F23-Grant W

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Sound Studies and Sonic Arts

Summer Semester 2023
Phase Focus
Module Practice
Course Title Experimental Signal Processing with Slime Mold | Workshop
Course Times and Location 17-20 April 2023| LIE 303
Instructors Sarah Grant
Email teaching@chootka.com
Office Hours and Location upon request
Possible Credit Points Practice 2CP (NG), Free Focus 2CP (NG)

Course Description
Slime mold Physarum polycephalum is an easy to cultivate, single-celled organism, which forms efficient, complex
networks of protoplasmic tubes between spatially distributed food sources. Despite having no central nervous
system, P. polycephalum is capable of solving computational tasks both on its own and when integrated into hybrid
bio-electrical circuits. Some experimental working prototypes which have been developed with slime moulds
include self-routing and self-repairing wires, electronic oscillators, color sensors, low pass filters, logical gates, and
transistors, among many others.

In this workshop we will be introduced to working with Physarum polycephalum, including life cycle, cultivation,
and techniques for growing “wires” from the slime mold body for integration within conventional electrical
components. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to grow your own slime mould “wires” for connecting
together voltage-controlled oscillators into a simple synthesizer circuit. This class is for anyone interested in
creating hybrid bio-electrical circuits. No prior experience is required.

Requirements for attending

The class is limited to 15 students.

Exam / Credit Points

2CP assignment (not graded: Practice, Free Focus): Regular attendance and presentation in class

Property of the SoundS faculty. Published with kind permission of the author.

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