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The Scottish Government and Edinburgh Business School’s


The Scottish Government and Edinburgh Business School are delighted to announce their joint Gender
Please affix a recent,
Equality Initiative which provides 30 scholarships to exceptional women in Zambia. The initiative
colour passport sized
will provide a second cohort of Zambian women with a fully funded place on the Edinburgh Business
photograph here.
School’s online Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme, commencing in March 2024.
Applications are invited from women of Zambian nationality who are passionate about tackling gender
inequality and who will use the knowledge and skills gained from their MBA studies, to support women in
their local communities. Additionally, the initiative welcomes applications from women who would not
ordinarily be in a position to fund their studies.

Section 1 Personal Details

Forename (s): CHIPO Surname: HAMWALA

Title: (Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other) Date of Birth: 02 / 08 / 1996

Home address: JACK COMPOUND 80/1

Post/zip code: Country: ZAMBIA

Tel No: +260974741667


Section 2 – Supporting documents

1. Please attach a copy of your most recent CV detailing your education and employment history.

2. Please attach two written references in support of the scholarship application. Ideally one should be from your current,
or your most recent employer. If this is not possible, personal references are acceptable.
3. Please provide copies of your last five pay slips.

Section 3 Previous funding

If your previous studies were supported by a scholarship or bursary, please provide details.
In the year 2019, I completed my studies and obtained a Bachelors Degree from the University of Zambia. Throughout

the course of my studies i received funding from the government in the form of a student loan from the High Education

Loan and Scholarship Board. The student loan covered for my education fees which also included accomodation and

food expenses. I am cuurently repaying the student loan as it is evident from the payslips and compliance letter attached

as K976 is being deducted from my monthly salary to repay the debt that is amounting to approximately K177,000

Section 4 – Essay Question

Please write a short essay (500 words maximum) on the topic ‘How does gender inequality affect women in the workplace and what

four steps can you recommend be put in place by employers, to address gender inequity in the workplace?'
Gender inequality happens when a person faces unequal treatement or receives limited opportunities based on their gender. In workplaces women are

usually prone to gender inequality as they are considered less productive than men. For this reason women are promoted slower reulting in few women

in superior roles in workplaces. Men are considered to have superior abilities than women as a result they dominate the workplace, and thus men are

given higher paying jobs than women. Other workplaces only have men working in certain departments as they believe men can do the job or deliver the

task better than women. In correlation to this it is assumed that women are better off being at home, to lead in household duties and childcare which

alternatively resulting in few women in the workforce. Other organizations prefer to have more male employees which ultimately results in

more women who are unemployed. Even so women who are employed are payed less and their ideas are considered of less value, to which they are

left out in decison making and leadership roles. If left unchecked gender inequality can lead to bullying and violence, women can be sexually harassed

and can be teased or mocked by being called weak and feable. Therefore an employer can address gender inequality through these steps:

1. Ensure equal represnation of male and female workers in an organization. An employer can ensure that there is an equal number of male and female

employees in the workplace by analysing company records and eliminating gender bias in the recruitment process. In doing so female employees will be

able to take up leadership roles and carry out the same tasks as men, which will allow women to be promoted to superior positions in the workplace

2. Ensure equal pay and benefits for both women and men in the workplace. By evaulating organization policies and conducting regular pay adutis, the

employeer can address the gender wage inequalitis in the workplace. Ultimately work benefits such as rewards and renumerations, salary bonuses,

overtime wages and allowances should be of equal pay for both men and women to addressand reduce the gender pay gap in the organization.

3. Implement flexible work policies. An employer can put in place flexible work policies for women who are mothers and are struggling with work balance

and family responsibilities. Women will thus feel more valued and will not be harrased of being weak and feable in the workplace. Remote work should

be allowed to help bridging the gender gap that can allow women to also deliver the same tasks as even when they are inclined to household duties.

4. Create awareness by communicating actively about gender inequality in the workplace. Employers can create open channels of communication, were

they actively advocate against gender inequality and allow women to freely raise any conernes to the HR and management, when they are sexually

harrassed or bullied. To address the unconscious gender bias in the workplace, the employer can implement clear guidlenes and work policies

against gender inequality. By consistently implementing these steps the employer will fuel an energy of gender equality in the workplace, and create

a work environment that will foster respect, and allow for equal particpation and equal opportunities amoungst men and women int the organization.

Section 5 – About you, your motivations and your ambition

5.1 Tell us why you want to study the MBA and what professional goals you would hope to achieve in your career
in the next 5 years?

5.2. Please tell us how you would use the knowledge and skills you will gain from studying the MBA, to benefit women in
your local community.

From my engagement with the local community i have observed two major challenges women face with regards to establishing and managing a small

scale business. Firstly most women lack access to start up capital, when they apply for funding from mirco financancial institutions and other financial

institutions few women are given funding as regards to men and even when given funding the money is less than they requested for due to the fact that

their business ideas are considered timid or that of less value and less profitable. The second challenge is that many women who decide to run a

business will undertake 'common' business ventures such as running a hair saloon, selling vegetables or operating a boutique or cosmetic shop.

This is due to the fact that most women women lack knowldege and skills about different business ventures, and different investments that can yeild

profit to them. The reason being the area i reside in is a rural area and most women did not have the privailage to further their education. Thus through

the knowledge and skills i will gain from studying my MBA i will partner with the councillor in my local community to establish a consultancy firm that will

allow women to have access to knowledge and skills on different business ventures and investments such as bonds and stocks and establishing

investment portfolios. Through this consultancy firm women and girls will gain more knowlege and skills about business ventors through workshops

and training programs. This will help them to be able to acquire start up capital as they will have more knowlege on how raise funds for business ventur

5.3 Please describe your financial circumstances and how the scholarship would assist you.

Privacy Notice

We could not exercise our responsibilities and fulfil our education, training and support obligations to you without collecting, holding
and using your personal information. Our privacy notice explains what we do with your personal information and why.

I have read and understand Edinburgh Business School’s Privacy Notice for Students. Please tick:*


1. I certify that the information I have given is correct.

I have read and understand the above.

Print Name:

Signature: **


Submitting your application

Please send your full application to by midnight 31th January 2024

Winners will be notified via email by the 18th March 2024.

* We are unable to accept your scholarship application if you have not ticked this box.
**If you are submitting this form electronically please type your name in the signature box. When this form is submitted electronically Edinburgh Business School will consider this as being
equivalent to your signature.

The Scottish Government and Edinburgh Business
School’s Gender Equality Scholarship Initiative
Application Terms and Conditions
The Scottish Government and Edinburgh Business School are delighted to announce a joint initiative to bring master’s level
education to Zambian women. The initiative will provide 30 fully funded places on the Edinburgh Business School’s flagship
Master of Business Administration (MBA) online programme commencing in March 2024.

Applications are invited from individuals who are passionate about furthering their education and who will use the
knowledge and skills gained from their MBA studies, to help support people in their local communities. Additionally, the
initiative welcomes applications from individuals who would not ordinarily be in a position to fund their own studies.

1. To be eligible to apply to the scholarship scheme, applicants should:

• Be female

• Be aged 25 years or over

• Reside in Zambia

• Fully complete the scholarship application form and submit it with the required supporting documents.

• Submit their application by midnight 31st January 2024 to

2. A panel of judges from Edinburgh Business School will review and select the 30 scholarship winners.

3. The successful applicants will, solely in the opinion of the judges, have a clear rationale outlined how an MBA would
benefit them in the future as well as demonstrating a commitment to helping women in their local communities.

4. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the outcome of
individual applications.

5. The successful applicants shall be notified via email by midnight on the 18th March 2024 and must accept the
scholarship award in writing, by the 24th March 2024. If a scholarship offer is not accepted within the time frame, it will be
offered to the first applicant on the reserve list.

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