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Addis Ababa City Government Yeka Subcity 2016 Biology Model

Exam for Grade12

DIRECTION: Each of the following questions is followed by four

possible alternatives.

Read each question carefully and BLACKEN the letter of your

choice on the answer sheet provided
1. Ethiopian biologist who is known for his vaccine against rinder pest?

A. Dr. Gebissa Ejeta C. Dr. Melaku Worede

B. Dr. Tewoldeberhan G/Egziabher D. Prof. Tilahun Yilma

2. One of the following is NOT the research area of Institute of Biodiversity Conservation.

A. Forest and aquatic plants B. Medicinal plants

C. Animal genetic resources D. Vectors of diseases and their control

3. Which of the following works with calcium to build strong bones?

A. Iron C. Vitamin D

B. Vitamin C D. Vitamin A

4. The type of environment in which halophiles live in:

A. low temperatures C. high salt concentration

B. high temperatures D. low PH

5. Identify the statement that describes hyperthermophiles.

A. The ability to survive in strongly acidic environments

B. The ability to survive high salt concentrations

C. The ability to survive and grow in very hot and strongly acidic environments
D. The ability to survive and grow at high temperatures

6. All of the following statements are TRUE about Archaea EXCEPT _____.

A. they are unicellular C. some can generate methane

B. they are prokaryotic D. they have peptidoglycan in their cell wall.

7. Which one of the following is NOT the beneficial aspects of archeabacteria?

A. Cleaning contaminated sites

B. Detergent additives to increase their stain removal activity

C. Part of development of molecular biology as a science

D. Fermentation of alcoholic drinks

8. Which one of the followings is NOT a physical factors that can affect the microbial growth?

A. Oxygen level C. Temperature

B. PH D. Antibiotics

9. Which one of the following feature describes fungi?

A. They are achlorophyllous C. They are all multicellular

B. They are prokaryotic D. All are filamentous

10. Which one of the following is NOT the beneficial aspects of biogas?

A. Simple and low cost technology

B reduces soil and water pollution

C. production of electricity

D. Pollute air because of the combustion process

11. Which one of the following is the commonest fungi used in the production of enzymes?

A. Aspergillus C. E. coli

B. Bacillus D. Penicillium
12. One of the following enzyme is used in maximization of juice extraction.

A. Lipase C. Amylases

B. Proteases D. Pectinases

13. A device that measures biological reactions by generating signals proportional to the
concentration of analyte in the reaction is:

A. genetic engineering C. Forensic science

B. Tissue culture D. Biosensor

14. The conservation area which is designed to give maximum protection to the largest wild
animals is:

A. Sanctuary C. Wildlife museum

B. National park D. Wildlife reserve

15. Which of the following substances mostly increase the greenhouse effect?

A. Oxygen and CFCs C. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen

B. Methane and carbon monoxide D. Oxygen and carbon dioxide

16. Which one of the following methods is used to conserve wildlife?

A. Setting national parks and sanctuaries

B. Shifting their habitat and niche

C. Allowing poaching for economical use

D. Mixing wild life with the domestic species

17. One of the following animal feed is produced by the mass culture of bacterium Methylophilus

A. Pruteen C. Mycoprotein

B. Riboflavin D. Spirulina
18. Antibiotics attack bacteria in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

A. Disrupting the production of the cell wall

B. Preventing the bacteria from reproducing

C. Interfering with the protein synthesis

D. Preventing the bursting of the bacterial cell

19. One of the following human action would contribute towards conservation of natural

A. Deforestation C. Desertification

B. Reforestation D. Overgrazing

20. Which of the following plant is NOT endemic to Ethiopia?

A. Enset C. Zigba

B. Teff D. Maize

21. Diabetes mellitus is caused when pancreas unable to produce or produce little amount of one
of the following hormones.

A. Aldosterone C. Glucagon

B. Insulin D. ADH

22. One of the following pair of hormones act antagonistically in regulating the level of glucose
in the blood.

A. Glucose and glucagon C. Insulin and androgen

B. Gonadotropin and progesterone D. Insulin and glucagon

23. Which one of the following eye defects is CORRECTLY matched with its corrective

A. Long sight→ diverging lens C. Astigmatism→ any eye glass

B. Long sight→ convex lens D. Short sight→ irregular lens

24. The CORRECT pathway of an impulse during reflex actions is:

A. Effector organ→efferent neuron→coordinator→afferent neuron→receptor→stimulus

B. Coordinator→efferent neuron→afferent neuron→effectororgan→receptor→stimulus

C. Stimulus→receptor→afferent neuron→coordinator→efferent neuron→effector organ

D. Stimulus→effector→efferent neuron→coordinator→afferent neuron→receptor

25. If a person becomes restless and sees things that do NOT exist, you can decide that the drug
is most probably be:

A. Caffeine C. Alcohol

B. Painkiller D. Hallucinogen

26. The CORRECT pathway through which light passes as it reaches the retina is:

A. Cornea~ pupil ~aqueous humour~ lens ~vitreous humour ~retina

B. Cornea ~aqueous humour ~pupil ~lens ~vitreous humour ~retina

C. Cornea ~aqueous humour ~lens ~pupil ~vitreous humour ~retina

D. Cornea ~pupil ~lens ~aqueous humour ~vitreous humour ~retina

27. Which of the following structures is found in the fluid filled portion of the ear?

A. Ossicles C. Semicircular canal

B. Tympanic membrane D. Pinna

28. What is the charge on the outer side of a neuron in the resting phase?

A. Negatively charged C. Non charged

B. Positively charged D. Depolarized

29. Which one of the following nutrients is INCORRECTLY matched with its function?

A. Carbohydrate- provide energy C. Vitamins- form enzymes

B. Proteins- repair damaged tissue D. Lipids- make hormones

30. Which one of the following is the CORRECT match of nutrients, type of test and color
observed when the test result is positive?

A. Protein- grease spot test- translucent spot

B. Starch- iodine test- blue black color
C. Starch- Buriet test- blue black color
D. Fat- Fehling test- translucent spot

31. A grade 12 student demonstrated the effect of osmosis on plant cells using onion epidermal
cells. He put the onion epidermal cells in distilled water for 30 minutes and then observed under
the microscope. The cells he observed became:

A. Plasmolysed C. Turgid

B. Burst D. Unchanged

32. What is the best term that expresses the movement of substances in cells against their
concentration gradients?

A. Active transport C. Osmosis

B. Passive transport D. Diffusion

33. One of the following is CORRECT match of food items, digestive enzyme and product of

A. Starch- Ptyalin- Maltose C. Fat- Lipase- Amino acid

B. Protein- pepsin- Glucose D. Protein- Trypsin- Glycerol

34. The amount of air that enters the lungs during normal restful breathing is called

A. Total lung capacity C. Tidal volume

B. Vital capacity D. Reserve volume
35. The gap across which an impulse passes from one neuron to the other neuron is known as:

A. Cell biology C. Synapse

B. Myelin sheath D. Dendrite

36. An individual who is under an increasing effect of drinking alcohol loses the ability to think
clearly at first and to walk properly at second. Then, he loses the ability to breathe in normal
way. Based on this case, choose the correct order in which alcohol affects the central nervous

A. medulla → cerebrum → cerebellum

B. cerebellum → cerebrum → medulla

C. cerebellum → medulla → cerebrum

D. cerebrum → cerebellum → medulla

37. Which of the following is CORRECT about aerobic respiration?

A. It is oxygen independent C. It occurs only in mitochondria

B. Oxidizes glucose completely D. Oxidizes glucose incompletely

38. Which of the following sequence of blood circulation refers to systemic circulation?

A. Veins- left atrium- right ventricle- pulmonary artery- tissues- right atrium- aorta
B. Left atrium- left ventricle- aorta- arteries- tissues- veins- right atrium
C. Pulmonary artery- tissues- right atrium- right ventricle- veins- left atrium
D. Right atrium- right ventricle- aorta- arteries- tissues- veins- left atrium

39. Suppose the blood pressure of a person is found to be 120/80, which of the following is

A. The numerator indicates diastolic pressure

B. The person has a problem of high blood pressure
C. The person has a normal blood pressure
D. The denominator indicates systolic pressure
40. A plant cell has 10% of sucrose concentration in its cytoplasm. If the cell is immersed in 1%
sucrose solution, it will:

A. burst C. become big

B. become a turgid D. become plasmolyzed

41. Which one of the following is important for a better contrast in microscopic observation?

A. Staining specimen

B. Adding water to specimen

C. Covering specimen with cover slip

D. Adding alcohol to specimen

42. Immunity passed from mother to new born baby through breastfeeding is described as:

A. natural passive C. natural active

B. artificial passive D. artificial active

43. Which of the following is introduced during smallpox’s vaccination?

A. Antibodies C. White blood cells

B. Antibiotics D. Attenuated virus

44. Which one of the following is a CORRECT pairing of nitrogen bases in DNA molecules?

A. Thymine- uracil C. Uracil- adenine

B. Thymine- guanine D. Adenine- thymine

45. A DNA molecule has 30 guanine and 80 adenine, what is the total number of bases found in

A. 60 C. 110
B. 320 D. 220
46. How do plants absorb mineral ions from the soil?

A. Without using energy from cellular respiration

B. By the action of enzymes as carriers

C. Without using the action of enzymes

D. By using ATP from cellular respiration

47. What is the importance of turgor pressure for plants? It

A. Prevents loss of water from plants

B. Keeps plant parts rigid and firm

C. Helps roots to lose excess minerals

D. Makes plant cells to plasmolyse

48. What is the relationship between a DNA, gene and a chromosome?

A. A chromosome contains hundreds of genes, which are composed of protein

B. A chromosome contains hundreds of genes, which are composed of gene
C. A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes, which are composed of DNA
D. A chromosome contains hundreds of genes, which are composed of DNA

49. At which stage of meiotic cell division does sister chromatids separate?

A. Metaphase I C. Anaphase II
B. Anaphase I D. Metaphase II

50. Which one of the following statement correct about mitosis cell division?

A. It occurs in germ cells

B. It occurs in somatic cells
C. It is reduction division
D. Stops at menopause
51. Which of the following is NOT a method of conserving natural resource?

A. Planting trees B. Protection of habitat

C. Overgrazing D. Public educational and awareness

52. Why did Mendel do his experiment on a pea plant? To see how the peas

A. plants produce flowers in their early developmental stage

B. Growth of pea plants is affected by disease
C. Male gametes join with female gametes
D. Parental materials are transferred to offspring

53. Which of the following is the CORRECT constitution of the sex chromosome of a normal


54. Suppose 2000 pea plants are produced from Tt X tt cross. How many of them are expected to
be tall and short respectively?

A. 1500 and 500 C. 1750 and 250

B. 500 and 1500 D. 1000 and 1000

55. Suppose a man with blood group of heterozygous B married a woman with blood group
homozygous A, what will be the possible blood group of their children?

A. 50% blood group B, 50% blood group AB

B. 50% blood group A, 50% blood group AB
C. 75% blood group AB, 25% blood group A
D. 25% blood group O, 75% blood group A

56. Which of the following is NOT included under secondary sexual characteristics in males?

A. Growth of facial hair

B. Enlargement of larynx
C. Deepening of voice
D. Hips widen
57. What hormones control puberty in females?

A. FSH and testosterone

B. Oestrogen and progesterone
C. FSH and oestrogen
D. Progesterone and oestrogen

58. Which of the following method of contraception is considered as a barrier method?

A. Tubectomy C. Condom
B. Pills D. Hormone injections

59. Which of the following is TRUE about homoeothermic animals? They

A. have variable body temperature

B. produce little internal heat
C. also called endotherms
D. can’t regulate their body temperature

60. Which one of the following is NOT a homeostatic function of the liver?

A. Temperature control
B. Maintain salt and water balance
C. Control of toxins
D. Control of sugar level

61. Which one of the following is NOT found in the glomerular filtrate?

A. Plasma protein C. Glucose

B. Water D. Salt

62. In which of the following portions of a nephron does the hormone ADH have an effect in
changing its permeability to water?

A. Glomerulus
B. First convoluted tubule
C. Distal convoluted tubule
D. Loop of henel
63. Which one of the following happen when you drink too much water?

A. Decreased amount of ADH is released

B. Blood water level is greater than salt level
C. Concentrated urine is produced
D. More water is reabsorbed back into the blood

64. Which one of the following is an external feature of a leaf?

A. Phloem C. Midrib
B. Mesophyll D. Vascular bundle

65. Which one of the following takes place in light dependent reaction of photosynthesis?

A. Synthesis of organic molecule

B. Absorption of oxygen
C. Splitting of water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen
D. Giving out carbon dioxide

66. Which of the following requirements of photosynthesis can be demonstrated during

experiment using variegated leaf?

A. Water C. Light
B. Chlorophyll D. carbon dioxide

67. If a ring bark is removed from a woody shoot, after some days the tree will die. This is
because of,

A. Photosynthesis does not occur

B. Water accumulates in the root
C. Food cannot reach the root
D. The tree cannot absorb water

68. Which of the following plant hormone is CORRECTLY matched with its function?

A. Abscisic acid- stimulate fruit ripening

B. Ethylene- stimulates fruit ripening
C. Cytokinin- inhibits growth
D. Gibberellic acid- stimulates cell division

69. Which one of the following bacterium act as a vector to transfer desired gene into dicot

A. Acetobater C. Actinomycetes
B. Agrobacterium D. Pseudomonas

70. One of the following bacterium is NOT used as a biopesticide?

A. Streptococcus cremoris
B. Pseudomonas fluorescence
C. Bacillus thuringensis
D. Bacillus popilliae

71. Which one of the following is INCORRECT about insect resistant crops?

A. They are GM so they are toxic to certain insects

B. They reduce use of insecticides
C. They are toxic to human
D. They contribute to the increase of crop yield

72. Which one is INCORRECT about transgenic plants?

A. They have improved nutritional quality

B. They use fewer chemicals than other crops
C. They are tolerant to herbicides and drought
D. They are hazardous to environment

73. Which one is NOT true bout cloning?

A. It is a sexual method of reproduction

B. It is a technique that is used to make exact copies of cells, tissue or an organ
C. It is used to produce tissues needed to treat patients
D. It is a form of asexual reproduction

74. Which one of the following is the CORRECT statement about Dolly?

A. She was the first sheep to be cloned from somatic cell

B. Scottish blackface was her biological mother
C. Finn-dorset was her surrogate mother
D. She was transgenic animal

75. One of the following is characteristics of bacteria?

A. They have various mode of nutrition

B. They are eukaryotes
C. They have rigid cell wall made of chitin
D. They have true nucleus

76. Compared to gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria

A. They are resistant to more antibiotics

B. They have thick layer of peptidoglycan
C. They lack an outer membrane
D. They retain purple colored stain

77. Which one of the following microorganisms derive energy and electron from inorganic
chemicals and inorganic electron donor?

A. Non photosynthetic bacteria C. Cyanobacteria

B. Nitrifying bacteria D. Beggiatoa

78. Who was the first person observed living cells moving around when he examined drops of
water under the microscope?

A. Mathias Schielden C. Anton Van Leeuwanhoek

B. Robert Hooke D. Robert Brown

79. Biologists are working to reduce greenhouse gas emission by:

A. improving the technique of petroleum extraction

B. improving crop yield

C. producing biofuel

D. designing waste treatment plants

80. An organism that carries genes manipulated through gene technology is referred as......

A. New organism C. Genetically modified organisms

B. Artificial organism D. Industrial product

81. Which one of the following is TRUE about biotechnology?

A. It uses inorganic materials to make different products

B. It uses non biological chemicals to make different products

C. It uses living organisms to make different products

D. It uses computer software to make different products

82. Which one of the following is NOT a universal property of all living things?

A. Irritability C. Photosynthesis

B. Reproduction D. Growth and development

83. Unlike chemolithohetrotropic, chemorganohetrotrophic organism

A. Uses inorganic energy source

B. Obtains its energy from the decomposition of organic compounds
C. Utilizes solar energy
D. Utilizes inorganic electron source

84. Which one is the most common reproduction in bacteria?

A. Conjugation C. Binary fission

B. Transduction D. Transformation

85. Which form of sexual reproduction in bacteria needs a vehicle to transfer foreign gene into
bacterial cell?

A. Transformation C. Conjugation
B. Transduction D. Binary fission
86. Which one of the following is CORRECT about the characteristics of archaea?

A. They all are eukaryotes

B. They have peptidoglycan cell wall
C. They have various mode of nutrition
D. They are sensitive to extreme environment

87. Which one of the following bacterial disease affects nerves at synapse?

A. Cholera C. Leprosy
B. Tetanus D. Pertussis

88. Which one of the following microbes grows best at antarctic region?

A. Thermophiles C. Psychrophiles
B. Halophiles D. Acidophiles

89. Which groups of fungi decompose organic matter?

A. Parasitic fungi C. Symbiotic fungi

B. Saprobic fungi D. Photosynthetic fungi

90. Which one of the following is INCORRECT about fungi?

A. They may be unicellular of filamentous

B. They are all eukaryotes
C. All of them are achlorophyllous
D. They have chlorophyll

91. Which one of the following is NOT an example of fungal symbiosis?

A. Symbiotic association between fungi and cyanobacter

B. Symbiotic association between fungi and plant root
C. Fungi decomposing dead organic matter
D. Mutualistic relationship between fungus and arthropod
92. Which one of the following is the common type of asexual reproduction in yeast?

A. Sporulation C. Binary fusion

B. Budding D. Fragmentation

93. Which one of the following fungal spore types are produced by asexual reproduction?

A. Conidia and sporangiospores

B. Ascospore and conidia
C. Arthrospore and ascospore
D. Sporangiospore and ascospore

94. Which one is INCORRECT about sexual reproduction in fungi?

A. They produce spore by sexual means of reproduction

B. In the process, opposite mating types come together and fuse
C. They produce conidia and sporangiospores
D. They produce ascospores and basidiospores

95. Which one of the following is NOT the beneficial aspect of fungi?

A. They play an important role in recycling of carbon and other elements

B. Domesticated varieties of mushrooms can serve as foods
C. They play a major role in in production of immunosuppressive drugs
D. They can cause deterioration of leather and other manufacturing goods

96. Which one of the following fungal disease is caused by Candida Albican?

A. Dermatophytosis C. Aspergilosis
B. Thrush D. Candidias

97. A carcinogenic toxin produced by Aspergillus Flavus and A. parasiticus is called

A. Ergot C. Aflatoxins
B. Sclerotiun D. Ochratoxin
98. Bioremediation is:

A. usage of microbes to create new organis

B. usage of anaerobic bacteria to produce antibiotics

C. usage of microbes to destroy environmental pollution
D. usage of aerobic bacteria to produce vaccine

99. Which genera of bacteria and fungi produce antibiotics?

A. Streptomyces and Penecillum C. Penecillum and Bacillus

B. Streptomyces and Bacillus D. Lactobacillus and Bacillus

100. Which of the following is the most common bacteria used for bioleaching?

A. Streptococcus C. Spirillum

B. Thiobacillus ferroxidians D. Staphylococcus

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