Crim 5 Midterm Exam

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The term minor refers to any person whose age is ______ and below = 17 years old
2. As defined by RA 11767, a_________ shall be deserted or abandoned child or infant
with unknown facts of birth and parentage = Founding
3. What is the Latin term for “Parent of the Country” = Parens Patriae
4. The _____dictate the totality of the qualities of the person intellectual, moral, social and
psychological from the moment of his conception. = Genes
5. Juvenile delinquency is defined as acts committed by a juvenile that, if committed by an
adult, would be a? = Criminal Act
6. It is the Kindergarten Education Act. It was approved on January 20, 2012. This law
made it mandatory for all children to be enrolled in kindergarten as part of the basic
education and as prerequisite for admission to Grade 1 = RA 10157
7. The importance of the role of the school in molding children as productive citizens is
already a given. And the state, through legislation, has given emphasis to the
addressing the needs of children related to their education especially during their
formative years = TRUE
8. The goal of this law is provide out-of-school children in special cases and adults with
opportunities to this law was improve their knowledge, values, life skills and readiness
for higher education, work or self- employment through a system of non-formal or
indigenous education, or both, which are tailored to respond to their learning needs and
life circumstances. It is otherwise known as alternative learning system =RA 11510
9. It is the dominant male hormones = Testosterone
10. It is a process that produces a progressive series of orderly and coherent changes
which lead to, and end with, maturity = Development
11. Juvenile delinquency is the participation in illegal behavior by a ______who falls under a
statutory age limit = Minor
12. I it is in the home that the child learns how to socialize, how to show courtesy and
respect to elders, how to be helpful, how to share, how to be careful with what he says,
how to be neat and tidy with himself and his surroundings and generally, how to behave
decently and properly = Sociological factor
13. This theories view delinquency as a result of emotion and mental disturbance of the
individual = Psychological theories
14. This law was enacted to address the needs of young children for a comprehensive early
childhood education. However, this law has already been completely repealed by RA
10401 = RA 8980
15. This explains that delinquent traits and predisposition to criminality are inherited from
parents and that criminality of parents can predict delinquency of children. = Genetic
16. If the person who behaved in an unacceptable manner or who violated the law is a child
or minor, then he is called a = Delinquent
17. Examples of status offenses are running away from home,cutting classes in school,
drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, swearing or using bad language, showing
disrespect to elders = absolutely True
18. It is defined as a person appointed by the court to protect the best interest of the child. =
Guardian ad Litem
19. The age of majority in the Philippines is = 18
20. Development is caused by how interacting factors = 2
21. It is the science of heredity. it contain the traits of both -the physical, the father and the
mother and that is why genes are called the carriers of heredity, Each individual
receives an equal number of genes from both parent = Genes
22. The term______ is latin for “ parent of the country” =Parens Patriae
23. These theory is based on the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud. It posits that
delinquency is the result of the imbalance of the three components of personality: id,
ego and superego and delinquency is the product of the abnormal personality structure
formed in early life and which thereafter controls human behavior choices =
Psychodynamic theory
24. Social changes during late childhood is often referred to as the = Gang Age
25. The “most controversial” factor that is being blamed by society is what has become the
culture of _________today = The Mass Media
26. This theory believes that individuals learn by observing how people react to their
behavior choices. =Behavioral theory
27. This means that a person is recognized as a person with rights the moment he is
conceived in the womb of his mother.More importantly he already has the right to be
born and the right to live. = Commencement of Civil Personality
28. Another important general principle as stated in Article 8 is that of child welfare being of
paramount importance. It states that in all questions regarding the care, custody,
education and property of the child, his welfare shall be the paramount consideration.
This means that in making decisions for children, the best interest of the child should be
the top consideration, what is best for the child should be the top priority. =Child
welfare paramount
29. If the person who behaved in an unacceptable manner or who violated the law is a child
or minor, then he is called a delinquent. But pursuant to current laws on juvenile welfare
and juvenile justice, the appropriate terms to use are =Child at risk and child in
conflict with the law
30. The first two weeks following conception is the? = Germinal stage
31. These explains that crime and deliquency occur because the individual suffers from the
brain impairment or abnormality in the structure of the brain. - Neurological theory
32. it is defined as well- doing or well-being, in any respect; the enjoyment of health and
common blessing of life; exemption from any evil or calamity = Welfare
33. The law explicitly provides that no child under seven (7) years of age shall be separated
from the mother unless the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise. The basis
of this rule is that a child below seven (7) years old still needs the loving, tender care
that only a mother can give = True
34. The school is considered the second home of the child, and the teachers are the =
Special parents
35. The law also stipulates that in case of disagreement of both mother and father the
decision of the mother will prevail unless there is a judicial order to the contrary. =TRUE
36. This law was approved on July 21,2015. This law punishes drivers of two0wheeled
motor vehicle with children as passengers on public roads where there is heavy was
volume of vehicles, there s a high density of fast-moving vehicles or where a speed limit
of more than 60/kph is imposed = RA 10666
37. It is defined as having unexcused absence from school for a period exceeding twenty
(20) days.= Truancy
38. It is one of the parenting styles which refers to demanding but not responsive. This style
believes that the child should accept without question the rules and standards
established by the parents. = Authoritarian Parents
39. What is the most or major emotions during early childhood? = Unpleasant Emotions
40. Early childhood Starts from what age? = 2 to 6 years old
41. Republic act 6809 the law that lowered the age of majority from twenty one to eighteen
years old. This law took effect on = December 13,1989
42. Act Promoting for Stronger Protection Against Rape and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse,
Increasing the Age for Determining the Commission of Statutory Rape, This law
increased the age of sexual consent from twelve (12) years old to sixteen (16) years old.
= RA 11648
43. Moral development in early childhood is on a ____ the reason for this, =Low level
44. An act or behavior that is considered wrong or improper when it is committed by a child
or minor. = Status Offense
45. During Earlychildhood, sociall changes on this stage is called? = Pre-gang Age
46. this law was approved on february 22, 2019. this law prohibits children, 12 years old and
below, to sit in the front passenger seat while travelling = RA 11229
47. In latin it means literally parental Authority. = Patria Potestas
48. It is the transmission of traits from parents to offspring through the genes? = Heredity
49. this law aimed to address the need of left-handed students for a desk that would make
writing comfortable for him. neutral desk refers to a table or an armchair that is suitable
for both right-handed and left-handed student = RA 113949
50. Status offenses are not necessarily illegal acts because not all status offenses violate
any written law. = Absolutely True
51. Juvenile delinquency is the participation in illegal behavior by a minor who falls under a
= statutory age limit
52. The written rules are what we call ___. They tell us what actions should be avoided and
they command what actions should be done. Failure to obey the laws has a
corresponding punishment, which discourages people from violating it. = LAWS
53. theory views that crime and delinquency, especially violence, are the result of diet,
vitamin intake, hormonal imbalance and other biological causes = Biochemical Theory
54. What is the complete name of your Professor in CRIM 5 Juvenile Delinquency and
Juvenile Justice System = Maricris T. Cabanayan
55. One of the important developmental tasks of late childhood is the ______. As children
reach the end of childhood, their moral codes gradually approach those of the adults
with whom they are associated and their behavior conforms more closely to the
standards set up by these adults = development of conscience
56. It is the law that prohibits exploitation of children by forcing them into begging in the
streets, which was enacted on June 11, 1978. - Mendicancy Law/PD 1563
57. Article 2 provides that PD 603 shall apply to persons below twenty-one (21) years of age
except those emancipated in accordance with law, and that the terms child or minor or
youth, shall refer to such persons. = TRUE
58. Parental authority is jointly exercised by both the father and the mother = TRUE
59. It is based on the classical school of criminology that views an individual as having free
will in choosing his actions and that he calculates what he will gain or lose if he commits
an act = choice theory
60. It point to biological causes as the determinants of delinquent behavior. It holds that
children engage in delinquent or criminal behavior due to aberrant physical or
psychological traits that govern behavioral choices. = biosocial theory
61. this law mandated that there should be a day care center in every barangay with a total
development and protection of children program = RA 6972
62. This law repealed RA 9775 to provide more effective and relevant ways of providing
protection against all forms of abuse and exploitation from perpetrators taking
advantage of internet technology = RA 11930
63. Start producing sperm cells for boys marks the beginning of puberty, which usually
happens between = 14 to 16 years of age
64. ______ is not something that can be controlled. Parents cannot choose to pass on only
the best traits that they have to their children. Since an individual is the product of the
genes of both his/her parents, he/she cannot escape the dictates of his/her ____,
whether good or bad = heredity
65. It is the law that amended the provisions of RA 7610 on obscene publications and
indecent shows. It aims to protect every child from all forms of exploitation and abuse
through the use of a child in pornographic performances and materials and the
inducement or coercion of a child to engage or to be involved in pornography = RA 9775
66. Even the most developed and progressive countries in the world, with their vast
resources, have to contend with the problem of juvenile delinquency. Although the
degrees of the severity of the problem vary from country to country, the fact remains that
juvenile delinquency continues to persist despite all efforts put into its prevention. =
Absolutely True
67. The provisions on parental authority were amended by Executive Order No 209,
otherwise known as the = family code of the philippines
68. It is defined as the freedom from parental authority upon reaching the age of majority
(18) over both the person and property with the exemption of the capacity to contract
marriage. -Emancipation
69. The law explicitly provides that the state shall abolish all traditional and cultural practices
and structures that perpetuate discrimination, abuse and exploitation of children, such
as the practice of child marriage. = RA 11596
70. It is the law that lowered the age of majority from twenty-one (21) to eighteen years old
(18).= RA 6809
71. It refers to the several sectors that are thought to play a role in child delinquency. It
includes the child's actual neighborhood and the individuals outside the family with
whom the child has regular encounters, as well as the church as a source of moral and
spiritual instruction.= The Community
72. It is one of the parenting styles which refers to demanding at the same time responsive.
They are warm but firm, teach children to be independent but still places limits and
controls of their action = Authoritative Parents
73. is defined as the mass of rights and obligations which parents have in relation to the
person and property of their minor children. And these includes parental responsibility.
=Parental Authority
74. It is the dominant Female hormones. = Estrogen
75. It is defined as a set of statements devised to explain behavior, events or phenomenon,
especially one that has been repeatedly tested and widely accepted = Theory
76. This approach cites the various social and environmental influences as responsible for
one's behavior. = Sociogenic
77. This law was enacted with the premise that a child is one of the most important assets
of the nation and that every effort should be exerted to promote his and enhance his
opportunities for a useful and happy life = PD 603
78. It is other wise known as the early years act (EYA) of 2013. = RA 10410
79. If the person who behaved in an unacceptable manner or who violated the law is a child
or minor, then he is called a delinquent. But pursuant to current laws on juvenile welfare
and juvenile justice, the appropriate terms to use are child at risk and child in conflict
with the law. This change in the use of words to refer to children involved in delinquency
is for the purpose avoiding -Labelling
80. An act requiring all elementary and secondary schools to adopt policies to prevent and
address the act of bullying in their institutions. Its short title is the anti-bullying act of
2013= RA 10627
81. It is one of the parenting styles which refers to neither demanding nor responsive. hey
know little about their child's activities and whereabouts, unsupportive of their children
but still provide = Authoritarian Parents
82. The embryonic stage covers the ____ following conceptions = Second to eighth week
83. The ____are what we call laws. They tell us what actions should be avoided and they
command what actions should be done. Failure to obey the laws has a corresponding
punishment, which discourages people from violating it = Written rules
84. Late childhood start from what age = 6to12 years od
85. This law was enacted to encourage learning institutions including higher learning
institutions and technical and vocational institutions, = RA 11650
86. It refers to the manner bu which parents rear and discipline their children. = Parental
87. Puberty is the time when the sex organs mature and boys and girls become capable of
reproducing. Start of menstruation marks the beginning of puberty for girls, which
usually happens between =11 to 13 years of age
88. Aside from genetics, the parents, especially the mother, are greatly responsible for the
kind of individual the person will be. The lifestyle and the habits of the mother during her
pregnancy will greatly affect the condition of the child, = Absolutely true.
89. A person physical qualities traits personality talents mental abilities a mong others, be it
positive or negative, good or bad, alll depends on who his parents are = Biological
90. It includes all the forces that affect or influence man Heredity brings about development
through the process of maturation, this also called lerning =Environment
91. It is one of the parenting style which refers to responsive but not demanding. They place
relatively few demands on the child's behavior, giving the child a high degree of freedom
to act as he or she wishes.,= Indulgent parents
92. The _____ referred to as social norms, are those rules that are not written down on
paper but are being obeyed because of our traditions, customs, culture and beliefs. =
Unwritten rules
93. It refers to the conditions relating to the emotional and mental state of a person. =
psychological factor
94. The period covering the eight week after conception until the baby is born is the ___=
Fetal stage
95. There are ____approaches used in the study of delinquency = 3
96. This is the reason why in all situations involving children, laws and procedures have
always been formulated with the _____ as the priority and primary basis in the decision-
making process.= Best interest of the child
97. This approaches focuses on the mental and emotional factors that cause individual to
act the way he does. -Psychogenic
98. At the time of approval and effectivity of PD 603 the age majority of the Philippines, was
21 years old. However, RA 6809 was enacted, the law that lowered the age of majority
from 21 to -Eighteen years old 18
99. This law defined the various crimes committed against children, which include child
prostitution and other sexual abuses, child trafficking, child pornography and child labor.
-RA 7610
100. This approach attributes delinquent behavior to physical defects and biological
causes with in the individual himself. -Biogenic.

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