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Assignment 3

CS-UH-1002: Discrete Mathematics

Due: Friday, Feb 16, by 11:59pm (GST)
The solution to the assignment must be typed (ideally in LATEX, but we’ll also accept
PDFs generated differently) and submitted electronically. Upload your solution to
Brightspace as one PDF file with your name on the first page. The file name should
contain your full name: Ass-3 <FirstNLastN>.pdf. You may discuss with others in
order to get ideas, but you need to provide your own, individual solution. You
need to state all your used sources (books, online references, etc.)

Task 1. Boolean Algebra [6 points]

1. Write x + y + z as a sum-of-products in the variables x, y, and z. [3 pts.]
2. Let F (x, y, z)= (yz)(x + xy). Show that F can be simplified to give y + xz. [3 pts.]

Task 2. Valid Arguments [7 points]

Use Two Methods to determine whether the following argument is valid. Include a brief but
concise explanation on the validity of the argument when applying each method.

Sara is a Math Major or a Computer Science Major.

If Sara does not know discrete math, she is not a Math Major.
If Sara knows discrete math, she is smart.
Sara is not a Computer Science Major.
Therefore, Sara is smart.

Task 3. Predicate Logic [6 points]

We denote the set of integers by Z, and the set of real numbers by R. For each of the following
(a) Identify the domain and write the statement using quantifiers (∀ and ∃) and predicates.
(b) Determine its negation (using an English sentence AND quantifiers & predicates). Avoid
negations starting with a term like ’It is not the case that’.
(c) Determine the truth value of the original statement or of its negation with clear justification.
The statements are:
1. Some real numbers are greater than their square. [3 pts.]
2. Every integer can be written as the sum of two perfect squares (Note that an integer n is
said to be a perfect square if there exists some integer m such that n = m2 ). [3 pts.]

Task 4. Nested Quantifiers [6 points]

Rewrite the following statements such that the negations only appear within the predicates (no
negation is outside a quantifier or an expression with logical connectives):
1. ¬∃x∃y P (x, y) [2 pts.]
2. ¬∀x∀y Q(x, y) [2 pts.]
3. ¬∃y (Q(y) ∧ ∀x¬R(x, y)) [2 pts.]

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