ask than to take unnecessary risks.

In conclusion, a thorough study of general lab safety procedures underscores their
paramount importance. Adherence to established protocols, consistent training, and a
vigilant culture are essential for accident prevention. Regular safety audits and open
communication channels contribute to a safer laboratory environment. Overall, prioritizing
safety is imperative to ensure the well-being of lab personnel and the integrity of research

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