Practice Exercises 1

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Practice Exercises
Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate word/expression to complete
each definition:
1. ________ is a branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of
2. ______ are bound words considered as functional elements with no stress
or accent and are phonologically independent.
3. Morphology with its rules application is appropriate to improve the students
’ linguistic _______.
4. A ______ refers to a speech sound, or a mixture of two or more speech
sounds in both written and verbal form of language.
5. The basic building blocks of a language are called ______.
6. A ______ does not have any inherent meaning by itself, but when you put
phonemes together, they can make words.
7. A ______, in linguistics, is the smallest unit of speech distinguishing one
word (or word element) from another.
8. A phoneme may have more than one variant, called an ______, which
functions as a single sound.
9. The ______ sound is known as a 'voiceless, bilabial, plosive' stop sound.
10. The /p/ is a ______ sound, which means the vocal cords do not vibrate, but
instead the sound is produced by a puff of air.
11. ______ are the number of individual words in the text.
12. Types are the number of unique word forms, rather than the total number of
words in a text.
13. ______ are words whose sound seems to reflect their meaning directly.
14. An ______ is a group of words established by usage as having a meaning
not deductible from those of the individual words.
15. A ______ is the most basic part of a word, which carries the fundamental
meaning, and cannot be further broken down.
16. A _______ is made up of a root plus derivational affixes or processes, it is
the part of the word that can take inflections.
17. A stem is of concern only when dealing with ______ morphology.
18. A ______ is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.
19. _______ are defined as the smallest meaningful units of meaning.
20. ______ morphemes can stand alone with a specific meaning.
21. Although a morpheme is an abstract unit of meaning, a ______ is a formal
unit with a physical shape.
22. The word morpheme refers to the ______ as well as the form of a word.
23. When something has multiple ways that a sound can be created, these are
its _______.
24. An _______ refers to the different forms of a single morpheme.
25. If a morpheme cannot stand on its own and requires the assistance of another
form, we identify it as a ______ morpheme.
26. Prefixes and suffixes are some examples for ______ morphemes.
27. _______ are the different varieties that exist of the same morpheme.
28. A single morpheme can have different ________.
29. _______ can be defined as phonetic variations of the same phoneme.
30. An allophone is a type of _______ that changes its sound depending on the
spelling of the word.
31. An allomorph is a phonetic variant of a _______.
32. The ______ form in English is a good example of allomorphs.
33. A _______ is a unit of lexical meaning that underlies a set of words that are
related through inflection.
34. A lexeme is a basic _______ unit of meaning that roughly corresponds to a
set of forms taken by a single root word.
35. A ______ is a group of word forms that are all related to the same root
36. A ______ is a single orthographic and phonological word standing for two
37. A ______ is a single orthographic word (but separate phonological words)
standing for two lexemes.
38. A _______ is a single phonological word (but separate orthographical
words) standing for two lexemes.
39. A _______ word consists of a lexeme and associated grammatical
40. The different morphosyntactic words are represented by the same word
41. The addition of the _______ morpheme -ize changes the adjective normal
to the verb normalize.
42. _______ morphemes that are used to create new words or to make words
of a different grammatical class from the stem.
43. Inflectional morphemes are used to show some aspects of the _______
function of a word.
44. We use _______ morphemes to indicate if a word is singular or plural,
whether it is past tense or not, and whether it is a comparative or
possessive form.
45. Derivational morphemes often _______ the part of speech of a word.
46. Inflectional morphemes ______ change the grammatical category (part of
speech) of a word.
47. Certain derivational morphemes serve to ______ new base forms or new
stems to which we can attach other derivational or inflectional affixes.
48. We use the derivational - atic to create _______ from nouns, as in words
like systematic and problematic.
49. The derivational suffix -ize is often added to create ______ from
adjectives, as in modernize.
50. A compound noun is considered to function as a single _______.
51. A compound tends to have a meaning that is more or less idiosyncratic or
52. A distinct difference between a phrase and a compound word is that a
compound word can be without a _______.
53. A _______ noun is a type of noun that is formed by combining two or more
words to create a new noun.
54. _______ Compound Noun is made up by joining two words without any
spaces or hyphens.
55. An _______ compound is made up by joining two words with a space.
56. ________ Compound Noun is made up by joining two or more words by a
57. When the compound noun is singular or a single word, make it plural by
adding ‘s’ to the _______.
58. A _______ noun is a single word which refers to a group or a team and that
can be singular or plural.
59. A compound _______ is a combination of two or more words which can
perform the role of an adjective in a sentence.
60. A compound adjective behaves like an ______ that modifies the noun
or pronoun in a sentence.
61. A compound noun behaves like a _______ that does or receives the action
in a sentence.
62. A compound verb is defined as a verb that consists of ______ words
combined together.
63. _______ verbs are compound verbs that combine a verb with another part
of speech, usually an adverb or a preposition.
64. Phrasal verbs often have ______ meanings that are different from the
individual words used to form them.
65. A separable phrasal verb can be ______ apart and still make grammatical
66. Compound verbs are also called ______ verbs when two verbs follow
each other and are tied to the same subject.
67. Prepositional verbs combine a verb with a ________.
68. A compound adjective is formed when two or more adjectives are joined
together to modify the same _______.
69. No hyphen is required because it is already clear that the adverb modifies
the _______ rather than the subsequent noun.
70. The well-known hyphen rule is applied when using“well-known” to
modify a ______ in a sentence.
71. _______ is the process when a word of more than one syllable is reduced
to a shorter form like (prof).
72. _______ involves the shortening of a longer word, often reducing it to one
73. Shortening advertisement to ‘ad’ is an example of ______ clipping.
74. Back clipping is a type of clipping in which the ______ syllable is
75. In fore-clipping the ______ part or syllable is retained.
76. In Middle clipping the ______ part or syllable is retained.
77. Shortening ‘influenza’ to ‘flu’ is an example of _____ clipping.
78. ______ is a word that is formed by combining some parts (usually the first
letters) of some other terms.
79. _______ is the word formation process in which parts of two or more
words combine to create a new word.
80. ______ is the way we change a word’s form to reflect things like tense,
plurality, gender…etc.
81. _____ inflection is when a word is inflected without following any rules
or conventions.
82. The standard way to inflect a noun for ______ is to add “-s”or“-es.
83. Persons is also a plural form of person, but in modern English it is usually
reserved for more _____, bureaucratic, or legal language.
84. ________ adjectives are used to compare a quality between two nouns.
85. We generally form the comparative degree by adding the suffix “-___”
to the end of the adjective, or by adding the words more or less before it.
86. Words can be classified by various criteria, such as _______ properties
(e.g., monosyllabic vs. Polysyllabic words).
87. ______ word classes are generally open (i.e., they accept new members in
88. Nouns have ______ indicating number and case.
89. _______ is a grammatical category referring to the way that the time of a
situation is viewed by the speaker or writer.
90. ______ is indicated by a combination of auxiliary and verb form.
91. _______ refers to distinctions in the form of the verb that express the attitude
of the speaker to what is said.
92. The _______ is the usual mood in declarative, interrogative and exclamative
93. The ______ has the base form. It is used chiefly as a directive to request
94. The present ________ has the base form and is used in that-clauses after
the expression of such notions as demand or request.
95. The past subjunctive ______ is used chiefly to convey that the speaker is not
sure that the situation will happen or is happening.

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