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The speaker decided to order some drinks. He ordered a latte.

The speakers´s friend´s is a writer and is working on a new book.

The speaker talked to his friend about their Jobs and hobbies. Also told his friend that the
yoga class is helping him relax

They´ll meet again in the same cafe next time

They said goodbye and decided Where would be the meeting

Education allows the people to acquire

knowledge, skills and values. It also teaches how to have a critical thinking, solve problems and
comunicate effectively.

Math, Science and Language Arts

Education is so powerful that can open many doors for people and give the opportunity for better
Jobs, imrpove their quality of life and contribute to Society

Developing your critical thinking skills improves your problem solving skills, boosts your data-
driven decision making ability, and gives you a methodology to tackle complex problems
Reading books, listening to podcasts, or wacthing shows in english.

Having a good vocabulary is the key to being able to understand and comunicate in english.

With a lot of patience and dedication anyone can become fluent

The best way to practrice english is speak and write with friends or teachers.

The internet, medias, books, dialogues with peoples,

One of the biggest issues with technology is that it can be addictive and is ledding to job losses, particularly
in industries like manu- facturing where automation has become increasingly prevalent.

The technology makes it easier to access information and connect with people from all over the world.


Many people spend hours on social media or playing video games, often at the expense of real-life inte-
ractions with friends and family.

There is a decline in privacy because now we are constantly being monitored and tracked

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