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Laws related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) • RA 11223 - Universal Health Care Act

- Section 2 - It is the policy of the State to protect and promote

1. No Poverty
right to health of all Filipinos and instill health consciousness
• RA 11291 - An Act Providing for Magna Carta of the Poor am them.
- Section 2 - It is a declared policy of the state to uplift the • RA 10645 - Act Providing for the Mandatory Philheath Coverage
standard of living and quality of life of the poor and provide All Senior Citizens.
them with sustained opportunities for growth and
4. Quality Education
development. It shall adopt an area-based, sectoral, and
focused intervention to poverty alleviation where every poor • RA 10931 - Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act
Filipino must be empowered to meet the minimum basic needs - It is hereby declared that quality education is an inalienable
through partnership of the government and the basic sectors. righ all Filipinos and it is the policy of the State to protect and
• RA 8425 - Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act prom the rights of all students to quality education at all levels.
- Section 2 - Adopt an area-based, sectoral and focused Therefore the State shall take appropriate steps to make such
intervention to poverty alleviation wherein every poor Filipino education accessible to all.
family shall be empowered to meet its minimum basic needs of • RA 9155 - Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001
health, food and nutrition, water and environmental sanitation, - Section 2 - It is hereby declared the policy of the State to prot
income security, shelter and decent housing, peace and order, and promote the right of all citizens to quality basic education :
education and functional literacy, participation in governance, to make such education accessible to all by providing all Filip
and family care and psycho-social integrity. children a free and compulsory education in the elementary le
and free education in the high school level. It shall be the goa
2. Zero Hunger
basic education to provide them with the skills, knowledge :
• RA 11148 - Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act values they need to become caring, self- reliant, productive :
- Section 2 - The State declares its determination to eliminate patriotic citizens.
hunger and reduce all forms of malnutrition. The State further
5. Gender Quality
maintains that ensuring healthy lives, promoting well-being,
ending hunger and food insecurity, and achieving good • RA 9710 - Magna Carta of Women
nutrition for all at all ages are essential to the attainment of - A comprehensive women's human rights law that seeks to
sustainable development. eliminate discrimination through the recognition, protection,
• RA 11037 - Masustansyang Pagkain Para Sa Batang Pilipino Act fulfillment, in promotion of the rights of Filipino women,
- Section 4 - National Feeding Program - The National Feeding especially the belonging to the marginalized sectors of society.
Program, hereinafter referred to as the Program, is hereby
6. Clean Water and Sanitization
established to address undernutrition among Filipino children.
3. Good Health and Well-Being • RA 9275 - The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
- The State shall pursue a policy of economic growth in a man
• RA 11036 - Mental Health Act consistent with the protection, preservation and revival of the
- Section 2 - The state affirms the basic right of all Filipinos to qua of our fresh, brackish and marine waters. To achieve this
mental health as well as the fundamental rights of people who end, framework for sustainable development shall be pursued.
require mental health services.
7. Affordable and Clean Energy 10. Reduced Inequalities
• RA 9513 - Renewable Energy Act of 2008 • RA 10911 - Anti-Age Discrimination Act of 2016
- It aims to accelerate the exploration and development of - To guarantee equality and prohibit age discrimination in
renewable energy resources to achieve energy self-reliance, employment for all older persons.
through the adoption of sustainable energy development
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
• RA 8749 - Clean Air Act of 1999
8. Descent Work and Economic Growth
- Aims to formulate a holistic national program of air pollution
• RA 3466 - Emergency Employment Act of 1962 management and encourage cooperation and self-regulation
- It is hereby declared to be the continuing policy and among citizens and industries through market-based
responsibility of the State to utilize every possible means to instruments.
create maximum employment opportunities for all who are • RA 9003 - Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
able, willing and seeking to work but cannot find employment, - The law provides for a comprehensive ecological solid we
thus increasing mass purchasing power, developing income in management program by creating the necessary institution
rural areas, and stimulating economic activity in general. mechanism and incentives, appropriating funds, declaring cert
• RA 10771 - Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016 acts prohibited, and providing penalties.
- The State shall identify needed skills, develop training • RA 9512 - Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2009
programs, and train and certify workers for jobs in a range of - The state shall promote national awareness of the role of
industries that produce goods and render services for the nation resources in economic growth and the importance of
benefit of the environment, conserve natural resources for the environment conservation and ecological balance towards
future generation, and ensure the sustainable development of sustained nation development.
the country and its transition into a green economy.
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
• RA 9512 - Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2009
• RA 11293 - Philippine Innovation Act - The state shall promote national awareness of the role of
- To foster innovation in the country as a vital component of nation resources in economic growth and the importance of
national development and sustainable economic growth. environment conservation and ecological balance towards
• RA 10557 - Philippine Design Competitiveness Act of 2013 sustained nation development.
- It is the declared policy of the State to enhance the • RA 7394 - Consumer Act
competitiveness and innovation of Philippine products, create - To protect the consumers against hazards to health and safety, :
market-responsive design services, while advocating for against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts :
economic and environmental sustainability. The State shall practices.
also endeavor to promote an economy and society driven by
design and creativity responsive to our fast-changing times and 13. Climate Action
reflective of the Filipino culture and identity, while • RA 9729 - Climate Change Act 2009
concurrently advocating the protection of intellectual property - An Act mainstreaming climate change into government pol
rights to these ideas and innovations. formulation, establishing the framework strategy and program
climate change, creating for this purpose the Climate Chai 17. Partnerships for the Goals
Commission, and for other purposes.
• 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, Section 2, Article II
14. Life Below Water - The Philippines shall adopt the generally accepted principles
of international law as part of the law of the land and shall
• RA 9275 - The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
adhere to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom,
- The State shall pursue a policy of economic growth in a man
cooperation, and amity with all nations.
consistent with the protection, preservation and revival of the
qua of our fresh, brackish and marine waters. To achieve this **The Philippine government has passed laws that will help
end, framework for sustainable development shall be pursued. achieve these Sustainable Development Goals such as Magna
Carta for the Poor, Universal Health Care Law, and the Free
15. Life on Land
Tuition Law.
• RA 7586 - National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of
- An Act providing for the establishment and management of
national integrated protected areas system, defining its scope
and coverage, and for other purposes.
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

• RA 4864 - Police Act of 1966

- Section 7 - All members of the police agency shall be officers.
It shall be their duty to preserve peace and order; prevent the
commission of crimes; protect life, liberty and property; and
arrest all violators of laws and ordinances within their
jurisdiction. They shall exercise the general powers to make
arrest, searches and seizures in accordance with law.
• RA 9851 - Philippine Act on Crimes Against International
Humanitarian Law, Genocide, and Other Crimes Against
- The State shall guarantee persons suspected or accused of
having committed grave crimes under international law all
rights necessary to ensure that their trial will be fair and
prompt in strict accordance with national and international law
and standards for fair trial, It shall also protect victims,
witnesses and their families, and provide appropriate redress to
victims and their families, It shall ensure that the legal systems
in place provide accessible and gender-sensitive avenues of
redress for victims of armed conflict.

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