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Database Management System (BCAC491)

BCA 4th SEM - PCA2

1. Display the name and hire date of every employee who was hired in 1982.

2. Display the name of all employees who have double L in their name.

3. Display the employee name and department number of all employees in department 10 and
department 30 in alphabetical order by name.

4. Write a query that will display all employee names in lower case and the length of
their name.

5. Display the employee name, hire date and the day of the week on which the employee

6. Display the employee name with initial letter of name in uppercase in department number
10 and salary less than 1600.

7. Write a query to display the employee name, department number, salary and commission
for all employees who earns a commission.

8. Trim the character 'S' from employees whose name start with 'S'.

9. Display the employee name and hiredate for all employees. The hire date appears as 17,
November 1981.

10. Create a unique listing of all jobs that are in department 30.

11. Display the employee name,salary and manager number for all employees whose manager's
employee number is 7902,7566,7788.

12. Write a query to display the employee name, the number of weeks employed for all
employees in department 10.

13. Display the average,highest lowest and sum of monthly salaries for all employees.
14. Display the employee name who joined first and employee name who joined last.

15. Display all employees who are not clerk and not in department 30.
16. Display the number of department in EMP table.

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