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Primal Rift Luckily for the cause of commerce and

communication, the more frequently a certain

path is traveled, the faster, easier and more
Primal Rifts, also known as Instant Teleportation,
predictable the journey becomes. As result
is the only known way of traveling without the
frequently-traveled routes between set rift points
knowledge of the teleportation spell. It is
are safe and convenient.
currently the sole means of unlimited travel, it is a
still portal allowing you to travel only to a
At an change of rift point, the intersection of
destination point set by a other Rift. As such, it
pathways within the rift manifest of potentially
can be argued that primal rifts are the most
being correct and incorrect. It's only when the
important discovery ever made. It was originally
traveler chooses a specific direction that this
discovered approximately 10.000 years before the
potentially collapses and one path becomes right,
current era by elf artificer Rochida. The magic
and the other wrong. For reasons still unknown,
that made it possible to utilize (changing rift
organic beings tend to choose the correct path
points) the rift was invented during the same
most of the time, or more precisely, the very act
period, and the first elf Queen was crowned a
of choosing makes the path they have chosen the
mere 112 years later, as the elves began to spread
correct one.
throughout the Lamuria.
It was thought that Warforged and creatures like
A magical item known as a Field Turner can be
it, were incapable of this reality-altering
used to change the destination point of the primal
guesswork. Even vessels within the empire had
rift. It can also increase the size of the rift
organic sentient pilots to pilot through the rifts, a
temporally so that even airships can pass through
prospect some find deeply disturbing yet others
it. When entering the primal rift, the traveler(s)
find comforting. However, warforged might have
then catches onto the strings. Once hooked onto
the intuition required to do so, it will not say that
the strings the traveler must navigate a series of
it will work out, for it is capable of navigating the
strings towards the exit.
rift to some extent, abeit in a very haphazard and
dangerous way. When the crew of a centurion
Since its discovery nearly 10.000 years ago by the
airship was killed of by an orc attack the
elves, the primal rift has connected the world
warforged that remained in tact, made the journey
together. Primal rift is an extension of the power
from one point to an different set point using a
that flows throughout Lamuria, its an additional
field turner, the warforged was stuck in the rift for
dimension that integrally intertwined with our
thirdteen months.
own. Primal rifts are/is a place where magic
connections are visible as cords, especially the
Also, elven had devised a item using unknown
large and strong connections like those between
equipment and a necklace of fireballs to
huge concentrations of matter such as other rifts
disconnect a primal rift point, which was done to
and even possible teleportation circles. A airship
Vedra and centuries later the Aina Akua. This
that enters a primal rift can harness the magic of
made travel to them nearly, but not impossible
these cords and ride them from one point to

One interesting thing about moving through the

primal rift is that travel time between point has
very little to do with distance actually traveled. If
a pilot or person is lucky, and the rift unfolds just
right, the person or vessel could transit between
realms in minutes. But if unlucky the same trip
could take weeks or even months.
Rochinda was an elf master sage in the field
theoretical teleportation, he is well known as the
pioneer who lead the team of researchers that
discovered the existence of the primal rifts some
112 years before the formation of the empire in
CY 0. The University notes that while Rochinda
foresaw the primal rift as a vessel of peaceful
exploration and colonization, it was not until CY
4279 that the elven empire evolved and matured
into the Empire that we now.

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