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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
27 | P a g e





Roxas Sigma Agriventure, Inc.

November 19, 2018 – December 1, 2018
DAYS AND TIME: Mondays to Fridays from 7AM to 4PM

Engineering, Utilities and Maintenance

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
28 | P a g e

Overall Program Objective

Work immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career skills,

and will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or

employment. Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the Partner

Institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or

hands-on experience, and additional learning resources. It aims to make the


1. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories

learned in school;

2. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills;

3. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and

4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

Why immersion is necessary?

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior

High School student has to undergo work immersion in a business

organization/establishment whose work requirements are related to the

specialization. Through this work immersion, the students are exposed to and

become familiarized with work-related environment related to their field of

specialization. “Work immersion is a key feature in the senior high school

curriculum. It can be conducted in different ways depending on the purposes and

needs of the learners,” Education Secretary Leonor Briones said. The guidelines

said work immersion – which can range from 80 to 320 hours –

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
29 | P a g e

will enable students to become familiar with the workplace, experience workplace

simulation and apply their competencies in areas of specialization.

What specific skills and knowledge the

trainee will acquire during the work
immersion and how will they be taught?

The specific skills and knowledge the trainee will acquire during the work

immersion are one of the goals of the K to 12 Basic Education Program which is

to develop in learners the competencies, work ethic, and values relevant to

pursuing further education and/or joining the world of work. To achieve greater

congruence between basic education and the nation’s development targets, Work

Immersion, a required subject, has been incorporated into the curriculum. This

subject will provide learners with opportunities:

1. To become familiar with the work place;

2. For employment simulation; and

3. To apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in

authentic work environments.

To achieve the above objectives, Work Immersion is thus a requirement for

graduation from secondary education. Learners are immersed in actual work

environments such as workshops offices and laboratories in which their prior

training is relevant.

Work immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career skills,

and will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
30 | P a g e

education or employment. Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the

Partner Institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities,

workplace or hands-on experience, and additional learning resources.and how will

they be taught.

The areas in which the trainee will receive

instruction in conjunction with the specific
task and responsibility to be assigned to the
trainee in each department.

The areas in which the trainee will receive instruction in conjunction with

the specific task and responsibility to be assigned to the trainee, comes from the

on-site supervisors namely, Cornelia B. Bueno and Marlene S. Ancheta. We are

assigned to receive documents to the different departments namely, Assistant

Secretary for Field Operation (ASEC-FOO), Bureau of Land Tenure Implementation

(BLTI)-Survey and Mapping Division, Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication

Board, Bureau of Land Tenure Implementation (BLTI)-Survey and Mapping

Division, and Bureau of Land Tenure Implementation (BLTI)-DCD Records.

Method of Evaluation and


Your evaluation is requested to guide the work immersion coordinator in

determining a fair grade to be given to the student-trainee assigned in your

company. It is also intended to make the student-trainee aware of his/her

strengths and areas of improvement.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
31 | P a g e


To enable us to monitor the progress of the student-trainee, it is requested

that an evaluation be done after the 80 hours of training and after the completion

of his/her assignment in your company.


1. It is suggested that the student-trainee’s immediate superior evaluates

his/her performance.

2. The evaluator should accomplish the evaluation form then rate the student

as objectively as possible.

3. After filling in the form, the evaluator should discuss the results of his/her

evaluation with the student-trainee.

4. The accomplishment evaluation form should then be awarded to the

immersion coordinator.

Using the scale below, write the number that corresponds to your trainee

on the space provided on the right-hand side:



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
32 | P a g e


November 23, 2018

It was a sunny day. I fixed myself up and got ready since this day was my

first day as a work immersionist at Roxas Sigma Agriventure, Inc. as a partial

fulfillment of my course requirements as a graduating student of Tupi National

High School. I believed that the knowledge and skills that I have gained from my

beloved school may contribute something worthwhile to this manufacturing

company as it is at the same time, one of the best avenues to hone my skills


I wore a clean white shirt,

denim pants and closed shoes as

required by the company. I had to

be neat and presentable so that on

my first day I will gain a good


On a closed room area, a conference room as what they call it, we had

some brief discussions and quick orientation of what we are

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
33 | P a g e

going to expect on their company with our ten days stay of being a work

immersionist in their company. Ma’am Zen, company’s Human Resource (HR)

person and a registered psychologist as well, let us introduced ourselves one by

one. She gave us a very warm welcome in their establishment and imparted some

life advices that we can apply to ourselves as a teenager.

Out of the five departments of the firm, I was assigned together with five

of my classmates in the Logistics Department. Paper works, compiling of

documents, tracking and filing of products being produced and deployed in and

out of the country and various warehouse stuffs were just some of the work being

done by the employees assigned in this department. On our first day, we separated

ways whereby I and two my classmates were assigned in the warehouse while two

of my classmates stayed in the office area. I saw large container vans, moving

forklifts, numerous green steel drums serve as a container of

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
34 | P a g e

their products, thick wooden pallets and of course, busy Engineers and workers.

Before I forgot to tell, it was production day that’s why people here were very busy

like ants.

A man approached our direction, Sir Gilbert Ladrillono – an accountant and

one of the supervisors of the warehouse. He told us what to do. We were trained

how to pack and unpack items being

shipped in and out of the country;

proper handling of products, and what

products they are producing. They

yield products namely Aseptic Coconut

Cream, Virgin Coconut Oil, Aseptic

Coconut Water Concentrate, and Aseptic Coconut Milk. Sir Richard, an employee,

showed us the company’s cold storage. He told us some important things in this

area. He constantly monitors and record the temperature of the storage every

hour. The company has three big cold storages where they preserve their products

and to avoid spoilage. The temperature in the cold storage area were unimaginably

between negative sixteen to negative twenty-four degrees Celsius.

On this day, I learned various works being done every day at the company.

Multiple workers and machineries are needed to accomplish numerous tasks. This

day ended very well. I’m glad to be immersed in a workplace where people work

hand-in-hand and motivates one another to do better and be productive.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
35 | P a g e

November 26, 2018

On our second day, we did the same

routine. We packed and unpacked

products. However, one of the supervisors

of the warehouse assigned me and Fitzroy,

one of my classmates, a new task to do.

He handed us a book and a huge pile of

compiled papers. The papers were the records of the cold storage for the present

year, 2018. We were asked to rewrite the papers – those with tampers, corrections

and unnecessary pen marks. We started at January’s records and rewrite it until

the day ends.

The book he handed us contains

the necessary measures being done in the

company, the processes and procedures,

and product management and etc. We

weren’t able to read it for the reason that

we have to finished the task given to us.

The Logistic Department is responsible for the various records and

documents of the company which I found it vital and plays an integral part in the

company’s advances and progress.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
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November 27, 2018

Today, there was no production. It was a very unusual day. Gazing to the

four corners of the production area, you won’t see any workers working like bees.

The area was empty. Machines were turned off as well. You won’t hear anything

except the cracking of staplers in the Logistic Department.

In the morning, Ma’am Joy called every OJTs and Work immersionists to

attend the safety training. In the mess hall, we gathered and we were asked to

sat down to a chair where we find comfortable so we won’t feel agitated during

the lecture. She finished setting up the projector and her laptop and it is time to

start the discussion.

“This is important for you to be aware about potential

hazards and how we can avoid these hazards…” Ma’am Joy

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
37 | P a g e

precisely conveyed the importance of

safety training. She discussed briefly and

clearly the following subtopics of the

presentation: Occupational Safety and

Health (OSH), Management Safety and

Health, their emergency response

structure, how to action when there is a fire, how to use fire extinguisher, OHS

control and emergency preparedness, Industrial Hygiene Program, Occupational

Health Program and many more. She also lectured the Proactive Accident

Prevention Act. We learned the two types of accident: Unsafe Act and Unsafe

Condition. Unsafe act is when the employee is unable, unmotivated and unaware

which then caused to reckless acts which then make him prone to harm and

danger. Unsafe condition is when there is when there is an unidentified and/or

uncorrected hazards that caused harm to an employee.

Ma’am Joy emphasized the

company’s the avoidance of loss and

upholding good image. They assure

the cleanliness of their product. They

prevent contamination because it will

cost them millions. She oriented us

about the safety measures and necessary rules we must follow like wearing of hair

cloth, leaving and not wearing of loose items, wearing of boots when entering the

production area and the such. She felt sorry for her
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
38 | P a g e

shortcomings. She thought that she should have done this training on our first day

but because of hectic schedules and plentiful tasks she has done in the previous

days. And that ends her presentation.

After the lecture, I went back to our department and finished some

unfinished business yesterday – rewriting the records of the cold storage room for

the month of January to March. I held a grip on my pen and start finishing the

task given yesterday. Yes! Were done before lunch time but only the records for

the month of January.

In the afternoon, we were asked to go back to the warehouse. We were

tasked to help their co-employee for the major inventory count. We helped in

computing the materials and these includes the sticky labels, steel drums, papers,

wires and etc. This is to assure that every items were accurately counted and

tracked down.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
39 | P a g e

November 28, 2018

Just like yesterday, there was no

production. Sir Raydian assigned me

and Fitzroy to compile the Supply and

Packaging Materials Issuances

papers. We were tasked to separate

the papers accordingly to its color and

identification, arrange the papers in

ascending order based on control number it has, and collect all the papers with

cash advance. Luckily, we finish the task before noon break.

In the afternoon, we are called for a lecture. Engineer Clint, one of the

mechanical engineers of the company, discussed Halal awareness. We joined with

our classmates assigned in the Production Department. On the middle of our

discussion, our supervisor in the

warehouse called us to, again,

helped on their inventory count. We

counted thousands of unused labels

one by one. This is to assure that

every items were accurately counted

and tracked down.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
40 | P a g e
Before this day ended, we tasted one of the product – Coconut Water Concentrate. Yes!

It was very delicious. It’s has the same taste as coconut water we drink out there but

the catch here is that it was concentrated, free from fats and oil.

November 29, 2018

Today, we helped Andrea, one of my classmates, in collecting Employee

Leave Application with specified reason of ‘pay out time’ for the year of 2017 and

2018. It was really a time consuming tasks but we worked together that’s why

twenty-four bunches of papers turned out like only five bunches of paper. After

we accomplished our task, Engr. Clint asked if we want to tour the areas of their

company and we said yes of course only if he knew how much I want to be toured

out in the company. I feel so ecstatic.

Engr. Clint first toured us in the

filtration area where coconut water was

filtered out and concentrated. The

room was filled with large tanks,

several tubes and pipes of various

sizes, and machineries. He introduced us the vibrating filter which is one of the

major part of the filtration process, the pasteurization tank for the milk where we

have a brief discussion about the discovery of pasteurization process of Lewis

Pasteur, the tanks that can hold almost 2000 liters or more,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
41 | P a g e

and the evaporator machine. He taught us the processes they make to produce

such products, also the importance of physics related topics and theories. Next,

we went to cold storage room where products are refrigerated and contained in a

room with negative temperature at a unit degree Celsius. Then, we were toured

to other areas where I encountered small to large machineries but there’s a

machine that really catch my attention – the homogenizer machine. Engr. Clint

said that it was used to homogenized two heterogeneous mixtures which they are

used to homogenized their cream in order for the water it contain wont separate

from the cream itself. He also discussed the term “aseptic” and “non-aseptic”

stands for. Aseptic means that a

certain thing is free from any

pathogenic bacteria that may

cause product spoilage and

danger to human health. Non-

aseptic, on the other hand, may

contain pathogenic bacteria.

While were walking, Engr. Clint always emphasized the importance of

sterilization of products, machine and containers. Products must be sterilized not

below 138˚C, equipment must be sterilized not below 120˚C, and also he added

that the coconut water must be evaporated at 85˚C. Next we were toured to their

utilities that largely contribute to the overall functional system of machines.

In the afternoon, Engr. Clint lectured us about what

homogenizer machine can do. He told us that their homogenizer

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
42 | P a g e

machine where bought all the way from Germany with a brand name Gea, the top

distributor of homogenizer machine in the world. Next, he lectured us about how

a company acquire organic certification specially if a company is planning to

market their product as “organic.” He also tackled about the assurance and quality

control they do to produce high quality products.

December 3, 2018

It’s the most beautiful time of the year! Today, I and Fitz continued our task

– rewriting the records of the cold storage room for the month of February and

March. I’m glad that Grechel and Shaun helped us to finish the task. We managed

to finish it before noon break.

In the afternoon, Engr. Bob and

Sir Gilbert taught us about the history

of Roxas Sigma Agriventure, Inc.:

how it started, how it was

established, what Roxas Sigma

means, and etc. Everything started

from the joint venture between two companies, Roxas & Company, Inc. and Sigma

Xynergies Corp. The partnership was formed with the objective of establishing and

operating a premier integrated coconut processing plant to serve business needs

for high-quality coconut products, locally and globally. The

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
43 | P a g e

company has strategically chosen Tupi, South Cotabato in the Philippines as the

location for its processing plant because of its geographical characteristics and

abundance of coconut plantation. Furthermore, the company started operations

July 2017 and will be producing a variety of processed coconut products, including

coconut cream and milk, virgin coconut oil, and coconut water concentrate.

Engr. Bob and Sir Gilbert also tackled the importance of Logistic Department

and importance of warehousing. Moreover, we had the chance to ask question and

raise our queries and we were not disappointed for the reason that we acquired

so much knowledge from them. They imparted us some advices upon choosing

our course and what are we going to expect to our desired course.

December 4, 2018

Classes resumed and we’ve nothing to do with that but thanks God, Sir

Romel allowed us to spend our afternoon class for our work immersion at Roxas

Sigma. Yey!

Today, we got nothing to do actually so I joined Erica in her lecture. One

of the engineers showed us a workshop they’ve done for their employees. It is a

personal evaluation workshop and a lesson as well. He emphasized that an

employee should be proactive and not reactive. He presented us tables of

comparison between two terms. He also told us to expand our circle of influence

and concern. On the latter part of the lecture, he highlighted

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
44 | P a g e

the six habits a person/employee should embody: (1) Be Proactive, (2) Begin with

the end in mind, (3) Put first things

first, (4) Think win-win, (5) Seek

first to understand then to be

understand, and lastly, (6)

Synergize. Later on, I also helped

organizing the employee’s profile

that were improperly arranged.

December 5, 2018 (Day 8)

Today, I did a data encoding job. Sir Joven asked me a favor, it is to encode

the data of the products shipped from the year 2017 to 2018. It was a bit difficult

and unpleasant for the eyes because a lot of drum numbers will be checked and

encoded per product. Some has more than two thousand drum numbers of

different lot codes, weight, and product codes. I have to check it one by one and

compare it to the data on another

excel document serve as the basis

for data deletion and addition. I

finished the data for both Organic

and Conventional Coconut Water

Concentrate (CWC), 17% FC, 32%

FC and 24% FC.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
45 | P a g e

December 6, 2018

For today’s stat, we rearranged the

packaging materials and supplies

acquisition issuance and/or receiving slip.

We were told that the arrangement must

be in increasing control number order. We

also separated the slips with petty cash

and/or cash advance description. We combine slip of the same color, pink for pink,

blue for blue, and white for white.

December 7, 2018 (Day 10)

Today, we skipped our classes. Yes! You heard it right. Actually, there is no

class to be skipped for the reason that there will be an event in school: Values

Day, and there will be tributes for teachers. Thus, teachers did not attend their

respective class for the day.

In the morning, we organized the packaging materials and supply issuances

and receiving slip. We organized a lot of documents. While in the afternoon, there

have been a completion program for student immersionist who successfully

completed the required 80 working hours. This was

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
46 | P a g e

the first time the company had conducted such program for student immersionist.

Furthermore, the selected student immersionists of every department will give a

gratitude speech for Roxas Sigma Agriventure, Inc., and some of the head

supervisors gave their inspirational message to inspire and motivate us to pursue

our dreams no matter how bumpy the road could be. Then, the giving of certificate

had given to student immersionists excluding Fitzroy, Grechel, Bryle and I because

we are still on the verge of completing the 80 hours requirement for the reason

that we started late. Before we went to our comfort homes, they treated us with

simple yet delicious meryenda

and in return, we gave them a

cake as a token of gratitude for

their heartwarming welcome,

and for extending and sharing

their expertise, skills and

knowledge to us. Truly, we

learned a lot from them.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
47 | P a g e

December 10, 2018

Today, I, again, rearranged the packaging materials and supplies

acquisition issuance and/or receiving slip. I’d always kept in mind that the

arrangement must be in increasing control number order because I’ve done this

countless times. Fitzroy and I also separated the slips with petty cash and/or cash

advance description. We combine slip of the same color, pink for pink, blue for

blue, and white for white.

December 11, 2018 (Day 12)

Not to brag, but this is our last day to complete the 80 hours requirement.

There’s no word can express my happiness right now. I want to thank Roxas Sigma

Agriventure, Inc. for giving me the opportunity to immerse myself in this kind of

workplace. I have gained valuable insight into the manufacturing industry over the

past ten days. Because this opportunity to work on a variety of projects, I had the

chance to observe numerous aspects of manufacturing business, from machineries

and large utilities, to drafting and encoding market data, to maintaining the quality

of machines, containers, and utilities. The company and its staff were extremely

welcoming and helpful, and offered me terrific career advice.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
48 | P a g e




 Took personality test I learned various works

 Attended Orientation being done every day at
 Assigned in the
the company. Multiple
 Taught how to wrap workers and machineries
and box a product to are needed to accomplish
be delivered to the numerous tasks. I’m glad
November clients to be immersed in a
23, 2018  Got the chance to see workplace where people
the cold storage room
work hand-in-hand and
 Taught how to record motivates one another to
the constantly do better and be
changing condition of productive.
temperature in the
cold storage

I learned that
 Tasked to rewrite the
compiled records of Logistic Department is
cold storage for the responsible for the
year 2018. various records and
 Handed a book about documents of the
the processes being company which I found it
November done in the company vital and plays an integral
2  Attended safety
26-29, 2018 part in the company’s
 Joined the inventory advances and progress.
count Also, I absorbed the
 Tasked to compile the importance of safety
Supply and Packaging training for everyone who
Materials Issuances is working in the
papers company; the significance
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
49 | P a g e

 Collected Employee of inventory count in

Leave Application with assuring that every items
specified reason of were accurately counted
‘pay out time’ for the
and tracked down; I
year of 2017 and 2018
 Tasted Coconut Water learned that the key
Concentrate (CWC) factor of company’s
 Had the chance to be economic growth is
toured around the through machines,
areas of the company workers, and technology;
 Taught how the and lastly, the company
different machineries
should have gone
worked together and
its specific purpose and through to a needle of
functions planning, challenges, and
 Gain knowledge about failures that the company
pasteurizing and should surpass and
sterilizing logically take risks in
 Joined the lecture order to achieve the
about what
desired result and to be
homogenizer machine
can do, how can a successful.
company acquire
organic certification,

I learned how the

 Continued the task to
company started and who
rewrite the compiled
are behind the success of
records of cold storage
Roxas Sigma Agriventure,
for the year 2018.
Inc. Also, I’ve gained
 Joined a discussion
some advices from our
and gained knowledge
supervisors upon
about the history of
choosing our course and
December 3- the company
3 what are we going to
7, 2018  Had the chance to ask
expect to our desired
question and raise our
course. I learned six
queries to some of
habits a person/employee
their engineers and an
should embody: (1) Be
Proactive, (2) Begin with
 Joined the personal
the end in mind, (3) Put
evaluation workshop
first things first, (4) Think
 Helped organize the
win-win, (5) Seek first to
employee’s profile
understand then to be
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
50 | P a g e

 Tasked to encode data understand, and lastly,

of the products (6) Synergize. And lastly,
shipped in a computer I witnessed how
using Microsoft excel technology advances and
 Tasked to rearrange increases the efficiency of
and organized the work in the company.
packaging materials
and supplies
acquisition issuance
and/or receiving slip
 Attended culminating
program for work

This is my last week as a

student immersionist and
 Tasked to rearranged training has somehow
and organized the
increased my interest in
packaging materials
pursuing my desired
December and supplies
4 career and made clear
10-11, 2018 acquisition issuance
and/or receiving slip. visions for what I want
 Wrapped and myself to be come in the
packaged a product future.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato
Telephone/Fax No. (083) 226-1013
51 | P a g e



- Verbally communicating to
my co-trainee and to the
ORAL company’s staffs and
employees as it is important
COMMUNICATION as a trainee.
- The usage of jargons within
company’s premises.
- Machines, conveyers and
mechanically operating
PHYSICS equipment won’t be able to
do its function without the
application of Physics’ laws.
GENERAL - The efficiency of machines to
produce products involves
MATHEMATICS mathematical approach and
statistical probabilities.
- Literateness is an essential
characteristic an employee
READING AND and a trainee should embody.
- Reading the rules and
WRITING regulations of the company
- Understanding and Analyzing
works of different machines
in the company.
- Understanding the culture
THE PHILIPPINES and values they uphold.


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