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The conceptualization of this study is focused on utilizing the innovated

Organic Epicarp Charcoal-Making Device and produce organic charcoal made out

of waste from fruits that have been proven to contain flammable properties.

Specifically, the study aims utilize the fruit peels from Banana, Pomelo,

Durian, Pineapple, and Jackfruit that are abundant in the locality and often

conseidered as waste. The researchers aim to generate ways to lessen the

environmental impact of using the forest trees as commercial charcoals using the

Organic Epicarp Charcoal-Making Device.

The materials used on this study have undergone different phases in the

charcoal-making device. First phase is the carbonization, where the variables are

carbonized for given time intervals, which ranges from 5-15 minutes. Then, it was

pushed to the second phase, which is the crusher. Next is the mixing process

where the peels are mixed with water and cassava starch to bind. The last phase

is the molder where the peels is formed into cylindrical shape then sun-dried

afterwards. The two products, which is the epicarp and commercial charcoal, then

undergo the flammability test through boiling water using 750g of each product.

This device was designed to finish a product in the maximum of two to three

days unlike the natural way of making of charcoal which took a week or more. The

device was able to produce charcoal from the fruit wastes. It was proven to be 40%

efficient after using the mechanical efficiency test.


Chapter I


Background of the Study

Charcoal is an essential commodity for domestic and industrial use not only

for cooking, but also in powering machines, metallurgy, medicine, art etc. As a

natural fuel, charcoal is a good source of energy because it is accessible and it is

a renewable energy, unlike most of fuel sources.

The first use of charcoal for purposes other than providing heat was around

30,000 BC when cavemen used it as a pigment for drawing on the walls of caves.

But then, charcoal has been put to a wide array of uses over the centuries, from

smelting metals and making gunpowder to air purification systems. (Schwarcz,


Charcoal is vital and beneficial to us. However, the way of its production is

not pleasant to the environment, particularly the traditional Filipino-style charcoal


Especially on this moment where the various effects of climate change is

very prominent because of human’s action towards nature. Improper solid waste

management, burning of fossil fuels, Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC’s) emissions, and

the all-too-familiar deforestation are some of human’s deeds.

Stressing out deforestation, it is one of the most rampant factor that causes

global warming by the act of cutting and clearing of trees, converting forests into

farming, household, and industrial facilities by burning trees or the “kaingin,” and

burning forestry woods to produce charcoal.

In East Africa, charcoal is becoming more and more a scarce product and

is not only contributing to severe environmental problem like deforestation and soil

erosion, but also pauses serious health hazards like diseases linked with

respiratory systems. (Mallimbo, 2009)

Due to the present world’s energy crisis and its related environmental issues

as well as increasing trend of fossil fuel prices, renewable energy source is an

essential matter. Biomass briquettes are a renewable source of energy and they

avoid adding fossil carbon to the atmosphere. (Wessapan, 2010)

Queen pineapple wastes such as peels, leaves, and debris can be turned

into charcoal briquettes for grilling and cooking. The coal briquettes are compact,

convenient to use, and made from all-natural raw materials.The briquettes have

been subjected to initial tests in terms of burning efficiency, length of consumption,

moisture content, density, weight of ash, and physical appearance. Results were

favorable and comparable with the commercially available charcoal briquettes.

(Domingo, 2017)

On the other hand, durian peel has been an effective charcoal because of

carbon present in the peels, which is highly flammable. Durian peel briquette is a

residue, which most of its components are carbon. It occurs due to the

decomposition of durian skin, caused by the heat treatment. These events can

occur in direct or indirect heating in a heap, with or without free air.

Some of the benefits of durian peel briquette is relatively high calorific value,

odorless, non-pollutant, does not produce gas SO (sulfur oxide), and can be

directly illuminated (no need kerosene for as in coal briquettes). Its use is relatively

long, about 2 hours 20 minutes. Shape and size are also tailored to the needs

(Maulana, B., 2013).

To survive in competitive environment, biomass briquette entrepreneurs

should be provided an appropriate technology, which helps to reduce production

cost and time, and improve productivity. The compact briquetting machine has

been designed with the aim of eliminating individual machines, reducing material

handling, manpower and space, and improving productivity. (Wessapan, 2010)

The researchers aim to utilize the pineapple, banana, pomelo, jakfruit,and

durian fruit wastes and produce charcoal briquettes out of it using an Organic

Epicarp Charcoal-making Device. The raw materials to be used are present and

abundant on the locality but usually, it is just dumped. The conceptualization of this

study is focused on the possibilities in generating ways and ideas to somehow help

resolve the existing environmental problems and create something beneficial for

the locality’s use.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the efficiency of organic epicarp charcoal-

making device that produces organic environment-friendly charcoal.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

a. for organic epicarp charcoal-making device

1. Is organic epicarp charcoal-making device efficient to produce

organic environment-friendly charcoal?


2. Will the carbonization, crushing, mixing or the compaction stage,

briquetting, and drying process be enough to produce community

product standard charcoal in the locality?

3. Does the charcoal-making device environmentally friendly?

b. for organic epicarp charcoal

4.. Is there any significant difference between the times it takes to burn

six products into ash to produce by the charcoal-making device?

5. Is there any significant difference between the combined five peels

charcoal produced by the charcoal making device to the commercial charcoal to

the time it takes to boil the water.


Hₒ There is no significant difference between the time it takes to burn

six products into ash produce by the charcoal-making device.

Hi There, is a significant difference between the time it takes to burn six

products into ash produce by the charcoal-making device.

Hₒ There is no significant difference between the combined five peels

charcoal produced by the charcoal making device to the commercial charcoal to

the time it takes to boil the water.

Hi There is a significant difference between the combined five peels

charcoal produced by the charcoal making device to the commercial charcoal to

the time it takes to boil the water.

a. for organic epicarp charcoal-making device


1. Carbonization, crushing, mixing or the compaction stage,

briquetting, and drying process is not enough to produce

community product standard charcoal in the locality.

2. Organic epicarp charcoal-making device is not efficient to produce

organic environment-friendly charcoal.

b. for organic epicarp charcoal

3. The five variables (banana, citrus, durian, jackfruit, and

pineapple) have equal contribution to the flammability of the organic

epicarp charcoal product.

4. There is a significant difference between the efficiency of organic

epicarp as charcoal produce by the charcoal-making device and

the naturally processed commercial charcoal from woods.

Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial for the environment and for the people. It is

beneficial to the environment because it can reduce air pollution during its process

compared with the process of converting woods into charcoal, and other

environmental contamination also. Moreover, it is beneficial in every individual

because it can be their source of income. Before, trees are abundant in forests

even in plains, but now, it is totally different. It has been cut down for the sake of

human’s needs. Today, trees are slowly decreasing in number and charcoal is

being produced. Through this charcoal-making device, organic epicarp from

banana, pineapple, jackfruit, durian, and citrus will be processed and will serve as

an alternative commercial charcoal that will suit the product standard of the locality

instead of the present charcoal product in the market. This study will serve as an

eye-opener to the people that this device can create a change, not only for human’s

needs, but also to the environment.

Also, this study is significant to following:

Students. The results of this study will serve as a medium to enhance and

develop their ability in actual experimentation and investigation. This study will help

them become more practical in terms of discovering devices that could produce

alternatives, specifically charcoal in the future.

Researchers. This will serve as a challenge and motivation for other

researchers to explore and examine other fruit wastes that can be converted into

charcoal to reduce the number of wastes in the community. Also, this study will

serve as an example for them to produce a more efficient charcoal-making device

that could also produce a more efficient organic charcoal product for the


Environment. The product of this device is environmentally friendly since

the raw materials used are organic epicarp fruits.

Community. This project uses peels and other wastes from banana, citrus,

and pineapple, that will be processed using this charcoal-making device that could

be a source of income of the people in the locality.

Household. Especially because this study is meant to be for small-scale

production, families can greatly benefit from using GAFIRE machine in their

households. Besides from compose pits that are space consuming and are only

beneficial to those who loves gardening, GAFIRE is also one efficient way to

recycle biodegradable waste specifically fruit epicarps into a renewable energy,


Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the efficiency of localized organic epicarp

charcoal-making device to produce a charcoal made up of organic epicarp of fruits

such as banana, jackfruit, pomelo, durian, pineapple, and African palm. This study

will be conducted from July to August, year 2019, at Barangay Poblacion, Tupi,

South Cotabato.

Definition of Terms:

The researchers define these following terms with the use of Conceptual

Definition and Operational Definition.

1. Charcoal- Conceptually, charcoal is the mostly pure carbon, made

by cooking wood with low oxygen. The process can take

days and burns volatile compounds such as water,

methane, hydrogen, and tar and lives about 25% of black

lumps and powder of the original weight.

Operationally, in this study, charcoal is made up of

utilized wastes from the peels and leaves from pineapple

banana, pomelo, jackfruit, and durian (, 2015).

2. Kaingin- Conceptually, it is the clearing by cutting down

and burning of trees and plant growth in an area for

cultivation purposes. (Domingo, 2016)


Operationally, it is an act of clearing a piece of

land, particularly in forest areas.

3. Flammability- Conceptually, it is a property of a material relating how easily

the material ignite or sustains combustion reaction.

(Helmenstine, 2017)

Operationally, it is the capacity of a material to

be burned.

4. Briquette- Conceptually, it is a block of compressed coal dust and

is used as a fuel in stoves and boilers.(Ngureco, 2016)

Operationally, it is a compressed charcoal


5. Utilize- Conceptually, it is to make use of something and turn to

practical use or account. (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Operationally, it is a process in which a thing is

being converted into something beneficial.

6. Efficiency - Conceptually, it is the quality of being able to do a task

successfully, without wating time or energy.

(Collins Dictionary )

Operationally, it is a state of maximizing production

with a minimusm waste of materials.

7. Epicarp- Conceptually, it is the outermost layer of the pericarp of fruits

as skin. (Princeton University, 2006)

Operationally, these are the raw materials that is converted

into charcoal through a charcoal- making device.


8. Carbonization- Conceptually,it is a process by which solid residues

with increasing content of the element carbon are

formed from organic material usually by pyrolysis in an

inert atmosphere. (Marsh, 2006)

Operationally, it is the process of burning the raw

materials to convert it into dust.

9. Mixing - Conceptually, it is the process in which a mixture is

formed from pure substace. (Devoe, 2015)

Operationally, it is the process of mixing the carbonized

product with water and the desired binder.

Conceptual Framework

This study about determining the efficiency of organic epicarp charcoal-

making device as it process utilize the collected wastes, specifically the peels and

the leaves, of the pineapple (Ananascomosus), banana (Musa acuminata ×

balbisiana), and pomelo (Citrus maxima). The variables in this study are the

organic epicarp charcoal-making device and the efficiency of organic epicarp

charcoal processed and produced by the charcoal-making device

The independent variable in this study is the organic epicarp charcoal-

making device.

The dependent variable is the efficiency of organic epicarp charcoal

processed and produced by the charcoal-making device.


As an initiative, the researchers aim to utilize the pineapple, banana, pomelo,

jackfruit, and durian fruit wastes and produce charcoal briquettes out of it using an

Organic Epicarp Charcoal-making Device. The raw materials to be used are

present and abundant on the locality but usually, it is just dumped. The

conceptualization of this study is focused on the possibilities in generating ways

and ideas to somehow help resolve the existing environmental problems and

create something beneficial for the locality’s use.


• Charcoal-making The efficiency of organic

Device epicarp charcoal making

• Organic epicarp device


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature, which have direct bearing where

this study is affixed. Discussed here are the Charcoal and the charcoal making

device, both Normal and Alternative, the Pineapple, Banana, Citrus, Jackfruit, and

Durian, which are the variables of this study.


Charcoal defined as "The black porous residue obtained by the destructive

distillation of animal or vegetable matter in a limited supply of air". In fact, charcoal,

or more correctly char, can be produced from a range of synthetic materials, such

as polymers, as well as from natural sources. The basic atomic structure of the

char is independent of the precursor, although the larger scale morphology may

differ. It is important not to confuse charcoal with other forms of impure non-

crystalline carbon such as coke and soot. Although coke, like charcoal, is produced

by solid-phase pyrolysis (usually of bituminous coal), it is distinguished from

charcoal in that a fluid phase is formed during carbonization. The structure and

properties of cokes and chars are quite different, as discussed further below. In

the case of soot, this is formed in the gas phase by incomplete combustion rather

than by solid-phase pyrolysis, and it has a microstructure quite distinct from either

coke or charcoal.

Methods of producing charcoal

The method requires a unit of brick and concrete construction about 31 feet

long, 15 feet wide, and 12 feet high. A single metal tube with screw conveyor

carries various kinds of wood fines to a hopper for distribution to a number of

horizontal tubes mounted across a wood-gas firing chamber for direct external

heating. After passage through the carbonization tubes, the charcoal is discharged

to a single exit tube for movement by screw and duct to airtight metal receivers.

The main structure has a combustion chamber at the lowest level, which provides

heat to the area in which the carbonization tubes are located. In operation, the

combustion chamber is fired for an initial period of several hours to obtain a

preprocessing temperature of about 800° F. When coaling is underway the retort

volatiles or gases are dried by movement through condensers and passed to the

chamber for combustion. The carbonization process is continued by heat furnished

from the burning of these gases only. The reported yields have been within a range

of 5 to about 9 tons for a 24-hour operating period, depending upon raw material

size and moisture content.

Briquetting charcoal

The growing popularity of charcoal briquettes has spurred great interest

among both large and small kiln operators. Some information on plant equipment

and cost, manufacturing details, and the practicability of briquette production with

kiln operations is briefly given to provide a few items of special interest.

The equipment required for briquette manufacture is highly specialized.

Powered units are required for grinding and mixing dry and wet charcoal, wet

forming the briquettes, moving material in process, and continuous drying.

Production rates are 1 to 3-1/2 tons of briquettes per hour. The-equipment for both

capacities is basically the same, but somewhat larger and heavier machines are

needed for the 3-1/2-ton output. Standard equipment for a l-ton-per-hour

briquetting plant includes the following: Briquette press with paddle feeder,

Hammer mill, Charcoal feeder with surge hopper, Paddle mixer, Vertical fluxer,

Starch feeder or pump, Briquette drier, Boiler, 30 horsepower - - 15 pounds per

square inch gage pressure, Conveyors, Bagging machine, Building, 60 feet by 120

feet, with 20 feet clear height.

The estimated investment for a l-ton-per -hour plant is from $150,000 to

$200,000. The further cost for an additional ton of briquettes per hour is about

$80,000. The labor requirements per shift are eight men, including a foreman, a

machine operator, a night-shift maintenance man, a bagger, and three men for

warehouse and miscellaneous jobs. Plant processing.

In general, charcoal lump and fines as received or fromplant storage are fed

by screw conveyor to a hammer mill or crusher for feed material of 1/8-inch and

smaller screen size. The ground charcoal is moved mechanically or by air to a

surge bin for metered flow to the paddle mixer located directly below. As the

material flows to the mixer, metered amounts of about 5 percent of binder (potato

or cornstarch) with water are added. After agitation in a paddle mixer, the mixture

is run through the fluxer for more thorough working of the mass before it is

transferred to the press feeder for regulated flow to the forming press. From the

press, the wet or green briquettes are moved by belt conveyor to a special device

for uniform loading and continuous passage through the drier. The conditions for

drying are usually a 3- to 4-hour period at a temperature of about 275° F. The

processing steps are carried out as shown in figure 13. The cost of producing

briquettes, over and above the cost of making the charcoal, has been reported to

be from $20 to $25 a ton.


Carbonizing ovens of plants designed for recovery of products other than

charcoal are heated externally, and the wood is not in direct contact with the heat

source. In another type, the only heat source derives from utilization of reaction

heat for continuous chip conversion. Upright chambers have been developed that

convert fines continuously or chunks in batches by forced circulation of hot gases

through the wood, but liquid by products are not recovered. Also, horizontal retorts,

both rotating and fixed, have been devised for the continuous carbonization of

hogged material or raw mill fines. In kilns, the wood is heated directly and itself

largely furnishes the heat needed for combustion.

Its object is to aid producers in more efficiently converting large quantities

of low-quality wood into a product that is enjoying an encouraging resurgence in


popularity as a cooking fuel for use in homes, recreational areas, restaurants, and

other establishments.

Banana plant

Banana is the common name of herbaceous plant genus Musa and for

the fruit they produce. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants. The South and

Southeast Asia countries are rich in this kind of plant. They are grown in at least

107 countries, primarily for their fruit and to a lesser extent to make fiber, banana

wine and as ornamental plants. Its fruits rich in starch, grow in clusters hanging

from the top of plant. Also, this plant is very organic because when heated the

organic content of banana peels break down to its constituent carbon and gases

to produce banana charcoal. Banana peel is another type of agricultural waste

which originates from industrial banana production.

According to the research there are many benefits of using the banana

peelings charcoal as an alternative charcoal for the reason that it reduces the

cause of environmental problems such as deforestation, global warming, and soil

erosion. It is more economical since banana peelings are considered as waste so

by utilizing and making use of it will prevent you from buying lumps of charcoal

(Miguel S., 2013).

Jackfruit plant

The Artocarpus heterophyllus is a species of tree of the mulberry family

(Moraceae) known by its common name jackfruit. It has been cultivated since

prehistoric times and has naturalized itself in many parts of the tropics, particularly

in Southeast Asia, where it is today an important crop of India, Myanmar, China,

Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines. It is also grown in parts

of Africa, Brazil, Surinam, Caribbean, Florida and Australia. It has been introduced

to many Pacific islands since post European contact and is of particular importance

in Fiji, where there is a large population of Indian descent. Jackfruit is a large,

evergreen tree, 10-15m in height, indigenous to the evergreen forests at altitude

of 450-1,200m and cultivated throughout the hotter parts of India.

The tree is also known for its durable timber, which ages to an orange or

reddish-brown color, with anti-termite properties. The leaves and fruit waste

provide valuable fodder for cattle, pigs and goats. About 59% of the fruit's outer

peel is composed of fiber, which is fairly rich in calcium and pectin. Jackfruit's peel

can also be converted into charcoal because of its carbon content. In addition,

many parts of the plant, including the bark, roots, leaves and fruits have medicinal



Durian skin can also be a substitute for coconut shell charcoal briquettes,

coal and wood charcoal for use in the process of roasting food. Based on a

research, a briquette charcoal changed shape, density, and size, so it’s more

practical product used as fuel. While the durian peel briquette is a remain, which

most of its component is carbon—which is highly flammable. It occurs when the

durian skin decomposed, caused by heat treatment. These events can occur in

direct or indirect heating, with or without free air.

Pineapple Plant

Pineapple (Ananascomosus), sometimes called as the “King of Fruit,” is

grown extensively in Hawaii, Philippines, Caribbean area, Malaysia, Taiwan,

Thailand, Australia, Mexico, Kenya and South Africa. Pineapple has long been one

of the most popular of the non-citrus tropical and subtropical fruits, largely because

of its attractive flavor and refreshing sugar-acid balance. A 100 g pineapple contain

47-52 calories, 85.3-87.0 g water, 0.4-0.7 g protein, 0.2-0.3 g fat, 11.6-13.7 g total

carbohydrate, 0.4-0.5 g fiber, 0.3-0.4 g ash, 17-18 mg calcium, 8-12 mg

phosphorus, 0.5 mg iron, 1-2 mg sodium and 125- 146 mg potassium. Pineapple

also contains 12-15 % sugars of which two-third is in the form of sucrose and the

rest are glucose and fructose. 0.6-1.2 % of pineapple is acid of which 87 % is citric

acid and 13 % is malic acid4,5. The pH of pineapple is acidic, which is 3.71 and

the acidity percentage is 53.5 % (Sideris, et. al, 1949).

The wastes from pineapple such as peels, leaves, and debris can be

converted into briquettes for domestic and industrial usage. The products are

compact, easier, and made from all-organic materials. The charcoal derived from

the pineapples wastes have a lot of potential in term of helping in reducing the use

of normal charcoal from forestry woods. The briquettes have undergone a series

of test in terms of burning, length of consumption, moisture content, density, weight

of ash, and physical appearance (Domingo, 2017).


Citrus Plants

Orange or citrus is largely cultivated in Brazil. It is consumed in the form of

ingredient in some dishes of Brazilian cuisine or as juices. Aside from being a fruit,

orange has several properties, such as tranquilizer and antidepressant. This fruit

may also be used to produce cosmetic products, perfumes, and cleaning product

specifically, its oil (Fiorentin et al. 2010).

Zhigang Xie et al., 2014 found that orange peel with porous structure

possesses hydrophilic surface group. The absorption could be enhanced by

carbonization and activation. During the activation process, the one ho activates

can get into the interface due to the natural pore of orange peel.

African Palm

As its name Elaeis guineensis Jacqu. Indicates, the oil pal’s original habitat

is in West Africa’s tropical forests. Unlike E. guineensis, its closest relative, the

American oil palm ( Elaeis oleifera (Kunth.) has never gained economic


The by-products of palmoil production in the plantation are palm fronds

(through pruning) and palm stems after replanting, while at the palmoil mill there

are nutshells, empty fruit bunches, pressed mesocarp fibres and palm oil mill

effluents (POME). Palm fronds are used for mulching and the mill by-products are

burnt to generate energy for the mill.

The fruit which contains 45-55% oil which varies from light yellow to

oranged-red in color, and melts from 25° to 50° C. A 1983 article notes that it was

already used in soap and candles but was beginning to use in margarines and

cooking fats.

Briquetting machine

A 2013 study made by the group of Dr. Emelyne C. Cortiguerra of the

Department of Science and Technology's Forest Products Research and

Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) demonstrated that there is a popularity for

charcoal briquettes abroad. As indicated by the nation's best charcoal briquette

creators, outside purchasers frequently purchase in expansive amounts which the

greater part of them can't meet ("Charcoal Briquetting in", 2015).

Briquetting is defined as the densification of an aggregate of loose particles

into a rigid monolith (Mordi, 2007). A briquette can thus be defined as a product

formed from the physico-mechanical conversion of dry, loose and tiny particle size

material with or without the addition of an additive into a solid state characterized

by a regular shape.

Likewise, FPRDI Director Dr. Romulo T. Aggangan explains, “a charcoal

briquette is a compacted mass of fuel material made from a mix of charcoal fines

and binder and molded under pressure. Although charcoal briquettes are not very

well known in the Philippines, the product is already a household in Europe and

America ("Charcoal Briquetting in", 2015).

Briquettes machines have been in existence and used for sawdust and

waste materials in Europe, Asia and America (Kishimoto, 1969; ASTM, 1951).

Salgam et al. (1990) reported that a briquette machine was designed and used for

the briquetting of lignities using calcium and ammonium sulphite liquor.

Ilechie et al, (2001), designed a molding machine to produce briquettes from

palm waste.Inegbenebor, (2002), developed a fire tones capacity briquetting

machine for compressing agricultural and wood waste that can produce six

briquette at a time. This work focus on preliminary design and fabrication of a ten

tons manual briquetting machine capable of producing twenty briquettes at a time

which is of higher capacity than of the produced by Inegbenebor (2002).

There currently exist a number of machines developed for the production of

biomass briquettes in developing nations. Dr. Cortiguera and her team’s survey of

the 16 top charcoal briquette producers in the country identified the strengths and

opportunities of the industry. She reports, “The biggest strength is the huge

demand for briquettes in the US, Europe, Japan, Korea, and Malaysia. Likewise,

as an alternative fuel, briquettes in the future can replace much of the country’s

expensive energy sources such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), kerosene and

electricity. Other strengths include innovative producers and a wide range

available raw material.”


Briquetting of biomass is a relatively new technology in most African

countries but there exist several different commercial briquetting technologies in

Asia, America and Europe. The expansion of the use of biomass as an alternative

source of energy for heating applications depends basically on three factors:

residue availability for briquetting, adequate technologies and the market for

briquettes (Felfli, Mesa, Rocha, Filippeto, Luengo & Pippo, 2011). Grover and

Mishra (1996) reported that although the importance of biomass briquette as a

substitute fuel for wood is widely recognized, the numerous failures of briquetting

machines in almost all developing countries have inhibited their extensive

exploitation. The constraint in the advancement of biomass briquetting in Africa

and in developing nations generally, is the development of appropriate briquetting

technology that suits the local condition; both in terms of the briquetting press itself

for local manufacture and the briquettes (Obi, Akubuo & Okonkwo, 2013).

In the study of Obi et al. (2013), they designed and constructed a

commercial biomass briquetting machine suitable for use in rural communities. The

briquetting machine was equipped with thirty-six moulds (A) each measuring 100

x 70 x 150mm welded together and positioned vertically over equal number of

pistons (B). The pistons were made such that there was a clearance of about 2mm

between the piston head and the mould walls to allow the escape of water during

compaction. The opposite ends of the rods were welded on a flat metal of 10mm

thickness which rests on a 20-ton capacity hydraulic jack. The jack drives the

pistons in and out of the moulds during operation.


A flat metal plate, 10 mm thick, was hinged to the mould box (F) to cover

the open ends of the moulds during compaction; and opened during ejection of the

briquettes. To prevent the bulging of the mould cover during compaction, two cross

bars were placed and firmly locked over the cover during compaction. The vertical

motion of the pistons in and out of the moulds, and the ejection of compressed

briquettes from the moulds were affected through the manual operation of the

hydraulic jack. The hydraulic jack rests on angle bars welded to the frame (G) of

the machine. By this arrangement, the force from the hydraulic jack is centrally

applied to the metal plate bearing the pistons. The machine was fabricated using

mild steel and angle bar at a cost of ₦35,000.00 (USD218) (Obi et al., 2013).

Another study by Department of Production Engineering at University of

Benin, Benin City, Nigeria showed that the design and fabrication of a ten tonnes

capacity manual briquetting machine was able produce 20 briquettes at a time

using locally available materials. The briquetting machine fabricated is shown in

Fig.1. Fig. 2 shows the isometric view of the briquetting machine. The parts of

the manual briquetting machines produced are the main frame, the compaction

chamber and base plate (Osarenmwinda & Imoebe, 2006).

The Main Frame: The main frame houses and support the other parts of

the machine. The main frame was made from mild steel angular iron bars

(Osarenmwinda & Imoebe, 2006).

The Compaction Chamber: The compaction chamber was made with mild

steel block. Base Plate: The base plate of the machine is made from mild steel

and is housed within the frame of the machine just beneath the compaction

chamber. Twenty pressure transmitting mild steel rods are welded to the base

plate of the machine, and these rods go into holes rods made at the base of the

machine to support the ejection piston (Osarenmwinda & Imoebe, 2006).

Fig 1: Briquette Moulding Machine Showing Ejection Pistons

Operation and Cost of the Machine: The palm kernel (other agro waste

can be used) granules was mixed with starch binder and feed into the dies in the

compaction chamber and rammed until they are full. The lid of the machine was

then closed and screwed to position (Osarenmwinda & Imoebe, 2006).

The ten tonnes (10 ton) hydraulic jack which was under the base plate

was used to lift the plate assembly carrying the transmission rods, which then

pushes the piston against the mixture inside the various dies of the compaction

chamber. The mix is thus compacted against the lid of the machine, and the

reading on a pressure gauge attached to hydraulic jack is recorded

(Osarenmwinda & Imoebe, 2006).


The mix was then left to set for about five minutes after which the lid of the

machine is opened, and the briquettes were then ejected. Some of the produced

briquette are shown in Fig.3.The briquetting machine performance was found to

be satisfactory. The estimated cost of the machine was N16, 000 (Ihenyen,2010).

This machine was used to produce briquettes from different agro waste.

Charcoal making device

Briquetting process is a process of compaction of residues into a product of

higher density than the original raw material. In developing countries such as

Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand, biomass briquettes are mostly carbonized to

obtain briquetted charcoal (Bhattacharya, 2002). The briquette carbonization

production process consists of a carbonization stage and a compaction stage. In

the carbonization stage, a biomass material such as wood is heated

(approximately 450 OC) but is not given enough oxygen for the material to burn.

This stage produces charcoal. In compaction stage, the charcoal is crushed into

very small size as a carbonized powder. Then the powder and some binder are

completely mixed at a predetermined mixing ratio. After that the mixture is brought

into the molding machine to form the briquettes. The briquettes are dried and


The important manufacturing process of the charcoal briquette production

is crushing, mixing and briquetting, which requires three machines in the

production process. There are several methods available for briquetting biomass.

In developing countries, the well-known briquetting method that is suitable for


small-scale applications is the screw-press briquetting. The raw material from the

hopper is conveyed and compressed by a screw in the briquetting machine. This

process can produce denser and stronger briquettes compared with piston presses

(Bhattacharya, Augustus & Rahman, 2002).

The existing briquetting system (three individual machines working

together, including crushing, mixing and briquetting machine and three workers):

carbonized material is transferred to a crushing machine which has a hammer mill

for grinding and crushing the carbonized, the fined charcoal and binder are

completely mixed at a predetermined mixing ratio and then transferred to a

briquetting machine to be extruded into briquettes. After that the briquettes are cut

and dried before sending to its store. The new briquetting system as the proposed

design (a compact machine and one worker): carbonized material is transferred

to a compact machine and then the binder is added into the mixing container.

Briquettes are extruded out at the die exit. Finally, the briquettes are then cut and

dried before sending to its store. In doing so, it helps to reduce worker, material

handling, transfer time, space and production time. That leads to improve its


In a briquetting process, the mixed material is extruded by a screw extruder,

which acts as a continuous feeder and driven by motor (Singh, Bhol & Patel, 2007).

The volume of the material is decreased as it is transferred from the hopper to the

die exit. This is achieved by decreasing the diameter of the threaded shaft and

cylinder gradually starting with a uniform diameter at the feeding position and

decrease gradually to a minimum value at the die position (Somsuk, Srithogkul,

Wessapan, & Teesakap, 2008).

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research flow, the research design, the research

locale, the materials used and the procedure of the study.


Research Design

Experimental research design was used in this study. It was used to

determine the efficiency of the organic epicarp charcoal- making device,

manipulate one or more variables, and control and measure any change in other

variables. It was used to determine the relationship of the variables: independent

variable- organic epicarp charcoal-making device and dependent variable-

efficiency of organic epicarp charcoal processed and produced by the charcoal-

making device.

Research Flow (Charcoal)

Phase 1- Collection and drying of fruit wastes from banana, pomelo,

pineapple, jackfruit, and durian

Phase 2- Carbonization of dried wastes

Phase 3- Crushing of carbonized material into carbonized powder


Phase 4- Mixing of carbonized powder, cassava starch, and water

Phase 5- Processing and forming charcoal briquettes

Phase 6- Sun drying of the product

Phase 7- Flammability test

Phase 8- Time course experiment using the boiling point of water

Phase 9- Comparing the effectiveness of the produced charcoal to other

types of charcoal

Figure 1. Flow of the organic epicarp charcoal

Research Flow (Charcoal Making-device)

Phase 1 – Outline of sketch and drawing of charcoal making-device

Phase 2 – Collecting the required materials for the device

Phase 3 – Measuring the materials for accuracy and precision

Phase 4 – Welding and assembling the charcoal making-device

Phase 5 – Testing the finished product

Figure 2. Flow of organic epicarp charcoal-making device


Research Locale

This study will be conducted at the Science Laboratory of Tupi National High

School located at Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato. It has a moderate climate and

situated 24km away from Koronadal City and 36 km from General Santos City.

Also, the variables that will be used are abundant in the Municipality of Tupi,

especially banana, jackfruit, durian, pomelo and pineapple.

Research Materials and Instruments

The materials and equipment used in this study are as follows:

• 20 kilograms of pineapple peel

• 14.8 kilograms of banana peel

• 8.4 kilograms of jackfruit peel

• 10 kilograms of pomelo peel

• 17 kilograms of durian peel

• Carbonizer- used to carbonize the raw variables.

• Shredder – used for shredding or crushing the carbonized product.

• Mixer/ Condenser – used to mix the variables and the ingredients.

Research Procedure (Organic epicarp charcoal)


Phase 1- Collection and drying of fruit wastes from banana, pomelo,

pineapple, jackfruit, and durian

During the first phase of the study, the researchers gathered fruit wastes,

specifically the peels of: pineapple (20kg), banana (14.8kg), jackfruit (8.4kg),

pomelo (10kg), and durian (17kg). The peels should be spread in order to dry


Phase 2- Carbonization of dried wastes

After drying, the dried epicarps are being carbonized to convert the raw

material into dust.

Phase 3- Crushing of carbonized material into carbonized powder

Next to carbonization is the crushing of carbonized material into smaller

particles to become carbonized powder.

Phase 4- Mixing of carbonized powder, cassava starch, and water

After the carbonizing process, the variables are placed in the mixer. It is

the process of mixing of carbonized powder, cassava starch as a binder, and

water homogeneously by a rotating stirrer in the mixer of condenser.

Phase 5- Processing and forming charcoal briquettes

In this process, the charcoal mixture needs to be molded using a charcoal

briquetting device.

Phase 6- Sun drying of the product


After molding the product, it needs to undergo sun drying to lessen the

moisture of the charcoal.

Phase 7- Flammability test

During this phase, the produce charcoal needs to test its quality of being

easily ignited and burning rapidly.

Phase 8- Time course experiment using the boiling point of water

After testing its flammability, the researchers need to have time course

experiment using the boiling point of water.

Phase 9- Comparing the effectiveness of the produced charcoal to other

types of charcoal

For the last phase, the charcoal produced by the charcoal-making device

needs to compare its effectiveness to other types of charcoal.

Research Procedure (Organic epicarp charcoal-making device)

Phase 1 – Outlining the charcoal making device through sketch and drawing.

During the first phase of the study, the researchers brainstormed all the

possible outcome of the device. In this phase the researchers draw an outlined

charcoal making device with different specifications and functions. The variables

in charcoal making device will be undergone in four phases:


1.1. Carbonizer - In this phase the peel will be burned in an enclosed box of

steel spontaneously.

1.2. Crusher - After burning the peel, it will be crushed in a minced and fine-

grained structure.

1.3. Condenser - The crushed peel will be mixed in the mixer; cassava starch

and water are added as a binding agent.

1.4. Briquetting - In this phased the mixed ingredients will be put in tube for

moulding the charcoals and will be set aside and cool to have the finished

briquette charcoals.

Phase 2 – Collecting the required materials of the device

After outlining the charcoal making device, the researchers collect all the

materials in the outlined sketch and drawing. The device specifically needs the

following materials: plain sheet, nails, hammers, metal rod (for welding) and metal

bars (for support pillars).

Phase 3 – Measuring the materials

Plain sheets are measured—each plain sheet varies depending on their

specifications. Measuring the height and width of the charcoal making-device.

Phase 4 – Welding and assembling the device

After preparing and measuring all the materials, the researchers use the

welding equipment to assemble the charcoal making-device. Also, the researchers

seek assistance to the expert in welding.


Phase 5 – Testing the device

In this phase or the last phase, the device will be tested through different

variables specifically durian peel, banana peel, jackfruit peel, pineapple peel and

citrus (pomelo) peel.

Statistical Treatment

The mean percentage of this investigation was reached through using the


Mechanical Efficiency of Organic Epicarp Charcoal-making device

𝑥= x 100

Also, the five variables used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) which

compares their differences with each other.

The following was done to gain the result needed for data:

1. Describe the significant difference of banana, pomelo, pineapple, jackfruit,

and durian briquette charcoal to the commercial charcoals

2. Give the significance of banana, pomelo, pineapple, jackfruit and durian

charcoal to the community and agriculture industry.

Similarly, the differences of the charcoals with different variables were analyzed

using the analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Moreover, T-tests is used to know the

significant difference between the alternative charcoal and the commercial ones in

terms of its flammability content and time course experiment using the boiling point

of water. To ascertain it, the test of significance of difference between two samples

shall be worked out through T-test. To calculate, we use the following formula.


Chapter IV


This part of the study includes presentation, analysis and interpretation of

data on the Efficiency of Organic Epicarp Charcoal-making Device. Also, attached

here are the statistics and graphs.

Table 1 Mechanical Efficiency of Organic Epicarp Charcoal-making Device.

𝑋 100


Banana 700 1500 47%

Pineapple 600 1500 40%

Durian 600 1500 40%

Pomelo 600 1500 40%

Jackfruit 600 1500 40%

TOTAL 41.4%

The data shows the machine efficiency of Organic Epicarp Charcoal-

making device. Based on the Robert Ebel’s five-point scale, since it has 41.4

average percent, the device is moderately effective to produce its product which is

the charcoal.

Table 2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the different variables in the


Source of SS Df MS F P-value F crit


Between Groups 21.33333 1 21.33333 0.651731 0.438275 4.964603

Within Groups 327.3333 10 32.73333

Total 348.6667 11

The data shows that the F value is lower than the critical value of F. Hence, there

is a sufficient evidence to conclude that there is no significant difference in the

variables used in producing the charcoal. Therefore, the null hypotheses is


Table 3 t- Test: Paired two Sample for Means of Organic and Commercial


Variable 1 Variable 2

Mean 320.333333 324.3333333

Variance 147390.333 143726.3333

Observations 3 3

Pearson Correlation 0.99991432

Hypothesized Mean Difference 0

Df 2

t stat -1

P(T<=t) one tail 0.21132487

t critical one-tail 2.91998558

P(T<=t) two tail 0.42264973

t Critical two-tail 4.30265273

The data shown above shows that the t-stat is greater than the critical value (t

critical two tail). Hence, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is no

significant difference in the mean scores of organic and commercial charcoal.

Therefore, the null hypotheses is accepted.


Chapter V



The raw materials used in the study was localized for the device and organic

epicarp of fruits specifically banana, jackfruit, pineapple, durian, and pomelo for

the product. Each variable (epicarp if fruits) will undergo different phases in the

charcoal-making device. First phase is the carbonization, where the variables are

carbonized for a given time intervals: banana (5-8 mins), jackfruit (10-15 mins),

pineapple (8-12 mins), durian (10-13 mins), pomelo (7-10 mins). Then, it was

pushed to the second which is the crusher. The carbonized peel was crushed into

powder before it continued to the next phase. Next is the mixing process where

the peels are mixed with 20% of water and 13% of cassava starch to bind crushed

peels. The last phase is the molder where the peel is formed into cylindrical shape.

After molding the product it must be sun dried for 2-3 days depending on the


The device was able to produce a charcoal from the fruit waste. It was

proven to be 40% efficient after using the mechanical efficiency test which is

dividing the output over input multiplied by 100.

The two products which is the epicarp of fruits charcoal and commercial

charcoal were test there flammability through boiling point of water. Each product

was tested with 750g.



In this study, organic epicarp charcoal-making device efficient to produce

organic environment-friendly charcoal. The five stages during production process

such as carbonization, crushing, mixing or the compaction stage, briquetting, and

drying process is enough to produce community product standard charcoal in the

locality. After the process, the charcoal-making device was proven to be 41.4%

efficient after using the mechanical efficiency test which is dividing the output over

the input and multiplied by 100.

Also, this device is not efficient to filter the smoke emitted during the

production process. It should have a filter to lessen the smoke during the process,

specifically on the carbonization stage.

On the other side, it was proven from the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

that the five variables namely banana, durian, jackfruit, pineapple, citrus has no

significant difference in every charcoal that the charcoal-making device produced.

Then, each of the charcoal that has different variables also has different times to

be burned and turn into ashes. Moreover, the mixed five variables and the

commercial charcoal has no significant difference in the mean scores during the

flammability test. Yet, the charcoal made from fruit waste produced by the device

also produces a blue-colored flame. This serves as evidence that the charcoal

produced contains methane gas which other fruits have, especially on the fruits

that are used by the researchers as variable.



Through experimentation, the researchers concluded that the charcoal

making device can produce organic epicarp charcoal, bearing 41.4% mechanical

efficiency. The charcoal-making device was able to convert fruit epicarp into an

affective charcoal. With all the phases or stages in the device makes it possible to

produce a charcoal effectively. It was designed to finish a product in the maximum

of two to three days unlike natural way making of charcoal which takes a week or


Each of the variables: banana, durian, jackfruit, pineapple, pomelo, and

combination of all are effective more or less in the commercial charcoal. Having

the findings, through the flammability test, the researchers found out that the

charcoal produced in the charcoal making device takes longer time to boil the

water than the commercial ones. Hence, it was proven that the charcoal produced

by the device was efficient and can serve as an alternative rather than in the

commercial charcoal from the forest woods.



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