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SEC. 12. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Program.
is a comprehensive set of policies, procedures, and practices aimed at creating and
maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. It's essentially a roadmap
for your organization to proactively prevent workplace hazards, injuries, and illnesses, ultimately
promoting employee well-being and productivity.

a. Statement of commitment to comply with OSH requirements.

b. General safety and health, including a drug-free workplace.
c. Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
prevention and control.
d. Company or project details
e. Composition and duties of the safety and health committee
f. Occupational safety and health personnel and facilities
g. Safety and health promotion, training, and education
h. Conduct of toolbox meeting
i. Accident investigation
j. Provision of safety signage
k. Dust control
l. Provision of workers welfare facilities
m. Emergency preparedness and response plan
n. Waste Management System
o. Prohibited Acts and Penalties for Violations
SEC. 13. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committee
Safety officer of the company or nurse
SEC. 14. Safety Officer
SEC. 15. Occupational Health Personnel and Facilities
SEC. 16. Safety and Health Training
SEC. 17. Occupational Safety and Health Reports
SEC. 18. Workers Competency Certification
All critical occupations shall undergo the mandatory competency assessment and certification
by the TESDA.
SEC. 19. Workers Welfare Facilities
SEC. 20. Cost of Safety and Health Program

Joint Liability:

• Each debtor is only responsible for a proportionate share of the debt or

• For example, if two people are jointly liable for a $100 debt, each would be
responsible for paying $50.
• The creditor can only hold each debtor accountable for their specific share.

Solidary Liability:

• Each debtor is individually liable for the entire debt or obligation.

• This means the creditor can demand the full amount from any one of the debtors.
• Once one debtor pays the full amount, they can then seek reimbursement from
the other debtors for their proportional shares.
SEC. 21. Employers Responsibility and Liability

SEC. 22. Visitorial Power of the Secretary of labor and employment

SEC. 23. Payment of Workers During Work Stoppage Due to Imminent Danger
SEC. 24. Delegation of Authority
SEC. 25. Standards Setting Power of the Secretary of Labor and Employment
SEC. 26. Employees Compensation Claim
SEC. 27. Incentives to Employers
SEC. 28. Prohibited Acts
SEC. 29. Update DOLE Computerized Labor Law Compliance System
SEC. 30. Applicability to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
SEC. 31. Inter-Governmental Coordination and Cooperation
SEC. 32. Implementing Rules and Regulations
SEC. 33. Separability Clause
is a legal provision found in contracts and other legal documents. Its purpose is to ensure that if
any part of the document is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the document remains
valid and enforceable.

SEC. 34. Repealing Clause

is a legal provision that formally cancels or annuls a previous enactment, usually a law or
statute. It essentially declares the earlier enactment as no longer having any legal force or

SEC. 35. Effectivity

This act shall take effect 15 days after its publication in the official gazette or in a newspaper of
general circulation.

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