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ENGLISH Learn the questions and answers of all the lessons which have been completed and also
complete the notebook work.
Note- Attempt I in your English register. For II, use A4 size sheets. Filing should be
Q1. Read the English newspaper daily with special emphasis on school based reports. Cut out
at least 10 different newspaper reports and use them as a ready reference for report writing.
Pay attention to the language used try to get a fair idea of how reports must be written.
Q2. Spurt of violence previously unknown in Indian schools makes it incumbent on the
educationists to introduce value education effectively in schools. Write an article in 150-200
words expressing your views on the need of value education. You are Anu/Aditya.
Q3. ‘Brain Drain is not a bane for a country like India.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words
either for or against the motion.
Q4. G.L. Institute recently organised a ‘No Tobacco’ Workshop. Write a report on the same
to be published in the newspaper in 150-200 words.
Q5. You have realized the necessity of education and financial independence of women for
their family, society and in turn for the nation. Write a letter to the editor, The National
Times, highlighting your ideas on the importance of education of women leading to a better
status for them. You are Tarun/Taruna B-7/9, Mall Road Delhi. You are Sreeja/Thomas.
Q6. Write a Debate—for/against –”Private cars should be banned in the congested
commercial areas of the cities”
Q7. Hard Work and Punctuality are essential for a happy and successful life.They help in
meeting the desired targets of life. You are Kavya/Kanha. Write an article in 150-200 words
highlighting the importance of hard work and punctuality in a student’s life.
Q8. Draft classified advertisement on CAR FOR SALE, TUTOR REQUIRED, PLOT FOR
a. As a school captain of your school draft a notice informing the students about inter school
basketball match. Give all necessary details.
b. As headboy, draft a notice for organizing a career counseling session for class 11 and 12
Q10. You are student of class12 and are eager to enter the national film academy Shimla.
Write a letter to the director of academy seeking info. Regarding admission procedure,
eligibility criteria, fee structure, placement opportunity, etc.
Q11. Do 5 passages of Note- making.
Q12. Daily read English newspaper – Report and editorial page.
Project work: Choose any one topic. Analyze, research and prepare a project on any one
1. Study of Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements
2. The Indian Subcontinent
3. Constitution of India
4. Endangered tribes of India
5. Brexit and India
6. Religion and Science
7. Pop culture

B.ST 1. Do various type of case studies atleast 15 of each chapter (Ch 1 to 4)

2. Do MCQs of chapter 1 to 4 atleast (20 Mcq) for each chapter.
3. Learn all the question answers and write them along with their presentation. ( refer

MATHS General Instructions :-

1. Solve all questions in a separate notebook.
2. Use graph paper wherever is applicable.
3. Do your work neat and clean.
Q.1 If A=diag(1,-1,2) and B =diag(2,3,-1), find A+B, 3A+4B.

Q.2 If [ 2 x 3 ][ 1 2 x
−3 0 8 ][ ]
=0 , find t h e value of x .

Q.3 Show that A’A and AA’ are both symmetric matrices for any matrix A.

Q.4 If A= [ cosx sinx

−sinx cosx ] [
,t h en s h ow t h at A =
cos 2 x sin2 x
−sin2 x cos 2 x ]

If A=[ [ 00 11]∧x =−1 t h en s h ow t h at ( A+ B ) = A + B .

x 0 ]
0 −x 2 2 2 2
Q.5 , B=

If A= [
−sinx cosx ]
cosx sinx −1 '
Q.6 ∧ A = A find t h e value of x .

Q.7 If A is square matrix such that A2=A. Show that (I+A)3=7A+I

Q.8 Find the value of x for which the matrix product

[ ][ ]
2 0 7 − X 14 X 7X
0 1 0 0 1 0 equal an identity ¿
1 −2 1 X −4 X −2 X

[ ]
1 −1 0
Q.10 If A = 2 5 3 , find A , using elementary row operations .
0 2 1

[ ] [ ]
−2 0 2 2 0 −2
Q.11 Find a matrix A such that 2A-3B+5C=0 where B= 4 6 3 ,C= 7 1 6
7 0 0 5 4 3

Q.12 If A= [ 12 −1
−1 ] , B=[
b −3 ]
a 1 2 2 2
and (A+B) =A +B , find a and b.

If A=[
1 2]
1 2
Q.13 , f(x)=x -2x-3 I , Find f(A)
Q.14 If A=[ 04 00], find A .

[ ] [ ]
2 2 −4 1 −1 0
Q.15 Given A= −4 2 −4 , B= 2 3 4 find BA and use this to solve the system of
2 −1 5 0 1 2
equations y+2z=7 , x-y=3 , 2x+3y+4z=17.

[ ]
2 x −3
Q.16 If A= 0 2 5 , t h en A ∃if ?
1 1 3

Q.20 The monthly incomes of Aryan and Babban are in the ratio 3 : 4 and their monthly
expenditures are in the ratio 5 : 7. If each saves Rs. 15,000 per month, find their
monthly incomes using matrix method. This problem reflects which value?

Q.22 Two Schools A and B decided to award prizes to their students for three values, team
spirit, truthfulness and tolerance at the rate of Rs. X , Rs. Y Rs. Z per student
respectively, School A decided to award a total of Rs 1100 for the three values to 3,1
and 2 students respectively While School B decided to award Rs. 1400 for the three
values to 1,2 and 3 students respectively. If one prize for all the three values together
amount to Rs. 600 then
i) Represent the above situation by a matrix equation after forming linear
ii) Is it Possible to solve the system of equations so obtained using matrix.
Q.23 Two schools P and Q want to award their selected students for the values of sincerity,
truthfulness and hard work at the rate of RS. X , Rs.. Y and Rs. Z for each respective
value per student. School P awards its 2,3 and 4 students on the above respective
values with a total prize money of RS. 4600. School Q wants t award its 3,2 and 3
students on the respective values with a total award money of Rs, 4100. If the total
amount of award money for one prize on each value is Rs. 1500, using matrices find
the award money for each value.
Q.24 A total amount of Rs. 7000 is deposited in three different savings bank accounts with
annual interest rates of 5%, 8% and 8.5% respectively. The total annual interest from
these three accounts is RS. 550. Equal amounts have been deposited in 5% and 8%
savings accounts .Find the amount deposited in each of the three accounts, with the
help of matrices.
Q.27 Two factories decided to award their employees for three values of (a) adaptable to
new techniques, (b) careful and alert in difficult situations and (c) keeping clam in
tense situations, at the rate of RS. X, Rs. Y and Rs. Z per person respectively. The first
factory decided to honour respectively 2,4 and 3 employees with a total prize money
of Rs. 29000. The second factory decided to honour respectively 5,2,and 3 employees
with the prize money of 30500. If the three prizes per person together cost Rs. 9500 ,
i) Represent above situation by a matrix equation and form linear equations using
matrix multiplication.
ii) Solve these equations using matrices.

Q.28 Two institutions decided to award their employees for the three values of
resourcefulness ,competence and determination in the form of prizes at the rate of Rs.
X, Rs. Y and Rs. Z respectively per person.. The first institution decided to award
respectively 4,3 and 2 employees with a total prize money of 37000 and the second
institution decided to award respectively 5,3 and 4 employees with a total prize money
of 47000. If all the three prizes per person together amount to Rs. 2000 then using
matrix method find the value of x, v and z

Q.30 A school wants to award its students for the values of honesty, Regularity and Hard
work with a total cash award of Rs. 6000. Three times the award money for hard work
added to that given for honesty amounts to Rs. 11000. The award money given for
Honesty and Hard work together is double the one given for Regularity. Represent the
above situation algebraically and find the award money for each value, using matrix

| |
a+ x a−x a−x
Q.31 Using properties of determinants, solve for x: a−x a+ x a−x =0
a−x a−x a+ x

| |
( a+1 )(a+2) a+2 1
Q.32 Using properties of determinants, Show that ( a+2 )(a+3) a+ 3 1 =−2
( a+3 ) (a+4) a+ 4 1
| |
x+ y y+ z z+ x
Q.33 Write the value of z x y
−3 −3 −3

| |
b +c a a
Q.35 Using properties of determinants, Prove that b a+c b =4 abc
c c a+ b

| |
x+ y x x
Q.36 Using properties of determinants, Prove that : 5 x+ 4 y 4 x 2 x =x
10 x +8 y 8 x 3 x

| |
x x + y x +2 y
Q.37 Using properties of determinants, Prove that : x +2 y x x+ y =9 y ( x+ y )
x + y x +2 y x

| |
a b c
3 3 3
Q.38 Using properties of determinants, Prove that: a−b b−c c−a =a + b +c −3 abc
b+c c+ a a+b

| |
1 1 1
Q.39 Prove that: a b c =( a−b ) ( b−c ) ( c−a )
bc ca ab

| |
x−2 2 x−3 3 x−4
Q.40 Using properties of determinants, Solve for x: x−4 2 x −9 3 x −16 =0
x−8 2 x −27 3 x−64

| |
x y z
z =( x− y ) ( y−z ) (z−x )xyz
2 2 2
Q.41 Prove that: x y
3 3 3
x y z
Q.42 Solve the following determinant equations:

| | | |
x +1 3 5 1 1 x
i) 2 x +2 5 =0 ii) p+1 p +1 p+ x =0
2 3 x+ 4 3 x +1 x +2
| |
( a x + a− x )2 (ax −a− x )2 1
Q.48 Expand (a y + a− y )2 (a y −a− y )2 1
z −z 2 z −z 2
(a + a ) (a −a ) 1

| |
2 3 4
Q.49 Expand 5 6 8
6 x 9 x 12 x

| || |
a b c 1 1 1
Q.50 Without expanding Show that a b c = a 2 b2 c 2
2 2 2

bc ca ab a 3 b3 c 3

| |
1 a a2−bc
Q.51 show that i) 1 b b2−ac =0
1 c c −ab

| |
b 2+ c 2 ab ac
2 2 2 2 2
Q.52 Show that ba a +a bc =4 a b c
2 2
ca cb b +a

| |
a b c
Q.53 Without expanding the determinant show that (a+b+c) is a factor of the b c a
c b a

| |
1 b+ c b 2 +c 2
Q.54 Prove that 1 c +a c 2 + a2 =( a−b ) ( b−c ) (c−a)
2 2
1 a+b a + b
Q.55 Solve the following determinant equations:

| | | |
x +a b c x +a x x
I) a x +b c =0 ii) x x +a x =0
a b x+ c x x x+ a

| |
bc−a2 ca−b2 ab−c 2
Q56 Prove that ca−b2 ab−c 2 bc−a 2 is divisible by a+b+c then find the quotient.
2 2 2
ab−c bc−a ca−b

[ ]
1 1 1
Q.57 In a triangle ABC , if 1+sinA 1+ sinB 1+ sinC =0 then prove that
2 2 2
sinA + sin A sinB+ sin B sinC + sin C
∆ ABC is an isosceles triangle.

Q.58 Solve the following determinant equations:

| | | |
3 x−8 3 3 1 x a2
i) 3 3 x−8 3 =0 ii) 1 a b2 =0
3 3 3 x−8 1 b c

| |
a b c
Q.59 ≠ 0
If a+b+c and b c a =0 , t h en prove t h at a=b=c .
c a b
| |
(2x +2−x )2 (2 x −2− x )2 1
x −x 2 x −x 2
Q.60 If x,y,x∈R then show that (3 +3 ) (3 −3 ) 1 =0
x −x 2 x −x 2
(4 + 4 ) (4 −4 ) 1

[ ]
x 3 7
Q.61 If x=-9 is a root of 2 x 2 =0t h en find ot h er two zeroes .
7 6 x

[ ]
4−x 4+ x 4 + x
Q.62 If 4 + x 4−x 4 + x =0 then find the value of x .
4 + x 4+ x 4−x

−1 dy x+ y
Q.64 If log(x2+y2)=2 tan ( y / x), show that =
dx x− y
π dy
Q.65 If y=log tan( + x /2) , show that =sec x
4 dx
(cosx )
Q.66 If y= (cosx)(cosx) , Find

Q.67 If y =
√1−x 2(2 x−3)2 , Find dy
2 3
(2+ x )
Q.68 Find the equation of the tangent and the normal to the curve y=2e 3 at the point where
curve cuts y=axis.
Q.69 Prove that the tangent to the curve y=x2-5x+6 at the points (2,0) and (3,0) are at right
Q.70 The slope of the curve 2y2=ax2 at (1,1) is -1. Find a.
Q.71 Show that the acute angle of intersection between the curves xy=6 and x2y=12 is
−1 3
tan ( )
Q.72 Show that the acute angle of intersection between the curves y2=4x and x2=4y is
−1 3
tan ( ).
Q.73 Find the equation of tangent to the curve y=(x3-1)(x-2)at the points where the curve
cuts at the x-axis.
Q.74 The volume o a cube is increasing at a constant rate. Prove that the increase in surface
area varies inversely s the length of edge of cube.
x 2
Q.75 Find the intervals in which the function f(x)= + is strictly increasing or decreasing.
2 x

Q.76 Show that the function tan x-4x is decreasing on

−π π
3 3 ( )
Q.77 Show that f(x)=sin x -2cos x -2 is increasing in 0 ,( π2 )
Q.78 Determine the value of x, the function f(x)= 2 is increasing or decreasing. Also
x +1
find the points on the graph of function at which the tangent is parallel to x-axis.
Q.79 For the curve y=5x-2x3 , if x increases at the rate of 2 units/sec, then find the rate of
change of the slope of the curve when x=3.
Q.80 An open box with square base is to be made out of a given quantity of cardboard of
area c2 square units. Show that the maximum volume of the box is cubic units.
6 √3
Q.81 A manufacturer can sell x items at a price of (5- ¿ each. The cost price of x items
is Rs. ( +500 ¿. Find the number of items he should sell to earn maximum profit.
3 4 3 2
Q.82 Find the intervals in which the function f(x)= x −4 x −45 x +51 is
i) Strictly increasing ii) Strictly deceasing
Q.83 Show that the function f(x)=tan-1(sinx+cosx) ,x>0 is always increasing in (0, ).
Q.84 Find the intervals in which the function f given by f(x) = sin x + cos x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π is
(i) Strictly increasing (ii) Strictly decreasing
Q.85 Prove that the radius of the right circular cylinder of greatest curved surface area
which can be inscribed in a given cone is half of that of the cone.
Q.86 Solve for x,yand z by Matrix Method
Q.87 Show that the points (a+5,a-4), (a-2,a+3) and (a,a) do not lie on a straight line for any
value of a.
Q.88 To raise money for an orphanage, students of three schools A, B and C organized an
exhibition in their locality, where they sold paper-bags, scrap-books and pastel-sheets
made by them using recycled paper, at the rate of Rs. 20, Rs. 15 and Rs. 5 per unit
respectively. School A sold 25 paper bags, 12 scrap-books and 34 pastel sheets.
School B sold 22 paper-bags, 25 scrap-books and 28 pastel sheets while School C sold
26 paper-bags, 18 scrap-books and 36 pastel sheets. Using matrices, find the total
amount raised by each school. By such exhibitions, which values are inculcated in the
Q.89 Ishan wants to donate a rectangular plot of land for a school in his village. When he
was asked to give dimensions of the plot, he told that if its length is decreased by 50 m
and breadth is increased by 50 m, then its area will remain same, but if length is
decreased by 10 m and breadth is decreased by 20 m, then its area will decrease by
5300m2 . Using matrices, find the dimensions of the plot. Also give reason why he
wants to donate the plot for a school.
Q.90 Two schools A and B want to award their selected students on the values of sincerity,
truthfulness and helpfulness. The school A wants to award Rs. X each, Rs. Y each and
Rs. Z each for the three respective values to 3,2 and 1 students respectively with a
total award money of Rs 1600 School B wants to spend Rs. 2300 to award its 4,1 and
3 students n the respective values (by giving the same award money to the three values
as before). If the total amount of award for one prize on each value is Rs. 900 using
matrices, find the award money for each value.

Q.91 Two schools P and Q want to award their selected students on the values of Discipline,
Politeness and Punctuality. The school P wants to award Rs. X each, Rs. Y each and
Rs. Z each for the three respective values to its 3,2 and 1 students with a total award
money of Rs. 1000. School Q wants to spend Rs. 1500 to award its 4,1 and 3 students
on the respective values. (by giving the same award money for the three values as
before). If the total of awards for one prize on each value is Rs. 600, using matrices,
find the award money for each value.
Q.92 Using properties of determinants, Find the value of f(2x)-f(x) where f(x)=

| |
a −1 0
ax a −1
a x ax a

| |
x x 2 1+ x3
2 3
Q.93 Using properties of determinants, y y 1+ y =0 t h en s h ow t h at xyz=−1
2 3
z z 1+ z

[ ]
1 −2 3
Q.94 For what value of x the matrix A= 1 2 1 is singular ?
x 2 −3

[ ]
x+1 −3 4
Q.95 Determine the value of x for which the matrix −5 x+ 2 2 is singular.
4 1 x−6

Q.96 Evaluate |−c+id

a+ib c +id
a−ib |
| |
b2 c 2 bc b +c
Q.97 Without expanding show that c 2 a 2 ca c+ a =0
2 2
a b ab a+ b

Q.99 Let A= [−12 32] , t h en s h ow t h at A −4 A +7 I =0Using this result calculate A and A .

2 3 5

| |
1 2 0
Q.100 If A= −2 −1 −2 ,t h en find t h e value of A . Using A−1 , solve the system of
0 −1 1
linear equation x-2y=10, 2x-y-z=8 and -2y+z=7.

ACCOUN 1. Purchased a separate register and solve all the ILLUSTRATION and PRACTICAL
QUESTION of Chapter 2 to 5 ( Fundamental, Valuation of Goodwill, Change in Profit
TS Sharing Ratio and Admission of a Partner)
2. Do neat and clean work and show your working note wherever necessary.

I.P Design website for ITBP public school which also have registration and login web page.
Website must contain 15 web page.
Practice file: XML code, design tree based on XML code.
Practice file: All HTML basic tags, must also contain all Input Box, Button, Radio Button,
Check Box Button, Drop Down List etc.

ECO Prepare ONE hand written project of 35-45 pages (approx.) following the given guidelines-
1. Choice of topic: i) Whatever is going around us: a) GST b) Demonetisation c) Brexit d)
Globalisation- origin and recent trends e) Micro and small scale industries in India f) Food
supply channels in India g) Make in India- case study of a start-up firm h) Contemporary
employment situation in India i) Inclusive Growth Strategy j) Human Development Index k)
Self Help Groups l) Any other relevant topic ii) Analyse any concept from the syllabus.2)
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled in the project: - Use A4 size sheets. - Draw
borders - follow the sequence of: Title page, acknowledgement, index, introduction ......
bibliography -page count starts from ‘introduction’ page. - Explanation of the project: -
Introduction -Meaning and relevance of the subject/topic newspaper articles diagrams,
graphs, statistics, pictures) Explanation (use Application of the concept Student's

PHY EDU Practical file to be completed

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